Lunch Talks

The Transfers
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Yoona twisted around in her seat, twirling a strand of her brown hair between her fingers before rolling her eyes at Sooyoung. "You ask too many questions,"

The other frowned and looked over her friend's shoulder to see what the teacher had written on the board before writing it down on her own paper. 

"You don't ask enough questions," she looked up. "This sounds like a bad idea,"

"I don't see how, look I would just call it an experiment,"

Sooyoung opened to say something else but was interrupted when their teacher, Mr. Jung cleared his throat loudly and shot a glare to both of the girls in the back of the classroom. 

"Yah! Unless both of you want to spend the rest of the class period in detention, I suggest you save the talking for after class,"

A few people in the classroom giggled and side eyed the two friends, while Sooyoung's desk mate shook her head.

Yoona rolled her eyes and twisted back around in her seat while Sooyoung flushed red and hesitantly looked up at Mr. Jung who casted her a glance before going back to instruct the rest of the class.

The rest of the period drowned on with Mr. Jung's lecture over limits and differential equations before the bell was ringing loud and clear and people were grabbing their bookbags and shoving their notebooks and pencils inside. 

"You have homework tonight, don't forget to read chapters one through three and solve the problems at the end. I want them the first thing tomorrow morning on my desk,"

The class voiced their response with a monotone ne and Sooyoung picked her things up before waiting for Yoona so they could leave together. 

As they were shuffling out of the door with the other students, Mr. Jung snapped his fingers at both of them and both girls stopped walking as he waved his ruler at them. 

"I expect the talking between you two to stop next time I'm in the middle of lecturing,"

"Sorry Mr. Jung, won't happen again," Yoona smiled sweetly before bowing while Sooyoung nodded her head and only bowed slightly. 

'Won't happen again," she said quietly. 

Their teacher studied their expressions for a moment before sighing and waving his hand at them. "Arasso, just go already,"

Yoona turned around on her heels and wrapped a hand around Sooyoung's wrist to pull her out of the classroom while the latter caught their teacher's intense gaze before the door was slammed shut behind them.

"God I hate him," Yoona groaned while they walked towards the lockers at the end of the hall. "I expect the talking between you two to stop," she mimicked his voice.

"He's always on our case," she clicked her tongue.

"I know," Sooyoung nodded her head in agreement.

They walked the rest of the way until they came in contact with the metal lockers painted in acrylic blue that was supposed to match the school's enblem that was stitched into everyone's sweater.

They opened their lockers and pulled a few things out as well as stuffed some things back inside before they could hear someone hollering to them in the crowded hallway.

"Yah Yoona!"

Said girl turned and smiled when she caught sight of her other friend, Wendy walking with her arm linked with Hyoyeon's.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" Sooyoung chuckled.

"Yeah like the whole school can't hear you," Yoona said and shoved her friend playfully when she got close enough.

"Well excuse me," she flipped a lock of hair over her shoulder. "If I happen to like making a presence,"

"She's just full of herself because Bambam said her hair was really nice today," Hyoyeon rolled her eyes.

The other girls giggled while Wendy pouted at them and Sooyoung couldn't help but ruffle the maknae's hair. "Why won't you just tell him that you like him already?"

"I don't like him!" she hissed, her previous confident demanor dissapearing in the face of embarrassment. "He's just really sweet,"

Yoona slammed her locker close and Sooyoung put her backpack over her shoulder while the group walked off into the direction of the cafeteria. "I think you're just leading him on," Yoona mumbled.

"I'm not,"

"You are kind of flirty with him, for someone who doesn't even like him," Sooyoung added.

They went through the doors, pushing them open before being greeted by hundreds of students crowding at tables and waiting in line with trays of food over the loud talking of everyone having a conversation.

Hyoyeon immediately unlinked her arm to run off to their usual table where Daya was sitting and scrolling through her phone while the other girls went to get lunch. "I'm just waiting on Donghyuk," Wendy said under her breath.

Yoona let out a gust of air and raised her eyebrows at the other girl. "Waiting for what? Until he confesses to you so you can drop Bambam?"

Wendy didn't say anything but her silence was enough as she grabbed a silver tray and got in line for tacos.


 Smooth vocals filled the empty auditorium, a soft voice hitting each and every note as the person's eyes focused on the empty seats before him as the piano music carried on behind him. When the chorus of the song came, he lifted his hand while his eyes closed shut in order to hit the specific high note and was pleased when it came out the way he wanted it. 

He carried on singing, keeping up with the tempo and the beat until he could feel the end of the song nearing and gave

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Chapter 12: nah, i think the final will be bts against ikon. xD hmmmm. what should i comment huh? a aaahhhh, nothing much happened tho. but haneul and youngjae's relationship, idk what to say about this two, but i hope to see something happen in the next chapter. hahahaha. AND YES YES YES I'VE WATCHED BOTH MV OF LOSER AND BAE BAE ASDFGHJKLI LOVE IT THO Xd
Chapter 10: aaaaahhhh. too early to give up hoseok-ah. aishhh
Chapter 8: ahhhh. that yoona . tsk i hate how clingy and obssesed and annoying she is. ewwwwwww you're making it fun actually well except for yoona's part hahaha just kidding but yeah, pls update soon xD
Kalinamoon #4
Chapter 5: Seriously Mi Hi? Mark and then Jhope?? Ugh my 2 biases xD
mainbaebts #5
SUBSCRIBED! reading this after class o u o