
The Transfers
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The group of seven boys walked down the empty street light lit side walk towards a hustling club.

"Are you sure we can get in?" asked Jungkook as he looked towards his hyungs. "Not with that kind of attitude," retorted Namjoon

Jungkook simply sighed as he followed his hyungs along. "Why are we even here? I thought we were meeting at his house," asked Jimin

"Well change of plans,"

They walked along and went into the long line of people waiting to go inside the busy club.

"What about our IDs?" whispered Jungkook. "Shhh keep quiet. I bet Namjoon has this all covered," Yoongi said

Once it was their turn the bouncer stopped them and eyed them. "IDs," he said with a deep voice.

Namjoon went up to him and said something only he could hear. The bouncer nodded and let them through. "Don't cause trouble," he said before turning back towards the crowd.

"Wow that was close," breathed the young on. "I told you," smirked Yoongi

They walked past the bars and went straight up the stairs to the private lounges.

"Over here," someone said lifting up his hand.

They walked over to the man and stood in front of him. "Ahh... boys. Sorry about that sudden change of location. I don't want people to think suspcious things you know," he smirked as he took a sip of his whiskey.

"Sit boys sit," he said pointing to the empty seats around him. They quickly scooted into the booths and waited for him to talk.

"Hmm so how's school for you all? Is my money being used wisely?"

"It's going great actually. Of course you're money is used wisely," replied Namjoon

"That school needed my help. Without me they wouldn't have half the nice things they have," he chuckled as he took another sip.

They all nodded their heads nervously as some of them gulped.

He simply smirked as he took another sip of his whiskey and eyed them amused. "Namjoon... I need you to do me a favor," he said as he placed the glass down genlty onto the table.


"You know how I got all seven of you into the really prestigious school with my money right? Well since I have a fight club I want you guys to participate. I mean you are my nephew. And as a nephew... I believe you should do what I say," he smirked.

Namjoon was taken back because his uncle never brought up the fact that they were related. "Well I mean... I guess. What do you guys think?" he turned to his friends.

"If you want us to... then we don't really have a choice," answered Jin

Mr. Jeung nodded his head in approval. "That's what I like to hear. Come now... let get this fight started," He smirked as he stood up.

The seven boys stood up quickly as they looked at each other nervously. They didn't know what they just got themselves into.


Words could not describe how angry Youngjae was. He didn't know how he should approach his girlfriend. He felt betrayed. How could she? He knew that he shouldn't question her so much. They've been together for so long for someone like Suga to come between them. He sighed heavily as he walked down the hallway towards his class.

But what he didn't understand was how Yoona, of all people, knew about this. How was she able to get these pictures? Last time he checked Yoona was allergic to the library. Someone else had to send those pictures to her. It had to be.

When he had received those pictures last night he was really taken back. He was so shocked that he couldn't sleep the whole night. He knew that it was after he left her. But he had to give her the benefit of the doubt. He doubted that she had planned to met up with Suga in the library because she was working so hard on her essay.

He sighed again as he walked inside of the classroom. He looked over to Suga's normal seat and he wasn't there yet. Typical.

Youngjae sat his things down by his desk and sat down with a slump. He put his head on the cold desk and closed his eyes. He was tired but the thought of Haneul being with Suga that close only kept him up and fueled his rage even more.

He really wanted to talk to Haneul about it. He was so close in calling her last time but by the time he would call her she would have probably been fast asleep. He would just talk to her about it during passing period or at lunch.

The bell rung indicating that the students should be in class and the ones that weren't, were late. The teacher came in and set her stuff down on the podium. She started to call roll.

"Choi Young Jae," she called. "Here," he said

She went down the list as per usual. "Min Yoon Gi," There was no reply. Youngjae looked over and realized that he wasn't there.

Hmm maybe he realized he messed up big time.

"Min Yoon Gi," she called once more. "Has anyone seen him?"

Everyone shook their head. The girls started whispering but Mrs. Lee quickly quieted them down.

She then moved on and when she was about to start the lesson the back door slammed open and in walked Suga with his head down. His long hair covering his face.

"Min Yoon Gi you're late. What's your excuse?" Mrs. Lee said putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't worry about it," he said not even lifting his head up as he limped to towards his desk and sat down. He groaned slightly as he set his stuff down.

"Excuse me? Look at me," she demanded. "No,"

"Min Yoon Gi. Look. At. Me when you talk," she said.

Suga lifted his

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Chapter 12: nah, i think the final will be bts against ikon. xD hmmmm. what should i comment huh? a aaahhhh, nothing much happened tho. but haneul and youngjae's relationship, idk what to say about this two, but i hope to see something happen in the next chapter. hahahaha. AND YES YES YES I'VE WATCHED BOTH MV OF LOSER AND BAE BAE ASDFGHJKLI LOVE IT THO Xd
Chapter 10: aaaaahhhh. too early to give up hoseok-ah. aishhh
Chapter 8: ahhhh. that yoona . tsk i hate how clingy and obssesed and annoying she is. ewwwwwww you're making it fun actually well except for yoona's part hahaha just kidding but yeah, pls update soon xD
Kalinamoon #4
Chapter 5: Seriously Mi Hi? Mark and then Jhope?? Ugh my 2 biases xD
mainbaebts #5
SUBSCRIBED! reading this after class o u o