Round One

The Transfers
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Haneul's POV

Youngjae was still acting weird around me. 

I thought by the time we talked it over and I explained to him what that whole library situation was about, he would have gotten over it at some point but he was acting stiff and nonchalant by the time I came to visit him in the studio. 

And to be honest, it was really starting to upset me now. I'll admit it that I probably should have told him something beforehand but it wasn't like I was there to meet Suga and was waiting until Youngjae left so we could be together. 

I didn't need to explain myself and I didn't need to explain that picture, it was nothing more and nothing less, like I had said at lunch.

Considering all the guys that were constantly around me on a daily basis, I don't even know why Youngjae had any reason to be upset, it wasn't like I was in love with Suga or anything. We were just friends and Youngjae should have realized where my loyalties laid by now.

Still, it didn't mean it hurt any less when I walked into the room and he only casted me a glance before grabbing his water bottle and moved across the stage to start warming up. 

I sighed and adjusted my bookbag over my shoulder before walking down to the front and grabbing one of the seats that had a direct view of the stage. When I put my things down and pulled out my phone, I looked through my messages and there was only one from Kris. 

To: Haneul 

Stupid dance battle, why are we even doing this?! Ugh >_< I have better things to be doing as an honorable President of this school. Why do they have to make such a big deal about everything here?

We already know who is going to win /(-_-)/


I almost laughed at the message if it wasn't for the sour mood I was in, so I reminded myself to reply back to him later and slid my phone back into the front pocket of my jeans. As I did so, I glanced back up to the front and caught Youngjae staring at me with this blank look in his eyes before taking another swig of his water bottle and starting his piece.

It was awkward to say the least, very awkward. Usually whenever I had came down to watch, it would be light teasing, serious business, helpful critique, some more serious business and then playing around.

But up there, there were no smiles, he just sang and continued to stare forward out into the empty auditorium. It was like he was completely disregarding the fact that I was even there. For him, to see him and watch him sing.

When he finished the chorus and stopped for a minute, I smiled his way and held up my thumb but he only half grinned and turned back to the short boy with glasses that was currently in charge of the music.

No, "thank you jagiya","are you sure it was good?"or "you really liked it?"


All because of some stupid photos that somehow Yoona had gotten a hold of and sent to him. How she had managed to do that? I had no clue and the words that Mark said from lunch earlier came ringing back in my ears.

"She just did the favor to send them to you. I bet it was one of her minions," 

It bugged me to think that someone had been watching me and even went as far to send it to Youngjae. What were they hoping to get out of this? Was this some sort of weird revenge thing?

I glanced back up at Youngjae and he was flipping through the sheet music on the stand before taking a deep breath and beginning to sing again. He didn't look my way and somehow I thought, was this what they wanted? For Youngjae to be mad at me?

Because if that was the answer, then they were getting it.

I stood up after a few seconds and grabbed my things, swinging my bag over my shoulder before leaving the auditorium. I tried to keep my emotions in check and just give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just overreacting and blowing this out of proportion.

By the end of the day he would eventually calm down and come to his senses.

Or at least I hope he did.

The halls were relatively empty and I went out through the side doors that lead to the blacktop outside before taking a seat on the curb. I set my things down and pulled my knees up to my chest so I could rest my head on top and sigh loudly.

This entire situation and the stupidity of it all was really starting to give me a headache and I closed my eyes, content on blocking out the rest of the world when I heard footsteps beside me.


I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widened before I yelped and jumped to my feet at the sight.

Suga's own eyes widened at my reaction and he stopped in his tracks as I put a hand to my chest and tried to catch my breath. "S-Sorry, I'm sorry I scared you," he said quietly.

I swallowed loudly and his right eye flickered over at me before he was looking down at his feet and I quickly composed myself again before stepping forward. "It's okay. What happened to you?"

He didn't say anything, I kind of didn't expect him to though but continued to walk forward anyway until I was reaching out to grasp his arm which caused him to flinch.


"Don't be, it's not your fault that I got myself into this,"

I wanted to ask him he meant by that, what he had got himself into actually and who had done this to them but I chose to bite my tongue instead of being lead by curiosity.

"Just let me see," I moved my hands to the side of his face. "Please,"

He continued to look down at his feet, his hands clenching into fists at the seam of his slacks and didn't budge until I lifted his head up. The damage was clear as day, and it had been done.

His lip was busted and split on the bottom, his left eye black and swollen around the rim almost to the point where he could barely open it. There were other numerous scratches and brusises on his face and it was apparent that he was still very much in pain just from the looks of it. I traced over the bruises lightly with the edge of my fingertips, ghosting over the surface and careful not to touch them as he breathed out slowly.

My heart hurt for him and I wanted to do everything for him not to be hurt like this, for him to not have to go

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Chapter 12: nah, i think the final will be bts against ikon. xD hmmmm. what should i comment huh? a aaahhhh, nothing much happened tho. but haneul and youngjae's relationship, idk what to say about this two, but i hope to see something happen in the next chapter. hahahaha. AND YES YES YES I'VE WATCHED BOTH MV OF LOSER AND BAE BAE ASDFGHJKLI LOVE IT THO Xd
Chapter 10: aaaaahhhh. too early to give up hoseok-ah. aishhh
Chapter 8: ahhhh. that yoona . tsk i hate how clingy and obssesed and annoying she is. ewwwwwww you're making it fun actually well except for yoona's part hahaha just kidding but yeah, pls update soon xD
Kalinamoon #4
Chapter 5: Seriously Mi Hi? Mark and then Jhope?? Ugh my 2 biases xD
mainbaebts #5
SUBSCRIBED! reading this after class o u o