Listen to Me

The Transfers
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Youngjae's POV

I took a deep breath after we finished our number, my chest rising up and down steadily as I wiped the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand before turning around to the rest of my friends. Jaebum took his cap off and fanned himself with it while Kris walked out to the middle of the gym and tried to calm the hollering student body down.

"Hyung!" Bambam clapped me on the shoulder. His face was slicked with sweat and his bangs were sticking up from him pushing it back but he was happy as he took a few deep breaths. "Think we won it?"

I shrugged and couldn't help but to contain my enthusiam. My heart was racing inside of my chest and my skin was tingling with so much excitement that I couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of my lips. Immediately, I turned the other way and didn't stop looking until I caught Haneul's face. She seemed to be staring somewhere else but as soon as she caught my gaze, she sent me a small smile and hesitated before lifting her hand in a small wave.

I exhaled in relief and waved back eagerly before her smile was widening and I could see her cheeks from afar growing red. Aigoo if only she--

"Alright guys, it seems that we may have a winner!" Kris shouted into the microphone. The gymnasium erupted into shouts and hollering, with the screaming of girls and guys and the chanting of group names. 

I tried to crane my neck to see if I could see Hanuel, but people had started standing up in the bleachers and Jackson hooked an arm around my neck before pulling me forward.


Suga's POV

Look this way.

Look this way.

Please...just once...

I shook my fringe out of my eyes and exhaled loudly through my nose as I moved past Hoseok and Jungkook who were giddy with excitement. Namjoon had grabbed my wrist, to make sure I didn't wander off but I just wanted her to see me. I don't know why...maybe just to know that she had watched me, even if her boyfriend was competing against me.

To know that I had done well, that she was impressed with my dancing and the way I had danced for her. I my bottom lip and as sweat ran down the side of my face, she looked over and I swore my breath had gotten caught in my throat. I actually had to breathe through my nose and remember to bite down on my tongue so I wouldn't black out. Not in front of all these people, at school, and especially in front of Haneul.

But then she did something... sh-she smiled at me. Her cheeks lifted up and her eyes dissapeared and her teeth were so white. A little crooked at the bottom but they were so white and the prettiest smile I had ever seen. She lifted her hand up and gave me a thumbs up and mouthed a, 'fighting,' that would have motivated me to do anything.

I knew it was wrong, I knew I had no chance and I was just torturing myself with this one-sided whatever it was but I couldn't help the smile I gave back to her. My shoulders slumped forward and I exhaled in relief before I was bowing, just a short curt nod for her. None of the screaming mattered, that all muted itself. None of my friends could be noticed, I didn't care for the other groups or the competition anymore. 

All I could care about for that moment was...


30 Minutes Later

"NO WAY!!!! NO WAY!!"

Hanbin lifted up the makeshift trophy that Kris had given to them upon winning and the rest of his friends cheered beside him and each grabbed a part of the trophy to hold while people took photos of them. The competiton had been close, so close that Kris was actually going to call a tie but by a unanimous vote, iKon had beat The Transfers out. 

Jin wiped the seat from his neck with a towel that someone had gave him and he proceeded to do the same to Jungkook until the maknae whined that he wasn't a baby and Jin just rolled his eyes. Jimin was pouting, muttering to Hoseok how he didn't see why they didn't win but the guys still maintained their respect and shook hands with iKon afterwards. The gym floor was swarmed with students, people wanting to congratulate the winners and talk to the other groups. 

For a minute it seemed like they were idols, with all the people gushing over them and asking for pictures and I guess it seemed appropiate in their school. After shaking hands and greeting the other groups, the crowds started to disperse and people started filing out of the gym noisely one behind the other.

Hanuel stepped down from the bleachers and tried to crane her neck to look for Youngjae but Mi Hi was yelling about seeing them go out the other way and could barely get another word out before she was being dragged the opposite way and out some doors that led to a different area of the school.

J-Hope spared himself a glance to where he had seen Mi Hi last and let out a deep breath when the same spot was empty. He turned around the other way and nudged Yoongi to follow who had the same sullen expression.


Later that Day

"We have to celebrate!"

The entire group of friends walked down the crowded sidewalk just as the sun set with their backpacks on and Junhoe holding the trophy happily in his hands while he walked slightly ahead with Chanwoo whinning at him. 

"Hyung let me hold it, you've had it all day~"

"You can hold it later," he waved him off.

Chanwoo huffed and turned around to find Jinhwan who would usually always console him. Bambam and Jackson were talking to each other while Jr. and a few others were passing a phone around to talk about something and Bobby who kept bugging Mi-Hi to help him get this girls number in gym class.

"Where should we go eat? Chicken? Pizza?"

"Steak?" Yugyeom stuck his head up.

"Do you have money for steak for all us?" Jaebum raised his eyebrow.

The maknae opened his mouth but shut it just as quickly and frowned to himself while Mark laughed. "What about the little restaurant down the street with the noodles?"

The entire group of friends stopped walking and Donghyuk ran right into Bambam and Yugyeom before he was apologizing and turning back to look at Mark. 

"Sounds good,"

"Yeah I agree,"

"I'm all for noodles,"

"Hyung buy me kimbap too," Hanbin said. "Losers are paying,"

All of Got7 groaned while Bambam and Yugyeom both looked at Mark and JB, "hyungs pay,"

"Yah! That's not even fair-!" Jaebum started to say until Youngjae elbowed him in the side and just shook his head. "Don't try to fight it, you never win anyways,"

The dark haired boy huffed and Jr. laughed to himself before the entire group continued walking to the restaurant and at some point Youngjae reached over for Haneul's hand- catching her by surprise and causing her to look up at him in shock.


A Week Later

"Are you almost ready?" my mom peeked her head through the door.

I turned around from putting my earrings on in front of the mirror and nodded at her as she opened the door wider.

"That's good," she smiled warmly. "You look beautiful,"

"Thanks mom, you don't think I'm undressed do you?"

"What, no way. You know how these things are, everyone will probably be in designer clothes I can't even pronounce- you look fine, better than fine,"

"Okay thanks," I chuckled.

My mom ga

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Chapter 12: nah, i think the final will be bts against ikon. xD hmmmm. what should i comment huh? a aaahhhh, nothing much happened tho. but haneul and youngjae's relationship, idk what to say about this two, but i hope to see something happen in the next chapter. hahahaha. AND YES YES YES I'VE WATCHED BOTH MV OF LOSER AND BAE BAE ASDFGHJKLI LOVE IT THO Xd
Chapter 10: aaaaahhhh. too early to give up hoseok-ah. aishhh
Chapter 8: ahhhh. that yoona . tsk i hate how clingy and obssesed and annoying she is. ewwwwwww you're making it fun actually well except for yoona's part hahaha just kidding but yeah, pls update soon xD
Kalinamoon #4
Chapter 5: Seriously Mi Hi? Mark and then Jhope?? Ugh my 2 biases xD
mainbaebts #5
SUBSCRIBED! reading this after class o u o