Where We Went

The Transfers
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"I'm sorry what?"

"I said that-"

"No no no," I shook my head. "I mean I heard you. I heard that part but...are you serious?" I raised my eyebrow at Mi Hi. 

"Yeah," she nodded. "He told me that they fight at this club for Namjoon's uncle since he's the one that got them into the academy. His uncle is like loaded or something,"

"Namjoon's uncle is rich so he makes them fight at a club? What's the point of that?"

"Maybe that's where he get's all his money from," Mi Hi shrugged. 

I turned away from her and fell back on the bed while staring up at the cieling. The fan continued to spin around above us but it seemed like my thoughts had completely drifted somehwere else. A fighting club? So that means...


The Next Day

"Ughhh please don't do anything," Mi Hi complained as she leaned back against my locker.

I slammed it shut and adjusted the backpack on my shoulder before sighing. "I don't know what you mean,"

"You know exactly what I mean. You have that same look on your face when you're about to do something,"

As we started walking down the hall, I was just about to say something when Bambam ran up behind us and looped his skinny arms around our necks. "Hey guys!" he smiled widely. 

"What's up with you?" Mi Hi shrugged him off. "And do you have to be so loud early in the morning?"

"Do you have to be so ugly?" he shot back at her.

I snorted but held back my laugh when Mi Hi glared at me and she almost elbowed Bambam in the ribs but he moved away too quickly with a laugh. 

"I'm just kidding! Why do you have to be so violent?" he laughed and ran around us so he was walking backwards.

"Why do you have to be so violent?" Mi Hi mocked him. "You're so annoying," she rolled her eyes.

Bambam laughed loudly and made a heart with his hands toward her. "Saranghaeyo!"

"Are you two done flirting or should I give you some more time alone?" I snickered.

Mi Hi slapped my arm and Bambam gagged before tripping over his own feet and stumbling back on a pair of freshman girls who yelped and pushed him away.

"Sorry!" he said with a red face.

Mi Hi and I both started laughing before he ran back up to us and frowned. "Don't laugh!"

"How can we not?"

We made it to the end of the stairwell and Bambam glared at us before dashing off to his homeroom class at the end of the hall. Mi Hi gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that, I'm not going to do anything,"

"Are you sure?" She said wearily.


She pursed her lips at me before sighing and pulled her pencil out of her pocket. "Okay whatever, I'll see you at lunch?"

I nodded and we said our goodbyes before I was walking upstairs to my class. I still couldn't get our conversation out of my head last night and I guess it did make sense but at the same time why would you have teenagers doing something like that? I was so clouded by my thoughts that I didn't even see the door infront of me and walked right into it, smacking my face against the wood.

"Damn it!" I groaned underneath my breath and rubbed my forehead.

I gritted my teeth together before pulling the door open and frowning as I walked the rest of the way toward my class.


Yoongi's POV

I winced slightly while applying the band-aid to the side of my face and I tried to surpress the urge to flinch but the pain was almost unbearable. After tossing away the wrapper from the band-aid, I leaned over the sink and washed my hands before looking back up into the mirror and studied my face. 

There was only so much that band-aids and ointment could cover up, it was still red and swollen in some parts and looked like it wasn't going to heal up any time soon. I sighed and lightly touched my fingertips to the side of my face before groaning and reached down for my backpack on the floor. 

The bell for homeroom had already rung some time ago and I knew if I went to class now I would only get in even more trouble than I was already in and have to face the rest of the classroom, who already wouldn't stop talking about me. The more I thought of that- the more unappealing the idea of going to class sounded in my head. 

" it," I muttered underneath my breath.

I adjusted my bookbag over my shoulder and walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by empty hallways and the sound of students inside their own classrooms. I didn't even know if the other guys had went to their own classrooms but it seemed silly to try to get them to ditch with me because I knew they wouldn't.

I settled for walking towards the opposite staircase that lead towards the roof of the school and tried to walk as quickly as I could in case a teacher stopped me and ordered me back to class.


Mark's POV

Sweat dripped down my face and I held onto the towel around my neck before lifting it up to wipe away at my face. I followed the rest of the guys to the locker room and smiled when I caught one of my friends jumping up and down eagerly because practice was over. I was tired as well, the back of my legs were sore and my stomach was grumbling so I would have jumped up too.

As everyone filed in, guys started pulling their clothes off and wrapping towels around themselves to head to the showers while others goofed off and ran around the locker room or sat around in groups to look at things on their phones. Just as I was about to shed my shirt, the coach popped his head back in and whistled at me before waving his hand.

"Tuan I need to see you for a minute,"

"Why?" I whined loudly. He rolled his eyes at me and I went over begrudingly, my shoulders slumped as he clapped me on the back and laughed.

"Cheer up. I wanted your opinion on next year's roster. Help me?"

"Coach," I sighed and sent him a sideways glance. "This couldn't have wait until later? I'm so tired and hu-"

"Aish," he rubbed my shoulder, "Just relax it's only gonna take a couple minutes, afterwards I'll let you get back to whatever you need to do."

I let out a deep sigh and couldn't help but frown as I followed him to his office.


The walk to the parking lot was a lot shorter since I parked closer to the gym this time. I unlocked my door and threw my things inside before sliding into the driver's side and starting the engine. My muscles were starting to burn and I made a note to remind myself to put ice on it when I got home. The radio was playing some sad song and I turned the volume down just as the passenger door flew open and I yelped as Yoona jumped into the seat.


Yoona flinched back against the seat before smiling at me but I still needed to get control of my heart and I laid a hand against my chest before taking a deep breath. "What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Get out of my car!"

"But I have something that I need-"

"Whatever it is, no"

"You haven't heard what it is!" she tried to pout cutely but I just furrowed my eyebrows.

"What then?" I rolled my eyes.

She bit down on her bottom lip and messed with her hands in her lap for a second before looking back up at me. I had never seen her this quiet before and it was honestly creepy and making me a little bit anxious. I swallowed loudly as she kept staring at me before opening .

"Why do you like Mi Hi so much? I just want to know what she has that makes her so special?"

I clicked my teeth together and leaned over to open the passenger door for her but she grabbed my arm and frowned at me. "It's just a question! That's the least you could do for me,"

I stared back at her and her eyes held mine until I groaned and pulled back, shutting the engine off as I turned to face her fully. "Okay, fine fine! I mean- I don't know what to say though. She is everything I could ask for, she is smart, confident, outgoing, crazy and just really the whole package, Yoona,"

"When I'm with her, I can't explain it but I feel different and excited. Happy, like I want to know what she's doing and I want to know if she ever needs help I guess," I shrugged.

My eyes scan over her face and I feel myself blush slightly at the way I've talked but I'm not embarrassed really, just unaware that I could even convey those thoughts exactly to someone else. Yoona doesn't really say anything, she just stares down at her lap and I feel so awkward that I start tapping my fingers against the steering wheel but that won't solve anything.

I don't know how long we sit in the car but eventually the sun starts to set slowly and I almost want to ask her if she wants me to drop her off at her house or something until I hear her chuckle quietly.

"You talk like you're in love,"

"I am," I say without hesitation.

"What would you do if Mi Hi wasn't your girlfriend though? If she didn't want to be with you?"

"It would hurt, it would hurt like hell honestly." The needle for the gas tank is nearing E and I sigh to myself while glancing over at her. "I would get over it eventually, I want her to do what she wants and if not for me then with someone else,"

"Would you date me if she wasn't in the picture?"

I frown hard at that and shove her gently as she tries to hit me back. It feels weird to even answer that and I don't know whether or not I would, honestly Yoona is just not my type or the person that I remember growing up with. She was nice when we were younger, always helping others and voluntering to do the things that others didn't want. She was bright and always fun to be around but something changed in her once the summer before high school started. Eventually we did nothing but drift apart, I went my way and she went hers and I haven't had contact with her since. 

"You were like a little sister to me when we were younger and then," I shrugged. "You just changed and I moved on,"

"Changed for the better," she murmurs.

"Is that what you really think?" I scoff. I stare up and down at her but I don't honestly see where she thinks that better has taken her.

She doesn't say anything and I look down at my lap before deciding that it's getting late and I should really be heading home so my family doesn't get worried.

"Look I have to go-"

"You still didn't answer me though!"

Her voice is higher than usual and she frowns before shaking her head. "I'm sorry okay? I just--I just really want to know. Just anwer me that. Would you Mark?"

I run a hand through my hair and shake my head as her face falls right before me. Her eyes shift downward and I feel bad but at the same time I don't want to lead her on when there's nothing there. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

"It's okay," she mutters. Her hair falls down to cover her face and create a curtain between us and her shoulders begin to move slightly like she's crying but when I try to reach forward to touch her shou

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Chapter 12: nah, i think the final will be bts against ikon. xD hmmmm. what should i comment huh? a aaahhhh, nothing much happened tho. but haneul and youngjae's relationship, idk what to say about this two, but i hope to see something happen in the next chapter. hahahaha. AND YES YES YES I'VE WATCHED BOTH MV OF LOSER AND BAE BAE ASDFGHJKLI LOVE IT THO Xd
Chapter 10: aaaaahhhh. too early to give up hoseok-ah. aishhh
Chapter 8: ahhhh. that yoona . tsk i hate how clingy and obssesed and annoying she is. ewwwwwww you're making it fun actually well except for yoona's part hahaha just kidding but yeah, pls update soon xD
Kalinamoon #4
Chapter 5: Seriously Mi Hi? Mark and then Jhope?? Ugh my 2 biases xD
mainbaebts #5
SUBSCRIBED! reading this after class o u o