chapter 22

Be mine. I love you, okay?

Four weeks had passed since then, their relationship growing closer each day passed. Their friendship growing stronger through thick and thin. They prepared so much for the upcoming performance. Their first invasion. They proudly called themselves Infinite.

"I'm hungry," Woohyun said as they were playing around at the playground near Hoya's house, "shall we order something to eat?"


"Shall we order chicken?"

"Chicken!" Sungjong bleamed as he happily played with L's shirt. L remembered how shy he was when he had to tell Sungjong about the diary.


"L-hyung, your mom's cooking is the best!" Sungjong uttered opening his hands wide in the air. L chuckled at his cuteness. Sungjong was the only one who hadn't gone home that day. He anticipated to go home to read the rest of the diary pages.

They were standing under a station waiting for the last bus to come. L kept staring at Sungjong's bag where he saw his diary last Friday. It was Sunday night and tomorrow was another day of school.

"L hyung, why are you so quiet today?"

L looked at him, sighed and answered, "About the-"

He was cut off when his phone rang.


"L-ah i'll be sleeping first, i'm tired. Make sure you send Sungjong safe to the bus stop and don't forget to lock up later," his mom said through the phone.

"Ne umma."

"Wae?" Sungjong asked. The bus came roaring just in time when L was about to say something, "Ah! Tell me tomorrow, jalga!"

"Wait Sungjong! T-the red diary..It's mine.."

Sungjong looked at him in disbelief but slowly made his way to the bus. The door closed, leaving them staring at each other, not making any sound or movement. Sungjong stared at him until he become smaller and smaller and disappeared from his sight as the bus drove away.

Sungjong dragged his feet to his house and sighed before entering. He went straight to his room and dropped to his bed. He stared at his bag for a good minute before taking the book out. This is L's diary. I've been reading his diary all along, he thought. Without him noticing, he had already turned to the page he left and started reading again.

He found it interesting when he read about how L first met Sunggyu. Nosebleed. He laughed when he pictured L in his head. But on the other hand, it hurts when L said Sunggyu was sweet. He continued reading, the first time they met, and he was mad at him. His heart skipped a beat when he read that L said he was pretty. So, the pretty part Sungyeol said at the cafeteria was real. And then he read about the day he ran into L at the stairs and cried in his arms. He said that I remind him of his childhood crush, but how am I gonna know how his crush look like or what his name is, Sungjong thought. L had never written it down in his diary.

He turned to the next page, only to find that it's empty. Sungjong had finished reading the the book. He sighed and lied on his bed as sleep slowly took over him.

Sungjong went to school the next day, diary clutched in his hands. He stood in front of class 2A and inhaled deeply before knocking on the door.

Nobody answered so Sungjong came in. He scanned the room before his eyes landed on a sleeping figure. He walked step by step, his heart beating faster at each step he took. Sunggyu eyed him until he stood in front of L's desk. All the student's attention went to them and the room was quiet. Sungjong placed the book on L's desk and cleared his throat. L's head shot up as he rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the red book on his table before looking up at Sungjong.

"What's L?"

"My name?"

"I want your real name," Sungjong stated. L felt uneasy.

"Wae?" L said and glared at him.

Dongwoo came to his seat, ipod played on full blast as he bobbed his head to the rythm no one else could hear, "Annyeong Myungsoo-ah!"

Sungjong's eyes widened as L's heart clenched and glared at his loud cousin, Dongwoo. "Fine, fine, hi L," Dongwoo said as he rose his hands in defeat.

A smile crept on Sungjong's face and he held his hand out, "Nice to meet you again, Kim Myungsoo."


"Chicken's good," Woohyun said.

"You'll grow fat," Sunggyu teased and slung his arms around Woohyun.

"Hyung, you have some money on you, don't you," Hoya rose his eyebrow and smirked.

"Sunggyu hyung, chicken!" L shot and everyone burst into laughter.

"Aren't we all starving?" Woohyun whined and tugged on Sunggyu's shirt.

"Order 4 since there are 7 of us, at least 4," Hoya said.

"Who's paying?"

"Hyung is."



"Leader, leader," L said said. He then remembered the funny expression Sunggyu gave when they chose him as the leader for Infinite.


"Don't you think we need a leader?" Hoya asked as he slomped down to the practice room floor and sat next to Sungyeol and shared an ice cream.

"Yah Hoya, where did you get that ice cream?" Dongwoo asked. "

Yeah, but who?" Woohyun asked as he rose his head from the comic he and Sunggyu was reading. Sunggyu just stared at them with his sleepy eyes.

"Woohyun-ah~ I'm tired.. I want to sleep," Sunggyu whined and snuggled closer to Woohyun's lap, "I feel so old right now.."

"Sunggyu hyung." L stated.

"N-NEH?! Me?"


"Just order it for us."

"Don't we have to practice late into the night anyway."



"Yay!" Woohyun took out his phone and ordered. They waited quietly but in less than 5 minutes, it was noisy again.

"It's here! It's here!" Sunggyu smiled at his dongsaengs and went to the delivery man. They all stood up clapping and yelling chicken at the same time.

"Sunggyu hyung has turned nice, we can even eat chicken now," Hoya said.

"I'll eat well, hyung!" L said happily and got his chopstics ready.

"Don't you have anything to say now?" Woohyun asked Sunggyu.

"I do," he said while opening the chicken boxes, "Let's work hard so that we will succeed in the performance tomorrow."

"Yes! We'll eat well!"


A/n: Notice something familiar about the words they say? Haha! No?

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rhe3a_1891 #1
Chapter 27: !yeol to hoya ...
naznew #2
Chapter 27: Hahaha...just WooGyu still same.. This story no MyungYeol and YaDong.. just HoYeol and MyungJong/LJong.. Poor Dongwoo..haha
Chapter 27: O_O...yeol TOPPED HOYA!!!! OMFG!!! AFJLEFIWHFASNLK new reader...awww...wolfie is a loner..i mean..dongwoo...ehehehehe..*blushes* he looks like a wolf...hehehehe...
Dongwoo is alone >.< But woogyu is still ah... ~.~
I had fun reading this fic xD
Each couples' moments were great, too bad dongwoo is alone but still his happy self lol it would have been more fun if he had a lover, we would have maybe seen a different self of him :)
Thanks for writing this fic ^^
wah <3 That was so good :D<br />
I really felt my heart break when Woohyun couldn't remember Sunggyu anymore, but it all ended happily ;A;
Read this in one night!! I love it xDD<br />
lol all throughout this, I kept thinking "almost all the couples have pretty much already had … but woogyu haven't?!" then at the end akxniwnalxibwkskaljdjd <<333 hehehe~
jenkki #9
it ended T__T well this was reallygood fic I luvd it ^____^please write more Yadong's and woogyu's and myungyeol's ^^<br />
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