chapter 21

Be mine. I love you, okay?

"Dinner's ready kids!" L's mom chirped as she peeked through L's bedroom door. She entered the room and tapped on Sungjong's shoulder before she held his hands and dragged him down to the kitchen. L glared at his mother and then to their joined hands before the door closed.

"Someone's jealous~" Dongwoo whispered into L's ears. L turned and glared at him. He pouted and stomped out the door.

"EAT!" L's yell echoed down the hallway and everyone scurried to the kitchen.


"Wah daebak!" Sungyeol gasped when he took a bite of L's mom's cooking. Sungjong nodded enthusiastically.

"Ne umma, your cooking is daebak!" Woohyun smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"Haha, umma? Ne, gomawo~"

The dinner was silent then except for the continuous burping from Dongwoo and laughters from them all. Guess it wasn't silent afterall.


"So, about Infinite," L started when they all gathered in his bedroom floor, "I was thinking of us being a boygroup."

Hoya lightened at the idea.

"Ne! Ne!" sungjong chirped and tackled L into a hug. L fell backwards with Sungjong on top of him. Sungjong pulled back and smiled but stopped when he realised he was in front of L. On top of L. Inches apart from L. Not long after that, Sungjong felt his head being pushed down and his lips collided with L's, earning gasps from everyone.

Both their eyes widened at the sudden attack. Sungjong quickly pushed himself and rolled to the floor and lied there, panting next to L. L gulped, his hands still frozen at that spot. Sunggyu smiled at the scene and untangled from his sitting position and crawled on top of L.

"L! You got a kiss from Sungjong!" Sunggyu teased and rested his chin on his hands on L's chest. L blinked fast and looked at Sunggyu. Sunggyu smiled, his eyes disappearing into tiny crescent moons. L sighed, his heart beating faster than ever and pushed Sunggyu off. He sat up and turned to his right to see Sungjong. He was closing his eyes tight, tears visible on the side of his eyes.

"S-Sungjong-ah," Hoya quickly went to him and sat him up and hugged him. Sungjong smiled into the hug and pulled back.

"I got my first kiss,hyung," Sungjong said and glanced at L. Their eyes met and Sungjong looked back at Hoya.

"Ne, Sungjong-ah," Hoya said and ruffled his hair.

"Haha! Congratulations Sungjong-ah! You also got L's-"

"Yah!!" L ran to him and put his hands to cover Dongwoo's mouth. "Okay, what he meant was, lets start! Hoya, you're my hyung right? Ne! Hoya hyung! You start!"

Everyone repositioned themselves, and sat down leaning to the nearest wall. Hoya stood up to the middle of the room.

"Music, start."

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rhe3a_1891 #1
Chapter 27: !yeol to hoya ...
naznew #2
Chapter 27: Hahaha...just WooGyu still same.. This story no MyungYeol and YaDong.. just HoYeol and MyungJong/LJong.. Poor Dongwoo..haha
Chapter 27: O_O...yeol TOPPED HOYA!!!! OMFG!!! AFJLEFIWHFASNLK new reader...awww...wolfie is a loner..i mean..dongwoo...ehehehehe..*blushes* he looks like a wolf...hehehehe...
Dongwoo is alone >.< But woogyu is still ah... ~.~
I had fun reading this fic xD
Each couples' moments were great, too bad dongwoo is alone but still his happy self lol it would have been more fun if he had a lover, we would have maybe seen a different self of him :)
Thanks for writing this fic ^^
wah <3 That was so good :D<br />
I really felt my heart break when Woohyun couldn't remember Sunggyu anymore, but it all ended happily ;A;
Read this in one night!! I love it xDD<br />
lol all throughout this, I kept thinking "almost all the couples have pretty much already had … but woogyu haven't?!" then at the end akxniwnalxibwkskaljdjd <<333 hehehe~
jenkki #9
it ended T__T well this was reallygood fic I luvd it ^____^please write more Yadong's and woogyu's and myungyeol's ^^<br />
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