chapter 18

Be mine. I love you, okay?


"Ah, ne annyeonghaseyo i'm Nam Woohyun, nice to meet you all," Woohyun said and bowed to everyone, "the teacher asked me to go here, this is group 10 right?"

Sunggyu looked at him and felt a sharp pang in his heart. What does he mean? Why did he look like he didn't recognise him?

"Ne!" Sungyeol chirped, "since we're all here lets get started!"

"Slow down Sungyeol-ah, we haven't got our themes yet," L said.

All students went quiet when a teacher cleared through the microphone, "Okay, this year, one of our teachers organised a project purposely to help you all to know each other better and also to show off your talents. Each group is given a theme, different from others. I did mention that I would tell the theme at the end of yesterday's lesson, but I figured, this is better. I would like one representative from each group to take one paper from this box," she said as she pointed to the box standing beside her.

"I'll go," Sungjong said and stuffed his hands in his pockets before turning around. Hoya looked at Sunggyu feeling guilty, but also concerned when again, he saw the sad expression Sunggyu had shown the past two weeks. He saw him blink his eyes a few times and sniffed. He frowned. He walked to Sunggyu and held his left hand and gave a little squeeze.

Sunggyu looked up and met Hoya's eyes. Hoya held his thumbs out to wipe the small tears that had formed and started running down Sunggyu's cheeks. Sungyeol stared at them as Dongwoo, Woohyun and L put on questioned looks.

"W-what's wrong?" Woohyun asked and was about to continue when Sungjong interrupted.

"Infinite?" Sungjong asked himself as he opened the white folded paper in his hands.

"Guys, I got an idea," L smirked from behind Sungyeol and Dongwoo, "lets meet later after school, my home, Sungjong, you tell Woohyun."


"What's your idea?" Hoya asked as he munched on a cookie he found in the refrigerator. Woohyun, Sunggyu and Sungjong were yet to come. Hoya sat on the sofa next to Dongwoo and started to hum to 'baby baby'.

L smirked, "Guess you have the talent for this, Hoya."

L walked to the door and opened it before Sungjong could even knock on it. Sungjong glared at him.

"Mom, Sungjong's here," L yelled, opening the door wider so Sungjong could enter.

He was about to close the door when suddenly Sungjong slapped his hands and held L's stomach. "Woohyun's with me."

"Where? I don't see-"

"Sungjong-ah!!~" L's mom came barging into the living room and hugged Sungjong, "my baby!"

"him," L continued with a laugh.

Sungjong smiled to her and bowed when she let go.

"Seriously, there's no Woohyun outside."

Sungjong raised his eyebrow and peeked through the door, "strange, he was just with me."

"Why?" Hoya asked as he got nearer to them.

"We're waiting for Woohyun," Sungjong said and scratched his head, "I'm sure he was behind me.."

"I'll look for him," Hoya said.


Sunggyu walked into L's lawn, when he saw Sungjong and Woohyun on his door step. Would Woohyun notice him here?

"Woohyu-" Sunggyu quickly covered his mouth when he accidentally called his name. Woohyun turned around just when Sungjong was about to knock and he heard the door knob turn. He was sure someone called him. He went down the steps and scanned around the yard. He turned when heard a faint rustling sound behind. He followed and peeked to who it was.

He could hear faint sobs coming from the man, infront of him, crouched leaning on wall and burried his face between his knees with his arms covering them. Why is he crying, again? Woohyun came nearer and slid down the wall as he crouched next to Sunggyu.

"Yah..why are you crying?.." Woohyun s his arms around Sunggyu and leaned in to see him better.

Sunggyu rose his head and rested on his arms. He stared at Woohyun, his eyes red and puffy from all the crying. Woohyun held out his thumb and wiped his tears away and pulled him into a hug. Sunggyu rested on his shoulder and inhaled on Woohyun's scent that he had missed for a long time. Woohyun patted his back as the other started to cry even louder. Sunggyu held Woohyun's waist and pulled him tighter. Woohyun was startled a little but let it be. This man needs his concern. His heart ached when he heard the other weep. He was starting to cry too but he held it in. He felt the other clutched his shirt into his fist before pulling away. Sunggyu turned to leave Woohyun there but he held his wrist.

"Stop, Woohyun.."

His heart hurt a little more seeing the broken man in front of him.

"Do you really..not remember?.."

"W-what do you mean?"

Sunggyu smiled at him, "nevermind.."

Woohyun held his wrist tighter. Sunggyu glared at him. "You ask for it Woohyun."

Sunggyu held the back of Woohyun's head, leaned in and crashed their lips together.

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rhe3a_1891 #1
Chapter 27: !yeol to hoya ...
naznew #2
Chapter 27: Hahaha...just WooGyu still same.. This story no MyungYeol and YaDong.. just HoYeol and MyungJong/LJong.. Poor Dongwoo..haha
Chapter 27: O_O...yeol TOPPED HOYA!!!! OMFG!!! AFJLEFIWHFASNLK new reader...awww...wolfie is a loner..i mean..dongwoo...ehehehehe..*blushes* he looks like a wolf...hehehehe...
Dongwoo is alone >.< But woogyu is still ah... ~.~
I had fun reading this fic xD
Each couples' moments were great, too bad dongwoo is alone but still his happy self lol it would have been more fun if he had a lover, we would have maybe seen a different self of him :)
Thanks for writing this fic ^^
wah <3 That was so good :D<br />
I really felt my heart break when Woohyun couldn't remember Sunggyu anymore, but it all ended happily ;A;
Read this in one night!! I love it xDD<br />
lol all throughout this, I kept thinking "almost all the couples have pretty much already had … but woogyu haven't?!" then at the end akxniwnalxibwkskaljdjd <<333 hehehe~
jenkki #9
it ended T__T well this was reallygood fic I luvd it ^____^please write more Yadong's and woogyu's and myungyeol's ^^<br />
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