Our First... (part 2)

Listen to Your Heart

 You guys should listen to this while reading~ <3 Just click on the link~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01m8vZv1P10     <   ) 



[Ji Eun’s POV]

I feel so overdressed. I looked around us, there was surprisingly a lot of couples at the movies. They were casually dressed, some were even wearing couple outfits. Jaejoong stared at me and it seemed like he read my mind.

“Babe, don’t worry. You look fine.”

He grabbed my hand as we made our way to the ticket booth.

“Hello, welcome to- Oh my god, it’s Park Ji Eun! You’re even more beautiful in person.” the cute guy in the ticket booth said as he looked towards my way.

“Awe, thank you.” I said as I smiled towards him.

Jaejoong fake coughed.

“Oh- I’m sorry. How may I help you?”

[Jaejoong’s POV]

Who does this guy think he is?!

“My GIRLFRIEND and I would like two tickets to the next showing of- uhm, babe what do you want to watch?” I looked towards Ji Eun as she seriously examined the showtimes. She was so cute.

“How about…Cyrano Agency?”

“Ok, sounds gre-” I was interrupted by that guy again.

“You’re in luck Miss Ji Eun, the next showing is in ten minutes.” he then winked at Ji Eun.

I glared at him, how dare he flirt with another man’s girl. I should teach him a lesson…

“Aigoo, you are too cute. You’re getting angry over nothing.” Ji Eun said as side hugged me. Wow, it’s like she read my mind. I took this opportunity to put my arm over her shoulders.

We got our tickets and headed to the concession stand. We bought a large popcorn and two small sodas before heading inside. We then went in and found seats. There were a bunch of couples and they all were staring at us and we just smiled back.

The movie was starting but I was not interested in the movie at all. Instead I came up with ways to woo her. Kim Jaejoong, you can do this! Fighting!!!

For my first act of skinship, I decided to hold her hand. I slowly went to go grab her hand but she moved it to get a sip of her soda. She then grabbed the bucket of popcorn and started eating. (=.=) Ok, the first attempt failed. Let’s try another one!

Minutes passed as I waited for another opportunity. I stared at her as she ate popcorn.

For what seemed to be more than ten minutes of me staring at her, she finally looked my way.

“Jae, what is it?”

I started to lean in. This is it…

“Oh I’m sorry, I’m hogging all the popcorn. Here.”

She then handed me the bucket as I tilted my head back as I sighed. (>_<) Ughh, ok. Second attempt: failed. It’s ok, it’s ok…on to attempt three! Fighting!!

I stretched my arms and casually put it over her shoulders. Ok, so far so good~ yesss! Ji Eun looked at me and smiled. She leaned closer to me and started to rest her head on my right arm. It was all going smoothly until someone spilled popcorn on me.


I loudly groaned in frustration.

“Are you kidding me?!” I yelled as I started removing popcorn from my suit. I looked at the guy behind me who spilled the popcorn.

You have got to be kidding me. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the ticket booth, WORKING?” Yup, the culprit was the ticket booth guy who was hitting on Ji Eun earlier.

“Actually, I got off work a few minutes ago. I’ve been wanting to watch this movie for ages.” He looked at Ji Eun the entire time. Uh-huh, suuure you did.

Ji Eun was trying get all the popcorn off of me.

“Are you ok? You’re suit isn’t ruined is it?”

“It’s not the suit that’s ruined…” this entire date is. Nothing is going according to plan. I sighed and gave up. I’ll just sit here and watch the movie. As laid my eyes on the screen ready to put my focus into watching the movie. The end credits started. Great, just GREAT…

[Ji Eun’s POV]

The movie ended and Jaejoong looked disappointed. We got up and headed towards the exit.

“Jae, are you ok? You look a bit…sad? Disappointed?”

He sighed and gave me a soft smile, “I’m just a little frustrated, that’s all. Ji Eun, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but this date hasn’t exactly gone well.” He pointed to one of the areas on his suit that had stains from the buttery popcorn. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

I felt apologetic. He wanted was this date to be perfect and I wasn’t helping by not paying any attention to him.

“I’m sorry.” I said. He gave me a soft smile. We were headed towards the car. I can’t let our first date end up like this.

“Oppa, baegopa~” I cutely said.


[Jaejoong’s POV]

“Oppa, baegopa~” Ji Eun used aegyo as she said that. How can she be so cute? Wait a minute…did she just call me, OPPA?!”


She laughed.

“I said I’m hungry!~”

“No, not that. The other thing you said…”

“Hmm, I don’t think I said anything else…”

I began to pout.

She laughed “Aigoo, your pout is so cute~ Oppa, Let’s get something to eat!”

I smiled widely as I took her hand and went towards the food stall across the street.

“Mmhmm, the deokbokki looks delicious~” Ji Eun said as she held her stomach.

“Ahjumma, can we have two servings of deokbokki and a bottle of soju?” I said.

We sat down at one of the tables and enjoyed our meal.

“What a beautiful view.” Ji Eun said as she looked towards the Han River.

“I’ve got a better view right in front of me.” I said looking straight at Ji Eun. She blushed as I smiled at her.

We finished our meal and decided to walk along the Han River. I had my arm around her shoulder as we walked and talked about everything. It was getting cold so I took off my suit jacket and put it over her.

“Komawo Jaejoong.”

“You’re not calling me “oppa” anymore?”

She chuckled. “You’re still thinking about that? Arasso, since it makes you happy. Komawo Jaejoong oppa.” She hugged me tight.

I hugged her tighter, not wanting to leg go.

“Anio, komawo Ji Eun-ah. Thank you for always making me feel better.”

With that, I leaned forward and kissed her.

Park Ji Eun, I’m falling more in love with you. 



Waaaah, what  do you guys think? Did you like the chapter? I know I diiiiiiid! ^____^ hehe subscriptions and comments are loved <3


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Update more ^^
keep it up author!!!
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Nickerz #3
omg that chatper 16 ending was perfect... too cute.. <3
Crystalls #4
lovely. :D update soon~
MusicMyLove #5
omg that proposal was adorable!!!!! gosh they werent even official until now?! but they were so close and everything...to the point where her father even caught them haha. but im glad that junsu didnt have to say that he impregnated her. but i feel so sorry for jieun's father, and th efact that yoochun has to carry the burden of knowing the truth. and i hope hye ri and jessica dont ruin the romantic couple. sooo jealous of them!
@ashleyknguyen: Yup, yup D: Things aren't looking good... Thanks for commenting~ <3 ^^)v
@KSTARlovesJIYONG: I seriously LOLed at your comment! Jessica is indeed the resident of the story but soon enough, all that is going to change! (=_=) Hye Ri was good but after being around someone who seems perfect and gets everything she wants, Hye Ri just became uber jealous and with the help of Jessica, we have 2 hateful characters. Thank you for subscribing and commenting! <3
her dad..... poor Yoochun. i hope they get married while he's alive...
Jessica is such a ! hmmmph!<br />
So this Hye Ri girl is not bad at first, because of the , she'll be bad too. >.< Ugh!
@MusicMyLove: The girls have a beach getaway coming up and it was supposed to be a girls weekend but Haewon wants Seunghyun (TOP, her crush) to come so she can woo him~ xD And Jessica's starting to use Hye Ri now, so they'll be a few antagonists against Ji Eun! (>_<) And unfortunately you'll be a lot MORE disappointed in Hye Ri in the future! (T_T) Brace yourself for a lot of hate for those two!! And thank yoooou for always commenting^^ <3 <br />
@ashleyknguyen: Updated~! ^^ Well we have Jessica but evil Hye Ri should be coming soon! D: Thanks for commenting~ I'll update again Thurs/Fri~