Eun Mi's Confession

Listen to Your Heart

[No one’s POV]

“Why don’t you girls take Yejin and Hye Ri to the department store and get them some nice clothes for our little dinner party? Plus it’ll be great if you guys can spend time with each other and bond.” Minwoo said as he hugged Yejin.

The girls looked at one another.

“Uncle, I have to go meet Seunghyun oppa. Sorry.” Haewon explained to her uncle. She looked to Ji Eun and Eun Mi and mouthed, “Mianhe.”

“I don’t want to go with them appa… Can I go with you Haewon unnie?”

“Eun Mi! You’re being rude…” Ji Eun reprimanded her little sister.

“Wae?! They’re not my family! Just because Appa’s dating Yejin doesn’t make her my mother!” Eun Mi ran off to her room as the rest of them just sat there, shocked at Eun Mi’s confession.

“She didn’t mean that…” Minwoo said towards the guests.

“I’m really sorry about that. My little sister’s just…”

“It’s ok, it must be hard on her. There’s no need to apologize Ji Eun.” Yejin smiled towards Ji Eun.

Ji Eun grabbed Haewon and went after Eun Mi.



At Eun Mi’s room…



“Yah! I know we don’t like them but that was a bit too much.” Haewon told her cousin.

“Eun Mi-yah, what’s wrong?” Ji Eun sat next to her sister.

Eun Mi looked her sister in the eye. “Unnie, our family is fine the way it is. I have you, Haewon unnie, Appa, and Yoochun oppa. I don’t need Yejin and Hye Ri. Yejin isn’t Omma. I may not have had to chance to meet her… but no one can replace her.”

Ji Eun hugged her sister. “No one will ever replace her. But you also have to think of Appa. He really likes Yejin. Omma would have wanted us to try and get along with them.”

“Don’t worry, Eun Mi-yah! One wrong move and BAM! We’ll get rid of them, arasso?” Haewon laughed maniacally.

“Yah!! Don’t give her any ideas.” Ji Eun scolded her cousin.

The three girls laughed.

“Ok, let’s head down, they’re probably waiting.”

“So… does this mean you’ll take them shopping?”

“Bwoh?! Yah!! How can you just sacrifice me like that?!”

“Because you’re the oldest!” Haewon and Eun Mi said in unison.

“Ah cham! Arasso, Haewon take Eun Mi with you.”

Haewon and Eun Mi jumped up and down and hugged Ji Eun.

“BUT- Eun Mi, you have to apologize to Yejin.”

Eun Mi was hesitant until Haewon nudged her.

“Arasso. I’ll… apologize.”


[Jaejoong’s POV]

“So, I’ll see you two tonight?” I asked.

“You know I won’t miss this~ especially if Junsu hyung is going to get beat up by Ji Eun!” Changmin laughed at Junsu.

“Yah!! Aigoo, I’m nervous…”

“Su don’t worry, ok? I got your back. Ji Eun will have no choice but to play along!”


“Ok I’ll be going now~ see you guys soon!”


[Jessica’s POV]

After the horrifying news, I thought it was time for some relaxation, shopping! I needed to recollect myself and think of a plan of ruining that witch. Tch, I give you props Ji Eun. You made our entire nation think you’re little miss perfect. But no one’s perfect. I’ll find you weakness and make sure you lose your company just like you made me lose mine.

“Agasshi… we’re here.” Yoseob said to me.

I smiled at Yoseob as I got out of the car.

“Uhm… are you ok?”

“Yoseob, everything’s going to be just fine. Now, let’s go shopping!”



[Ji Eun’s POV]

We went downstairs and entered the living room. I could tell Eun Mi was nervous but I took her hand and smiled at her.

“Hwaiting!” Haewon cheered her cousin on. All eyes were on Eun Mi.

“Uhm… I’d like to apologize to all of you. Yejin-sshi, I’m sorry if I offended you with what I said.” Yejin smiled at Eun Mi. “And Appa, I’m sorry for my rude behavior. It won’t happen again.”

“It’s ok, I understand how you must feel. I’m sorry for intruding.” Yejin said.

“Thank you for apologizing.” Appa told Eun Mi. “Let’s just forget everything that’s happened, ok?”

Everyone agreed.

“Haewon, Eun Mi don’t be late for dinner, ok? And say hi to Seunghyun oppa for me.” I said to the both of them and they nodded. “Yejin-sshi, Hye Ri I’ll be taking you guys shopping. Are you ready?”

Both mother and daughter nodded their heads.

“Ok then, appa we’ll be back soon. If Jaejoong oppa comes by, tell him I’ll just see him tonight.”

Appa smiled to me, “Arasso. Ji Eun-ah, thank you for everything. You know, you make a great leader, I’m proud to have you get the company.”

I hugged my dad as we all left. 



Ahahaha my second update for tonight!! Happy readings~ Gonna update another one~~

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Update more ^^
keep it up author!!!
#2 Hello! Sorry for advertising here, but mind subscribing to my fic? Lots of thanks! :D
Nickerz #3
omg that chatper 16 ending was perfect... too cute.. <3
Crystalls #4
lovely. :D update soon~
MusicMyLove #5
omg that proposal was adorable!!!!! gosh they werent even official until now?! but they were so close and the point where her father even caught them haha. but im glad that junsu didnt have to say that he impregnated her. but i feel so sorry for jieun's father, and th efact that yoochun has to carry the burden of knowing the truth. and i hope hye ri and jessica dont ruin the romantic couple. sooo jealous of them!
@ashleyknguyen: Yup, yup D: Things aren't looking good... Thanks for commenting~ <3 ^^)v
@KSTARlovesJIYONG: I seriously LOLed at your comment! Jessica is indeed the resident of the story but soon enough, all that is going to change! (=_=) Hye Ri was good but after being around someone who seems perfect and gets everything she wants, Hye Ri just became uber jealous and with the help of Jessica, we have 2 hateful characters. Thank you for subscribing and commenting! <3
her dad..... poor Yoochun. i hope they get married while he's alive...
Jessica is such a ! hmmmph!<br />
So this Hye Ri girl is not bad at first, because of the , she'll be bad too. >.< Ugh!
@MusicMyLove: The girls have a beach getaway coming up and it was supposed to be a girls weekend but Haewon wants Seunghyun (TOP, her crush) to come so she can woo him~ xD And Jessica's starting to use Hye Ri now, so they'll be a few antagonists against Ji Eun! (>_<) And unfortunately you'll be a lot MORE disappointed in Hye Ri in the future! (T_T) Brace yourself for a lot of hate for those two!! And thank yoooou for always commenting^^ <3 <br />
@ashleyknguyen: Updated~! ^^ Well we have Jessica but evil Hye Ri should be coming soon! D: Thanks for commenting~ I'll update again Thurs/Fri~