Yunho's Return

Listen to Your Heart

[Yoochun’s POV]


“Duuuuuude you missed an EPIC norebang party!” I said as I picked up Yunho from the airport. I was to fill him in on all the stuff he’s missed during his stay in America.


“Chincha? I’ve only been gone three weeks yet I’ve missed so much! But Chun-ah, it’s norebang with parents and staff. How fun could that be?” Yunho said, puzzled.


“Well it became epic when my uncle and Mr. Kim were drunk and drunkenly sang love songs. They were so off pitch, it was hilarious. And because they were sooo drunk, they decided that we should all go clubbing. The two CEO’s of Korea’s major companies went clubbing. Now THAT’S a first.”


“Oh my god, and I missed it?! Damn work! But Chun-ah, I’ve got news…bad news.”


“Eh? What happened? You knocked someone up while you were in the states? HAHA.” I jokingly said to Yunho.


“Ahhhhh hyung, l-let go! M-mianhe, I was jokiiing.”


Clearly Yunho hyung didn’t see the joke like I did as he put me into a headlock. (>w<) Stupid evil Yunho hyung, it was only a joke!!


“Yah Park Yoochun! You’re saying bad things about me in your mind, aren’t you?”


Yunho hyung lunged forward and attempted to put me into another headlock but I, Park Yoochun, being the smarter person, moved out of the way and started to run away from my angry hyung.








[No One’s POV]


“Ok so all we have to do is postpone the wedding.”


“Oh my gosh, really? I had noooo idea. Haha thank you for that obvious fact babe.” Ji Eun laughed as she sarcastically said that to her boyfriend.


Jaejoong pouted.


“Aigoo, baby I’m sorry.” She went over to console Jaejoong but was surprised when he pulled her in for a hug and kissed her.


“That’s what you get for making fun of me.” Jaejoong held Ji Eun closer as he kissed her again.


“Hmm, then maybe I should make fun of you more often~” Ji Eun laughed. “So, what’s the plan? It has to be something reasonable. Something our parents wouldn’t doubt.”


“Well I was thinking you “dump me” because you’ve been secretly dating Junsu. But knowing our parents, they’ll just tell you to dump him for me but the twist of it all is that you’re pregnant with his baby.” Jaejoong smiled triumphantly, “Isn’t that a brilliant plan? The wedding will be postponed for sure.”


Ji Eun stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. “Are. You. Serious?! That is the WORST plan ever! And why Junsu oppa?! Yunho oppa is more suitable… Besides, I can’t just fake a pregnancy Jae!!”


“NOOO!! NOT YUNHO. EVERRR. Either that or we run away and never come back. Well, you know, until they postpone the wedding.”


Ji Eun rolled her eyes. “You are seriously way too dramatic. Honey, you need to lay off the dramas. And I think we’ll stick to my plan. I’ll tell everyone that I’m dating Yunho oppa and would like the wedding to be postponed for a few months to help me sort out my thoughts. If my dad loves me and wants me to be happy, he’ll postpone the wedding.”


“Nope, we’re not doing that. Yunho is not in the picture. Junsu is better, if not I’ll even consider Changmin!”


“Oppa, let it go! Yunho oppa is just a friend. Nothing more.”


Jaejoong scoffed, “Psh, you may not have feelings for him but he has feelings for you!! He’s suave Ji Eun, I can’t take the chance of him taking you away from me!”




Back to Yoochun and Yunho…



[Yunho’s POV]


“Aish, Park Yoochun you will never win me!” I said as I dragged him by the collar towards the car.


“Hyung!! I already said I’m sorry… Come on! This is embarrassing~ those girls are watching!” Yoochun begged. I looked up and he was right. Three cute girls were giggling to each other watching us. I flashed them my killer smile.


“Hyung, why don’t you let go of me and go over there and woo those girls. Good idea huh?”


“Oh no no, not so fast Chunnie. Say it first.”


Yoochun sighed and admitted defeat. “I, Park Yoochun was wrong to doubt the awesomeness that is Jung Yunho. Yunho hyung is jjang!!”


Aha. I win. Sure it was childish but we’ve been doing this since we were kids. We’d always pick on each other to determine the dominance we had in the group, plus it was a great way to boost our egos.


“So, are you going to tell me the real bad news or what?” Yoochun said as he adjusted his collar and got inside the car.


“Chun-ah, Jessica’s back and this time it’s for good.”  




Yunho's baaack! Who missed him? I diiiiid~ lol! ^^ Ok my lovely readers I've got a few announcements to make. First of all, I'd like to apologize for not updating for the last few weeks. *bows repeatedly* I was having writer's block plus I was lazy~ lol. But thanks to your comments (and patience) I'm determined to update on a regular basis! Second of all, I've been indecisive on when I should bring Hyun Joong into the story...and if I should make him evil~ T_T Lastly, I've decided that I'll be updating weekly (REALLY this time xD) every Thursday or Friday. Sometimes I'll update both days, sometimes just one~ although since I haven't updated for three weeks I'm updating three times this week! Yay~ :D Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and remember~ your comments and subscriptions are loved and motivates me to write more! <3

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Update more ^^
keep it up author!!!
#2 Hello! Sorry for advertising here, but mind subscribing to my fic? Lots of thanks! :D
Nickerz #3
omg that chatper 16 ending was perfect... too cute.. <3
Crystalls #4
lovely. :D update soon~
MusicMyLove #5
omg that proposal was adorable!!!!! gosh they werent even official until now?! but they were so close and the point where her father even caught them haha. but im glad that junsu didnt have to say that he impregnated her. but i feel so sorry for jieun's father, and th efact that yoochun has to carry the burden of knowing the truth. and i hope hye ri and jessica dont ruin the romantic couple. sooo jealous of them!
@ashleyknguyen: Yup, yup D: Things aren't looking good... Thanks for commenting~ <3 ^^)v
@KSTARlovesJIYONG: I seriously LOLed at your comment! Jessica is indeed the resident of the story but soon enough, all that is going to change! (=_=) Hye Ri was good but after being around someone who seems perfect and gets everything she wants, Hye Ri just became uber jealous and with the help of Jessica, we have 2 hateful characters. Thank you for subscribing and commenting! <3
her dad..... poor Yoochun. i hope they get married while he's alive...
Jessica is such a ! hmmmph!<br />
So this Hye Ri girl is not bad at first, because of the , she'll be bad too. >.< Ugh!
@MusicMyLove: The girls have a beach getaway coming up and it was supposed to be a girls weekend but Haewon wants Seunghyun (TOP, her crush) to come so she can woo him~ xD And Jessica's starting to use Hye Ri now, so they'll be a few antagonists against Ji Eun! (>_<) And unfortunately you'll be a lot MORE disappointed in Hye Ri in the future! (T_T) Brace yourself for a lot of hate for those two!! And thank yoooou for always commenting^^ <3 <br />
@ashleyknguyen: Updated~! ^^ Well we have Jessica but evil Hye Ri should be coming soon! D: Thanks for commenting~ I'll update again Thurs/Fri~