Our First... (part 1)

Listen to Your Heart


[Jaejoong’s POV]

Ji Eun and I made our way back to my car. We told our parents we couldn’t make it to the grand opening celebration because of various reasons which Yoochun happily made up. Apparently, I needed to go home because I have an early morning interview with some magazine and Ji Eun needed to work on her presentation for a children’s fundraiser. Our parents believed Yoochun’s lies and they were now on there way to have a crazy noraebang party with the staff while Ji Eun and I proceeded to our date.

“So where are we going?” Ji Eun turned to me and asked.

“Oh, uhh…well…you see…”

Oh great. Where are we going to go? Think Jaejoong, think.

I didn’t exactly plan out our date, since I didn’t expect to ask her out tonight out of all nights. Seriously, if the press gets hold that I, Kim Jaejoong asked out Park Ji Eun on a date at the supermarket, how would that make me look? I sighed and decided to tell Ji Eun the truth.

“I didn’t exactly plan our date out. Truthfully, I wasn’t even going to ask you out tonight. I wanted to be romantic and ask you out like what they do in the movies, you know surprise you with flowers and sweep you off your feet. Instead I asked you out in the cereal aisle of the supermarket.”

I turned my gaze away from her. I was too embarrassed.

“Jaejoong…” she said as her right hand caressed the side of my face. “It’s ok. It may not be the romantic scenario you pictured but that doesn’t take away from me liking you any less. I’m not the typical girl Jaejoong. I’ll be happy on our date no matter where it is, as long as I have you by my side.”

Park Ji Eun you definitely are not like most girls, and that makes me love you even more.

I couldn’t help myself any longer. I leaned forward to kiss her…


[Ji Eun’s POV]

“…I’ll be happy on our date no matter where it is, as long as I have you by my side.”

I meant every word of it. Jaejoong is different from what I imagined him to be. He even worried about asking me out, which I found quite amusing. I’m definitely falling for him…

Suddenly Jaejoong leaned in. Otokae? He’s going to kiss me! My heart started beating faster and I began to have butterflies in my stomach. I closed my eyes and leaned forward, waiting for our lips to touch.


***RING, RING***

Jaejoong groaned as I rummaged for my phone.


“Ji Eun-sshi, your father called. He asked me what time your fundraiser starts because he wants you to bring Eun Mi along. I had to lie to him and told him we’ll be able to bring Eun Mi along. Why did you lie?”

“Omo, cheongmal mianhe Sooyeon-sshi! I was meaning to tell you when I got home…”

“Where are you now?”

“I’m with Jaejoong. Please don’t let appa know.”

“Ahhh, so this is why…arasso. What time will you be home?”

“Um, I’m not sure but I’ll call you. Thanks for covering for me Sooyeon-sshi.”

“Ne, have fun Ji Eun-ah.”




“Aigoo~ out of all the excuses Yoochun oppa picks an imaginary fundraiser.” I said.

Jaejoong laughed, “Well that’s Yoochun for you.”

“So, are we going to go somewhere or stay in your car all night?”

Jaejoong grinned and had a erted smile on his face. “You know, that’s not a bad idea. There are plenty of things we could do in the car…”


He laughed, “Alright, alright. Hmm, where should we go? Oh! I know!! I’ll call my assistant and get the yacht ready.”

“Uhm, Jaejoong, let’s do something simple, you know a normal date. I’ve never been on one of those.”

“A normal…date? Like going to the movies? But that’s so…cheap and not romantic at all.” He looked disgusted and shocked at the mention of a normal date.

I couldn’t help but laugh.


“Alright, alright. Let’s go to the movies. As long as my woman’s happy, then that’s all that matters.”

I smiled as he the engine and began heading towards the nearest cinema. This is turning out to be an interesting first date, and almost first kiss. 



Ahahaha, sorry guys I couldn't just let them kiss! xD Hehe part 2 of their date will be uploaded in a few minutes~ (an hour at max) ^^ Thanks for reading~ and as always, comments and subscriptions are loved <3

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Update more ^^
keep it up author!!!
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Nickerz #3
omg that chatper 16 ending was perfect... too cute.. <3
Crystalls #4
lovely. :D update soon~
MusicMyLove #5
omg that proposal was adorable!!!!! gosh they werent even official until now?! but they were so close and everything...to the point where her father even caught them haha. but im glad that junsu didnt have to say that he impregnated her. but i feel so sorry for jieun's father, and th efact that yoochun has to carry the burden of knowing the truth. and i hope hye ri and jessica dont ruin the romantic couple. sooo jealous of them!
@ashleyknguyen: Yup, yup D: Things aren't looking good... Thanks for commenting~ <3 ^^)v
@KSTARlovesJIYONG: I seriously LOLed at your comment! Jessica is indeed the resident of the story but soon enough, all that is going to change! (=_=) Hye Ri was good but after being around someone who seems perfect and gets everything she wants, Hye Ri just became uber jealous and with the help of Jessica, we have 2 hateful characters. Thank you for subscribing and commenting! <3
her dad..... poor Yoochun. i hope they get married while he's alive...
Jessica is such a ! hmmmph!<br />
So this Hye Ri girl is not bad at first, because of the , she'll be bad too. >.< Ugh!
@MusicMyLove: The girls have a beach getaway coming up and it was supposed to be a girls weekend but Haewon wants Seunghyun (TOP, her crush) to come so she can woo him~ xD And Jessica's starting to use Hye Ri now, so they'll be a few antagonists against Ji Eun! (>_<) And unfortunately you'll be a lot MORE disappointed in Hye Ri in the future! (T_T) Brace yourself for a lot of hate for those two!! And thank yoooou for always commenting^^ <3 <br />
@ashleyknguyen: Updated~! ^^ Well we have Jessica but evil Hye Ri should be coming soon! D: Thanks for commenting~ I'll update again Thurs/Fri~