
Listen to Your Heart


[Hye Ri’s POV]

It’s going to be hard, people might not accept you into the family… Jessica’s words kept replaying in my head, over and over and over again. Is that why Eun Mi threw a fit earlier? I was preoccupied with my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed I was standing in front of the department store.

“You’re back!” Ji Eun smiled at me before she gave instructions to the assistants.

“Ah, y-yeah. I’m sorry I took so long.” I said while watching people load the newly bought stuff into the trunk. “Here’s your latte.”

“Thanks. Hey, are you ok? Is something bothering you?”

You guys don’t like us, don’t you? I thought to myself. “Uhm… everything’s ok, I’m just thinking…”

“Something on your mind?” Omma asked.

“You know, I know we just met and all but since we’re put in this situation because of our parents, I’d really like to get to know you better. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can come talk to me.” Ji Eun smiled and Omma looked at her lovingly.

She really is perfect, even Omma likes her…



[Yoochun’s POV]

After coming back from Yunho hyung’s house, we arrived home for the important dinner tonight only to find the place empty.

“I’m home!” I yelled out. “Oh? No one’s here?! Where could everyone be?” I asked Yunho hyung and then went upstairs to Uncle’s room. I knocked on the door.

“Uncle… are you in there?”

The door opened.

“Do you have his medicine? Oh- Yoochun?!”

“M-manager Choi? What do you mean medicine? Where’s my uncle? Is he sick?!”

“He’s sleeping right now, he’s… not feeling well.”

I opened the door to find uncle laying in bed with an IV strapped to his arm.

“YAH! What’s the meaning of this?!”

“Y-yoochun, please keep it down.”

“What’s wrong with him? How long has he been sick? Does Ji Eun know about this?”

“I’m sorry, I have orders from your uncle to stay quiet on the situation. No one knows of this, so if you could just leave and pretend you didn’t see anything, that would be great.”

“Y-yoochunnie? I-is that you?” My uncle whispered. He looked so pale and weak. I quickly ran to his side.

“Uncle, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Should we take you to the hospital?”

“It’s ok, I’m fine. I just need to rest for a bit. Manager Choi, please inform Yoochun of my condition.”

“Sir, a-are you sure??”

“Ne~ It’s not like you’ll tell the girls, right Chun-ah?” He said jokingly and smiled.

How can you joke around at a time like this? There is something seriously wrong with my uncle, I could just feel it.

“Uncle, you know I won’t tell anyone.”

Manager Choi took me outside to have a little chat. My palms were sweaty as I tried my best to be calm. Nothing could have prepared me for what he was about to say.

“Yoochun, your uncle… is dying.”



[Ji Eun’s POV]

After a long and hectic day of shopping, I came home and was greeted with a nice surprise: Yunho oppa!!

“Oppa~!! You’re back! I missed you~ how was your trip to America? When did you get here? Where’s big forehead oppa??”

Yunho laughed. “You know you’re just like Yoochun. You guys always ask so many questions~!”

“Ahh cham. Oppa, don’t you know that that’s a Park family trait?!” I jokingly said to Yunho who scoffed. “By the way, where is he?”

“Uh, I think he’s in his room. He hasn’t come down since we got here and I’m kind of worried. You should check up on him.”


“Oppa, can you keep them occupied for awhile?” Yunho nodded his head and made his way towards Yejin and Hye Ri. I then ran upstairs to look for Yoochun oppa.

I hurried to his room. I heard strange noises coming from it, it sounded like sniffling noises. Omo! Is oppa, crying?!

I gently knocked on his door. “Oppa, are you ok? Can I come in?”


“Oppa, I know you’re in there. Please open up.”

Nothing. I was starting to get more worried.

“Oppa, I’m coming in.”

As soon as I came in Yoochun oppa got under the covers. There was a box of Kleenex on the bed.

“Yah, get out.”

“Oppa… what’s wrong?” I got on his bed and hugged him. “Who did this to you? Tell me her name and I’ll scold her!”

I tried to lighten the situation but it only caused him to cry even more. He then got out of the covers. His eyes were red and puffy, he’s been crying for awhile.

“J-Ji Eun-ah…” was the only thing he managed to say before he hugged me tighter.

I’ve only seen him this sad once and it was when his parents died. He was depressed for the longest time.

“Oppa, just stay here and rest, ok? If you need anything, just tell me. And no need to worry about the dinner party tonight. If you’re not up to it, please don’t burden yourself in having to come down. Okay, I’ll leave you alone now.”

I got off the bed and headed towards the door.

“Ji Eun-ah, don’t tell uncle… about this ok?”

I nodded my head and left his room. 





SURPRISE!! Random update~ <3 Umm, hopefully I can get another chapter in tonight but if not, look forward to another update Wednesday-Friday!! ^^ Thank you guys for reading, commenting, and subscribing! ^^)v


Btw, happy birthday to Jaejoong oppa!! <3 Yaaaay~ *throws confetti in the air*



We seriously need to thank his mother for giving birth to such a perfect man~! xD

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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Update more ^^
keep it up author!!!
#2 Hello! Sorry for advertising here, but mind subscribing to my fic? Lots of thanks! :D
Nickerz #3
omg that chatper 16 ending was perfect... too cute.. <3
Crystalls #4
lovely. :D update soon~
MusicMyLove #5
omg that proposal was adorable!!!!! gosh they werent even official until now?! but they were so close and the point where her father even caught them haha. but im glad that junsu didnt have to say that he impregnated her. but i feel so sorry for jieun's father, and th efact that yoochun has to carry the burden of knowing the truth. and i hope hye ri and jessica dont ruin the romantic couple. sooo jealous of them!
@ashleyknguyen: Yup, yup D: Things aren't looking good... Thanks for commenting~ <3 ^^)v
@KSTARlovesJIYONG: I seriously LOLed at your comment! Jessica is indeed the resident of the story but soon enough, all that is going to change! (=_=) Hye Ri was good but after being around someone who seems perfect and gets everything she wants, Hye Ri just became uber jealous and with the help of Jessica, we have 2 hateful characters. Thank you for subscribing and commenting! <3
her dad..... poor Yoochun. i hope they get married while he's alive...
Jessica is such a ! hmmmph!<br />
So this Hye Ri girl is not bad at first, because of the , she'll be bad too. >.< Ugh!
@MusicMyLove: The girls have a beach getaway coming up and it was supposed to be a girls weekend but Haewon wants Seunghyun (TOP, her crush) to come so she can woo him~ xD And Jessica's starting to use Hye Ri now, so they'll be a few antagonists against Ji Eun! (>_<) And unfortunately you'll be a lot MORE disappointed in Hye Ri in the future! (T_T) Brace yourself for a lot of hate for those two!! And thank yoooou for always commenting^^ <3 <br />
@ashleyknguyen: Updated~! ^^ Well we have Jessica but evil Hye Ri should be coming soon! D: Thanks for commenting~ I'll update again Thurs/Fri~