Chapter 2

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

Jogging down the road she got a few funny looks but she didn’t really care. Everybody had a late day now and again. It’s human nature!



Once she reached her work place she quietly made her way to her desk hoping her boss wouldn’t notice. She dropped her bag on the floor and switched her computer on fast. Her best friend who sat opposite her giggled. “Had a bit too much fun last night, eh?”Jia Lian hushed her. “We’ll talk later”she informed winking. Her friend laughed again shaking her head and went back to typing. “Miss Cho!”Jia Lian span round on her seat. “Y-Yes, sir?”she stuttered. “May I be so kind to ask as to why you are late?”“W-well, you see it’s…it’s because…”Jia Lian stopped. She had no excuse. “Sorry, Sir”“Yes, I should think so too. But you’re normally on time everyday so I think I can forgive this one time.”Jia Lian nodded. “Thank You, Sir”He shook his head and walked away. She turned back to her computer. ‘Gosh! That was lucky she thought.’


Later on her best friend, Ga Eun called her. “Hey! It’s time for lunch, you know. Let’s go!”Jia Lian nodded. Just as she got up to leave she received an E-mail. ‘Jia Lian- Honey, I’ve got something I really need to talk to you about. Can you meet me? I will be working late tonight. Please meet me after you’ve finished work. At the park. Love you! Ye Sung-‘She didn’t think much after reading it. She was just happy he cared enough to tell her he was working late and that to meet him.

“Ooohh! Is that lover boy mailing you?”Ga Eun teased peeking over her shoulder. “Yah”Jia Lian said hitting her friend on the shoulder playfully. “You’re so nosey!”The two smiled at each other with cheeky expressions.


Later in when Jia Lian finished work she headed straight for the park where she was to meet Ye Sung. She took her time knowing she was a little early but once reaching the park she realized Ye Sung was already there, waiting for her. She rushed over happily to him. “Ye Sung Oppa!”She said cheerfully while taking a seat next to him on the bench. His expression seemed uneasy. As if he were worried about something. Jia Lian sensed this straight away. “Oppa?”Ye Sung turned to her but did not say anything. “Are you alright?”she continued. He nodded. “Well you don’t look it!”she told him pouting. “So, tell me! What’s the news? Why’d you want to see me?”Ye Sung took a deep breath.“I-I got offered a promotion at work.”“Oh! That’s great!!”Jia Lian up roared. “There’s just one thing”Ye Sung interrupted. “If I decide to take the job then…i…”he paused and looked down. “Then I have to go back to Korea.”Jia Lian’s face turned serious. They had been living together in Japan for 3 years. Although Jia Lian had Korean heritage, she wasn’t to keen on leaving Japan as her Korean was not the best. But she had learn’t a lot from her best friend, Ga Eun who was Korean. And she had introduced Jia Lian to Ye Sung. Their relationship had also helped her Korean improve as Ye Sung himself was Korean. “I think I’m going to take the job”Ye Sung admitted interrupting her thoughts. “I want you to! I’m just not to comfortable about moving to Korea and starting a new career over there.”Jia Lian was deep in thought when Ye Sung announced something shocking. “Well, you wont be coming”. “EH!?”Jia Lian blurted out confused. “I want to start a fresh new life, you know?”New country, new job,…”“New girl?”she asked starting to cry. “Don’t take it personally. You’re a pretty girl. It’s just you are too skinny for one reason. I feel pressure when I’m with you.”Jia Lian began to tear even harder. “B-but…I can put on weight!”She blabbered through her crying. “I’m sure you’ll be able to make some guy really happy. But I don’t think I’m that guy.”Jia Lian placed her hand over . She couldn’t hold back her weeping. Ye Sung looked around him. He could see other people in the park staring at them. “I know you must be upset. I’ll go now. Don’t worry, I will be moving out tonight.”With that Ye Sung stood up and started to walk away. “Oppa!”Jia Lian called. “Please, Oppa!”It was no good. Ye Sung simply ignored her. Jia Lian was left by herself on the park bench in devastation. She really didn’t expect this.
After a couple of minutes Jia Lian slipped out her hand phone from her pocket. There was only one person now who could understand how she felt. She waited while the phone rang. "Hello?" the voice ansered. "Ga Eun-ah!" Jia Lian said bursting out into tears again. "Omo! What's wrong? Are you still at the park?" "Yes" Jia Lian managed to to answer throught her crying. "Wait! I'll be right there!" Ga Eun hung up. Jia Lian knew she could count on her. All she had to do now was wait for her to arrive. As soon as she did she took Jia Lian back to her flat where they could talk in peace. Ga Eun sat her down in her flat and calmed her. After Jia Lian had told her everything she walked into the kitchen and grabbed her hand phone.

"Hello?" "YOU! What the hell have yo done!?" Ga Eun roared down the phone in Korean so that Jia Lian wouldn't understand. "Come on! It's a good opportunity for me! Can't you just be happy for me?" "Happy for you!? Well, i would of been but after seeing what you did to my best friend...frankly I DON'T CARE! I told you that she was delicate! Why did you have to do this to her?" Ga Eun had raised her voice so much that Jia Lian had come into the kitchen in worry. Jia Lian could guess who she was talking to. "Forget her! I'm leaving, ok!?" Ye Sung slammed his phone down, ending the call. "Arrghh! That guy!" Ga Eung shouted. Jia Lian still looked upset. "Forget him, Jia Lian! He's not worth it!" Jia Lian shook her head. "I can't live without him!" she screamed. She tuned around and dashed through the flat, out the front door. "Where are you going!?" Ga Eun shouted. "I'm going home! He might be packing!! He can't...I wont let him leave!" With that Jia Lian faced forward and began to run at a fast pace. She needed to get home before he left!

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)