Chapter 9

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

Jia Lian was silent the next morning and as it had been last night her expression remained unreadable. “Do you want me o drive?”Eun Hyuk asked innocently as he sat across from her at the table. After what happened the previous day the feeling, the atmosphere it was all so uncomfortable. Eun Hyuk didn’t understand how Jia Lian felt about him and it was starting to frustrate him. “What?”she replied not understanding what he was on about. “To the airport! Do you want me to drive?”Jia Lian frowned. “Why are we going to the airport?”Eun Hyuk rolled his eyes. “Have you forgot already? We’re picking my friend up. He’s coming to stay with us. We are meeting him there in 2 hours.”“Oh. Yes, of course.”She seemed a little dazzed. “No, I will drive”She was sre of her choice as she stood up and flicked the keys of their hook on the wall. “We better leave now. It takes about that time to get there.”Eun Hyuk nodded obediently and stood up aswell, following her out of the flat.



The car jorney was torture for Eun Hyuk in a way. Although he was next to someone he admired dearly, the silence was unwelcoming. Suddenly Jia Lian broke th silence. “Eun Hyuk…”she started. Eun Hyuk jumped to attention as her soft voice mentioned his name. “Yes?”Jia Lian stopped the car –They were stuck in traffic. “You better call your friend. We are going to be late.”Eun Hyuk nodded and took out his phone. He was disappointed what Jia Lian wanted to say hadn’t been more. ‘I have to give her time’he thought. Eun Hyuk pressed the phone to his ear and closed the car window to block out the noise. “Ah! Hey, I’m sorry we’re gonna be late! Wait for us, we wont be long.”Eun Hyuk flipped his phone down and slipped it back into his pocket.

“Idiot! He’s turned his phone of, I left a messege. He’ll probably turn it on and find it when he wonders where we…”Eun Hyuk paused. Jia Lian’s face was pale. He waved his hand in fornt of her face. “Hey, you okay, honey?”Jia Lian blinked a few times before figgiting in her seat. “I’m fine”she reassured him. “Well, you don’t look it.”Eun Hyuk replied. Jia Lian shot him a killer look. He bit his lip. “Let me drive.”He requested. “No”“Please, I know where to go from here. I’s not that far.”“No.”“You know, You’re not the only one with a fierce side. I can be scary too!”Jia Lian rolled her eyes as she normaly did when Eun Hyuk was being immature. “So, I’m warning you now. You can either give in and let me drive or I will carry you out myself.”Jia Lian glared at him. “You dare try anything and I’ll hit you so hard you…”But Eun Hyuk had already got out the car. The traffic line was so long that a lot of people had got out their cars aswell. The car infront of them were havng what appeared to be a picnic. Eun Hyuk opened the driver’s door and Jia Lian looked up at him. “Touch me and you’ll regret it!”she hissed at him. He smiled and reaced down into the car. Jia Lian raised one of her hands ready to slap him when he put his own up in defence. “I’m not going to touch you!”He reached past her and unclicked her seatbelt.

Standing back slightly he held his hand out for Jia Lian. “I’ll give you one more chance. Don’t make me embarrass you infront of all these people.”She opened about to lay into Eun Hyuk when she heard some old couple in the car next to them talking. “Looks like they’re having a fight.”The old man said to his wife. “They look like a newly married couple, their probably just getting used to married life”she chuckled back. “You know what?”Jia Lian started. “I’m not going to even bother fighting with you.”She turned away and folded her arms across her chest. Eun Hyuk shrugged his shouleders. "Don't say i didn't warn you!"

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)