Chapter 10

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

Eun Hyuk chucled to himself before reaching down. Jia Lian’s eyes widened. “Don’t even think about it!”she cursed. But he ignored her. He slid one arm under her knees and the other round her back, lifting her effortlessly out the car. Instead of hitting him, as she had originally planned and as Eun Hyuk expected, she clinged to him. Rapping her arms around his shoulder, scared that she would fall. But that didn’t stop her making threatening comments in his ear. “You’re so dead! Just wait! You’re going to regret you were even born! How dare you touch me!”As the cursing continued Eun Hyuk simply ignored it. Eun Hyuk sat her down in the oter side of the car. “Be a good girl, now”he said before shutting the door. As he walked back round to the drivers seat he noticed the old couple giggling. He smiled and waved at them. “Wife troubles?”The old man joked. Eun Hyuk nodded. “Yeah, they’re just out of control, aren’t they.”He joked back. Jia Lian didn’t appreciate him saying this but didn’t mention it. Eun Hyuk sat down in the car, shutting the door behind him. “Look!”he said. “The traffic’s starting to move.”“Thank God!”Jia Lian said still sulking. Eun Hyuk laughed. “You look so cute when you’re in a mood.”He said pinching her cheek. She hit his hand away from her face. “Just drive!”she ordered.



Eun Hyuk smiled feeling victorious. The rest of the drive was again silent but it had a different feeling this time. As he pulled up and parked the car at the airport he could already see his friend waiting for them. But he was looking the other way and couldn’t see them. “Do you want to wait in the car?”Eun Hyuk asked, but Jia Lian gave him no reply. “I’ll take that as a yes then.”He said getting out the car. She watched as Eun Hyuk walked away from the car and greeted his friend. They hugged and jumped about happy to see each other. ‘Grrr…That guy!’Jia Lian thought. ‘One day I’m going to get my own back on…’–Her mind went blank. As She focused on Eun Hyuk’s friend it all seemed too…well…like a Déjàvu. His sleak black hair, his well built body, his heart warming smile…“Ye Sung?”she whispered to herself. She started to hyporventalate but tried to calm down before anyone noticed. She got out of the car and walked up behind Eun Hyuk. She slipped her hand into his and hid behind his back slightly, so Ye Sung couldn’t see her face. Eun Hyuk turned to see who it was holding his hand. Jia Lian gave him a weak smile. Eun Hyuk’s smile grew larger, showing his gums. His grip tightened on her hand and he turned back to his friend. “Who’s that?”Ye Sung asked in curiosity. “Oh, this girl here?”he refered to Jia Lian hiding behind him. Ye Sung nodded. Eun Hyuk pulled her in front of him, still holding her hand and rapped the other round her stomache. Jia Lian was shorter then Eun Hyuk, as he held her in front of him he could smell the sweet scent of her hair. Ye Sung’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Jia Lian?”he asked gobsmacked. “Oh, you two know each other?”Eun Hyuk interrupted. “No!”Ye Sung said before Jia Lian had a chance to open . “It’s just you’ve mentioned her.”“Have i?”Eun Hyuk asked. “I don’t remember that”he laughed. “My memory is getting as bad as yours”he joked at Jia Lian. She smiled at him understanding the joke.


As Eun Hyuk teased Jia Lian, Ye Sung had he eyes stuck on how he held her so close to his own body. “Why have you suddenly gone shy?”he said poking Jia Lian in the cheek. “I’m not shy!”she said sharply. “Now, let’s go. We’ve got a long jorney home. And I want to try and skip the traffic.”With that she released herself from Eun Hyuk’s grip and started to walk back towards the car. “She’s a lot nicer when you get to know her”Eun Hyuk said to Ye Sung. –He smiled. “I know”he replied. Eun Hyuk frowned. “Wow, I didn’t know I talked about her that much.”Ye Sung bit his lip –Maybe he’d said too much. Then Eun Hyuk started to kaugh again. “But she really is a lovely girl.”He reassured him not knowing of their past. Ye Sung smiled. “I bet she is, but she looks as if she really wants to go now.”She sung said looking towards the car. Jia Lian had already made herself comfortable on the back seat behind the passenger’s side. Eun Hyuk turned himself to look. He waved at her. “Just coming, sweety!”

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)