Chapter 6

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

The next morning when Jia Lian woke up she could hear someone groaning. She walked out of her room and into the kitchen to find Eun Hyuk frantically looking around in the cupboards. “What’s wrong?”Jia Lian asked while entering the room. Eun Hyuk jumped at her presence. “Ah! I’m looking for painkillers!.”Eun Hyuk said shielding his eyes from the light. Jia Lian laughed inside. “Had one to many last night did we?”Eun Hyuk winced. Jia Lian walked over to one of the cupboards and took out a box. She opened it and popped two tablets out. She turned to Eun Hyuk. “Go back to bed. I’ll bring it to you.”“Thanks”he replied as he left the room. She grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Then walking through with the water in one hand and the pills in the other she noticed Eun Hyuk staring in the mirror. “Yes, you look gorgeous.”Jia Lian said sarcastically. “Oh I know that. It’s just my cheek is really sore and red.”Jia Lian bit her lip. ‘That’s because of the slap I gave him last night wasn’t it?’she thought. She snapped out of her thoughts. “Get in bed!”She told Eun Hyuk. He looked at her. “What? We haven’t known each other that long!”Jia Lianlooked confused for a second. “Oh! I don’t mean that! I was just…just…saying”Eun Hyuk started laughing. “I know what you meant. Don’t worry.”“Hey! You seem to be feeling a lot better now!”She interrupted. “Oh~”Eun Hyuk moaned. He placed his hands over his head as if he were in a lot of pain. Jia Lian placed the water and pills on his bed side table and walked back to him over by the mirror. Grabbing his shoulders she directed him to the bed. He got into his bed and Jia Lian handed him the water and he took the tablets. She felt his forehead. “Your temperatures’very high.”She said as she walked towards the door. “Is that good or bad?”Eun Hyuk added. “Don’t be stupid.”She said shutting the door.


Jia Lian looked at her watch it was 5:00pm. ‘Eun Hyuk must feel really unwell to stay in bed this long…He hasn’t eaten!”She suddenly thought. She got up and walked into the kitchen. She opened the fridge remembering she had made some sushi the previous day. Putting a few pieces on a plate she walked through to Eun Hyuk’s room. Opening the door, she saw that he was still fast asleep. She walked over and sat on his bed. She felt his forehead again and noticed his temperature had gone down. “Eun Hyuk”She whispered, trying to wake him up. He made no response. “Eun Hyuk!”He groaned. “Lee Hyuk Jae, get up now!”He moved in his bed. “I don’t wanna go to school, mom!”Jia Lian laughed. “I’m not your mother!”she complained. “Ah, sorry”he said whipping his eyes. “How long have I been asleep?”“Ummm…”Jia Lian started working it out. “About 9 hours.”“Oh My God! Are you serious?”He said as he sat up suddenly. Jia Lian nodded. “Urgghh!”he moaned as he laid down again. “Don’t worry about it.”Jia Lian said standing up. “I brought you some food by the way.”She said as she pointed to the plate of sushi. “Yum! Thank you!”Jia Lian smiled at his excited expression. “Oh! And you have some mail.”She added. It’s in the living room. Ok?”Eun Hyuk nodded. “I’ll be through in a little while.


Eun Hyuk finally immerged into the living room after a couple of minutes. He glanced at Jia Lian. “Where’s my mail?”he asked. “Over on the table”she replied. He went over to the table and picked up his letter. Sitting down, he read the letter. Just then the door bell rang. “I’ll get it”Jia Lian said as she got up and walked towards the door. It was Ga Eun. The two girls sat down and chatted. “I’ve got something rather important to tell you.”Ga Eun said. “What is it?”Jia Lian replied curiously. “Well,…Ye Sung…He”“You’ve heard from him!?”Jia Lian interrupted. “Please, hear me out first”Ga Eun said grimly.

“Ye Sung has a new…a new girlfriend.”Jia Lian’s expression dropped. Eun Hyuk looked up from his letter. ‘Why is she so upset about this Ye Sung guy?’he thought.

“That bastard! I wouldn’t take him back for anything now! Those years we spent together…Did they mean nothing!?”Jia Lian raised her voice. “Calm down!”Ga Eun told her. “There’s no use getting angry over him.”“I guess you’re right. I should just act like I don’t care.”Ga Eun nodded. “That’s what you gotta do, hun!”

Later on when Ga Eun had left Jia Lian set the table for dinner. Eun Hyuk came in and sat down at the table.

“You have any interesting news from your friend then?”Jia Lian asked looking up from what she was doing. “How did you know it was my friend who wrote to me?”Eun Hyuk asked suspiciously. “Because it’s air mail, you can easily see it’s from Korea. And you are always writing to your friend back there.”Eun Hyuk shrugged his shoulders. “Guess so. He was just on about how he was coming over her in a month. It’s so sweet. He is coming here to find his lost love.”Jia Lian cooed at the idea. “That’s so romantic!”The two laughed. “Will he be able to stay here?”Eun Hyuk asked. “Yeah, that should be ok.”

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)