Chapter 3

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

She stopped running when she got to the bottom of the stairs, out of breath. Her high heals were killing her. Although she was in pain she still made a hasty retreat back to her home to catch the man she loved. She, after a tiring ten minute run, reached the front door. She bent down with her hands on her knees while she caught her breath back. She opened the door and walked in silently. “Ye Sung-shi?”She looked around. “Are you here?”“I’m sorry”a voice came from Ye Sung’s bedroom. “I have to go”. Just then Ye Sung submerged with two cases in his grip. He dragged them into the living room where Jia Lian was standing. “P-please…”she started. “My mind’s made up!!”Ye Sung shouted. He picked up his cases and walked out the door. He took a final glance back at the girl who had loved and cared for him the past 4 years. Their relationship was really over. “I’m sorry”he said again before starting to walk away. “Take care of yourself”he added before disappearing from her sight.


Jia Lian collapsed onto her knees. What was she going to do? That night she cried herself to sleep. Not even eating a single thing. She felt like her life wasn’t worth anything with out Ye Sung by her side. The next morning when she woke up her eyes were puffy, red and really stung. She walked into her bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. After she did so she looked back at the clock. 10:00am. She really couldn’t care less. Ga Eun would of probably explained to her boss. After all the 2 years she had been working there she had never taken a day of sick. She wouldn’t mind this. All of a sudden her phone started to ring. She ran into the living room and grabbed it. “Hello?”she asked still sounding half asleep. Deep down in her heart she really wanted it to be Ye Sung calling her but now she highly doubted that would be the case. “Jia Lian, are you ok?”a caring voice asked. “Oh! Ga Eun, Yeah I’m ok.”“So, It’s really over between you two?”Jia Lian sniffed holding her tears back. “You know what you need to do, girl?”Ga Eun said strongly. “What?”“You need to act like you’ve got over him! Or make him jealous!”“I don’t think I can do that.”Jia Lian interrupted. Ga Eun sighed. “Well at least you can put your spare room up for rent. Then you wont be lonely and you’ll have someone to help with the bills.”“Fine, It looks like I’m going to have to do that anyway.”She replied duly. “I’ll come by and check on you later, ok? Oh! And by the way your Boss says you can take your time coming back to work. They can manage without you for a week or so. She understands what you’re going through. You just get yourself sorted out before you come back to work.”Ga Eun explained. “Thanks. I’ll see you later then”“Yeah, bye”. “Bye.”Jia Lian placed her phone back on the table where it was before. She had to find a way to get Ye Sung back! But she didn’t know how. She walked through into the spare room. Looking at one of the walls she saw where she and Ye Sung had playfully drawn on it with pens. *Y.S LOVES J.L* She treasured it.


About a week passed and Jia Lian was still depressed. She had made herself unwell from not eating and not sleeping. Suddenly one morning there was a knock at the door. Jia Lian answered it expecting it to be Ga Eun. She opened the door to find a young, brown haired man. He smiled. Pointing at a piece of paper in his hand he said “Room…rent.”His Japanese wasn’t very strong. Jia Lian looked at the paper he held. It was the advertisement that she had put up about renting her room. “Oh!”she said realizing. “Please, come in.”She gestured for him to enter and he did so happily. “Sorry, you were sleep?”he continued looking at Jia Lian who was still in her pajamas. She shook her head. “It’s ok.”Jia Lian got the guy a drink and they sat down in the living room. “I’m from Korea”he said reading from his phrase book. “My name is Lee Hyuk Jae. Please call me Eun Hyuk. I am tourist.”Jia Lian nodded understandingly. “I’m move to Japan. Please show me here what is like. And please teach me.”She laughed at his accent. “Ok, I will teach you how to speak better Japanese.”She said in Korean. Eun Hyuk’s mouth dropped open. “You can speak Korean?”he asked. Jia Lian nodded. “Oh!”he laughed to himself. “Well, it might be better this way.”He said and Jia Lian agreed. “Shall I show to your room then?”Eun Hyuk jumped up energetically. “Lead the way.”Eun Hyuk followed her to his new room. “Right, first rule!”She said as she walked into the spare room that now belonged to Eun Hyuk. “I am not a maid! You clean you own room. Second rule! If you bring a girl back then keep the noise down.”Eun Hyuk chuckled. “I doubt that’ll happen.”Jia Lian ignored him and continued. “Last rule. Never remove the from the wall!”pointing to the writing on the wall by the light switch. Eun Hyuk turned to look at it. “Y S Loves J L”Eun Hyuk read. “Oh, you can speak English as well, huh?”Eun Hyuk winked at her. “I’m smarter then I look!”She rolled her eyes before walking into her own room. “Oh yeah! And one more rule.”Eun Hyuk listened to her carefully. “Always knock before entering my room.”Eun Hyuk smiled. “What kind of guy do you think I am?”Jia Lian looked at him. “I don’t know”she said before disappearing into her room. Eun Hyuk took a deep breath. ‘She’s scary’he thought to himself. He retrieved his bags from the living room and began unpacking.



Jia Lian came out of her room fully dressed. She walked over to Eun Hyuk’s room and pocked her head round the door. “Mr. Lee”she called to get his attention. “Yes?”he said looking up from what he was doing. “Bathroom’s there, Kitchen’s there”she informed him pointing to different doors in the flat. “Make yourself at home. Now, I have to go out. I will be back in about 20 minutes.”Eun Hyuk gave her a thumbs up. “Ok! And you can call me Eun Hyuk”he said obediently. She turned around and walked into the living room, picking up her cell phone on the way out. “Wait!”Eun Hyuk called running to her. “What?”she asked. “I don’t know your name. The advertisement just said miss Cho.”“Oh. I’m Jia Lian.”She introduced herself. “How old?”Eun Hyuk asked. Jia Lian looked offended. Eun Hyun noticed straight away. “I’m sorry. I was just wondering.”He blurted out trying not to upset her. “I’m 21 years old”. “Ha!”Eun Hyuk clapped his hands excitedly. Jia Lian frowned at him. “I’m 23, that means you’re my Donseng.”She shook her head at him. “You are so childish”she said before walking out of the door. ‘Such a weirdo!’she thought to herself.


Jia Lian walked into town. She was going to get a key cute for Eun Hyuk seeing as she only had the one. As she pushed open the door to the shop and made her way in she noticed Ga Eun standing at the counter. She walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. “Oh! Jia Lian!”Ga Eun said spinning around. “What you doing?”Jia Lian asked her. “Oh, the photo copier at work has crashed so I have to come down here to photo copy the paper work until they get a new one tomorrow. What are you doing here?”“Getting a key cut. I’ve got a new room mate.”She said while twiddling with her keys. “Oh, really? Is she nice?”“It’s a he not a she”Jia Lian informed her sounding a bit disappointed. “He’s called Mr. Lee. Lee Hyuk Jae. But he insists I call him Eun Hyuk.”“Hyuk Jae? Is he Korean?”Ga Eun asked recognizing the origin of the name. “Yeah. In fact his Japanese isn’t all that good. Hey! When you drop by later I will introduce you two, ok?”“Ok, I better go now she said as the man handed her the pile of paper work. Jia Lian said goodbye to her friend. “Next!”the old man called. Jia Lian faced the old man whom she had known since she was a young girl. He had always owned and run this shop. “Well, hello love”he smiled remembering her face. “What can I do for you?”“I’d like a key cut, please”she said handing him her own house key. “Ah”he said taking the key. “That boyfriend of yours loose his then?”Jia Lian looked down. “No…actually we are not a couple anymore.”“Oh”The old man started feeling a little sorry for her. “Don’t worry. I didn’t like the look of him anyways. I know you can do so much better.”Jia Lian didn’t really like the man saying stuff like this but she didn’t say anything. He continued with his work. Five minutes later he returned Jia Lian’s key and also a freshly new cut one. She paid him the money and said her goodbyes before leaving the shop.


When Jia Lian got home Eun Hyuk was sat in the living room watching T.V. “Finished unpacking?”she asked as she shut the front door behind her. “yeah, I didn’t have much to do. Only clothes, photos, books, CDs. You know just random items I chose to take with me.”“Ok. Well, add this to your random items and don’t loose it!”She said handing him the key. He smiled and thanked her. Later on once the two of them had talked for about half an hour getting to know each other Eun Hyuk asked “Do you have any paper? Writing paper?”“Why?”Jia Lian questioned out of curiosity. “I want to write to my friend back in Korea.”He told her. “Yeah, sure it’s just in that draw”she said pointing to the other side of the room. “Thanks”he said as he walked over and got himself a few sheets. After that he disappeared into his room.

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)