Chapter 5

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

“Oh! I can’t wait!”Eun Hyuk exclaimed excitedly. Jia Lian rolled her eyes. ‘So immature!’she thought. They were walking up the road towards the grounds where the circus was being held. When the reached the entrance Eun Hyuk ran of to see how long it was until the next show started. Jia Lian sat on a bench that was free. She still felt a little unwell. “Hey! Jia Lian, it’s been a while!”She looked up to see one of her old school friends standing in front of her. One that she didn’t particularly get along with. The girl smirked at her. “Have you met my boyfriend?”she asked as she pulled a man by her side. He smiled at Jia Lian. “His name’s Ryo. He works in the media business.”She said cheerfully obviously showing of. “So, where’s you guy? Oh! That’s right. He dumped you.”The girl spitefully laughed. Jia Lian looked at the floor. “I don’t blame him! The only guy that would date you would have to blind! And most probably unable to hear too!”Jia Lian felt like she was worth nothing. She was 21 years old and still being picked on by bullies. She should of learnt to stand up for herself by now! “But I’m not blind!”A voice argued from behind. A man came and sat next to Jia Lian and put his arm round her. Looking to her side in shock she saw Eun Hyuk. “I’m not blind”he said again. “And I can hear fine as well.”The girl’s face turned pale. “T-this is your boyfriend?”She stuttered. Eun Hyuk grinned. “Well, isn’t that obvious?”He replied trying to not make any mistakes in his Japanese. The girl looked embarrassed. She looked around. “Oh! Look! We better go now”she said dragging her boyfriend away to one of the attractions avoiding further conversation with Eun Hyuk and Jia Lian. Jia Lian looked at Eun Hyuk who was still sitting with his arm wrapped round her. “Thanks”she said. She let out a week smile as she did so. “No problem. Who was she anyway?”Jia Lian bit her lip. “Just some girl who used to tease me in high school. I shouldn’t let her get to me!”“That’s right!”Eun Hyuk said. He jumped up and pulled Jia Lian up after him. He stood there holding her elbows. “Let’s go!”He said smiling.

As they sat in the circus watching the clowns and gymnasts prance around the stage all Jia Lian could think about was that girl. Was everyone going to be like that now that she had been dumped by Ye Sung? He was her first boyfriend. And she thought he had to be the one. But she had been proved wrong. She sat there daydreaming as Eun Hyuk grinned from ear to ear and chuckled like a three year old.“You know”Eun Hyuk started. “I’ve always dreamed about taking my kids to the circus in the future.”“Really?”Jia Lian asked. “You have a lot of interest in parenthood?”Eun Hyuk nodded. “I do.”He chirped. “wow, There aren’t a lot of guys like you around now days.”Jia Lian replied with a hint of sarcasm.Eun Hyuk simply smiled back and returned to watching the show.

After the show Jia Lian and Eun Hyuk walked home. Well, rather Eun Hyuk stumbled home and Jia Lian helped him. Eun Hyuk was singing old children’s songs. Jia Lian giggled. “I think you’ve had a bit too much”she laughed trying to make sure he didn’t tumble over. “There’s never enough! I’ll continue till fish fly!”‘God!’She thought. ‘He’s completely out of it!’

They got back to the flat and Jia Lian helped Eun Hyuk sit down on the sofa. She sat down on the opposite side of the room and picked up her phone seeing if she had any missed calls. Suddenly Eun Hyuk plonked himself down next to her. Disturbed she turned to see what he wanted. As she did so she met not his face but his lips. Jia Lian broke away immediately. Slapping Eun Hyuk she screamed. “Don’t you dare!!”She stood up and stormed into the bathroom, Eun Hyuk remained seated. She looked the door behind her. Looking into the mirror she wiped of all her make-up ready for bed. She didn’t let Eun Hyuk get to her. He was drunk after all. That kiss meant nothing. She walked out the bathroom and glanced in the sitting room. Eun Hyuk was fast asleep. She rolled her eyes and walked over to him. She pulled his arm around her neck and stood him up. She helped him to his room, putting him to bed. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. Jia Lian stood at the door watching him for a moment. ‘Why am I even helping him?’she thought. Before she left she let out a smile. ‘Looks just like a sleeping baby!’

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)