Chapter 7

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

“To find his lost love?”Jia Lian asked Eun Hyuk again a couple of days later. “Eh?”he frowned confused. “Your friend…”Jia Lian continued. “Oh! Yeah, He’s got a new girl. But just recently he has realized how much he misses the girl he used to be with. He’s literally hitting himself for giving her up. He says it’s the worst mistake of his life!”Jia Lian sighed. “Wow~ I wish more men could be like that!”She said. “Hey, I’m not like that!”Eun Hyuk protested. “I never said you were”She replied keeping cool. “Ah…well…”Eun Hyuk couldn’t think of a comeback. “Why are women so awkward!?”With that he walked out the room that they were standing in. Jia Lian exhaled a deep breath. ‘What crawled down his back?’She thought.



Eun Hyuk locked his door behind him and he plunked down onto his bed. “Aishh!”he exclaimed. He covered his mouth not meaning to speak so loud. He walked to the door and opened it. He peeked round and noticed Jia Lian walk into the bathroom. ‘Now’s my chance!’he thought. Dashing out the door he ran into the living room. He looked around frantically trying to find it –Then, he did. He grabbed it and placed in his back pocket before quickly making his way back to his room. He looked to door again and took the item out his back pocket of his jeans –Jia Lian’s cell phone. He flipped it up and searched through the phone book until he found who he was looking for –Ga Eun’s number. He transferred the information onto his own phone and then casually walked out of his room. “I’m going out”He informed the girl who looked at him with curiosity as he pulled his jacket on. There was still obvious annoyance present in his tome of voice.“Where?”Jia Lian asked slightly concerned. “Just to sort something out!”He boomed at her. Jia Lian’s face turned scared and shocked. Eun Hyuk noticed he’d over done it. “I’ll be home soon. Don’t worry.”Eun Hyuk placed her cell phone on the table as he walked out without Jia Lian noticing. “A-are y-you ok?”She stuttered. He walked over to where she was sitting and held his arms out to her –She remained motionless. He bent forward and locked his arms around her. She automatically stood up. The two of them stood there –Jia Lian rested her forehead on Eun Hyuk’s shoulder. “Please, Don’t be scared of me. I don’t want to appear as a monster!”Eun Hyuk pleaded still holding her in his arms. “I don’t see you as a monster”She reassured him. He smiled and slowly released her from his grip. He raised his arm and ran the back of his hand over Jia Lian’s soft cheeks. “I’m glad about that. I’ll always be here to protect you, There’s no one I would rather spend my time with! You are my best friend! And friends always help each other!”Jia Lian was a bit disappointed by his use of words –‘Friends’. She was hoping it might have been a bit more then that. But she was still happy that she had a ‘Big brother figure’watching over her. He said before turning and leaving the apartment. Jia Lian was dazed. ‘What on earth…?’She thought.

~^^~ Eun Hyuk’s Point Of View ~^^~


He fiddled with his phone as he sat down on one of the park benches. After tapping at a few buttons he held it to his ear. His heart beat fast as the ringing consumed most of his hearing. Un till someone answered. “Hello?”An innocent sounding voice asked. “Is that Ga Eun?”Eun Hyuk replied sounding very friendly. “Yes. Yes, it is. But may I ask…”“Oh yeah! It’s Eun Hyuk.”He interrupted knowing what she was going to say. “You remember me, right?”“Of course!”She chirped half relieved it wasn’t some random weirdo calling her up. “So, what did you want?”Eun Hyuk breathed in deep. “I was wondering. Could we meet somewhere? Today possibly?”He didn’t know but on the other end of the phone Ga Eun was grinning from ear to ear. “S-Sure”she stuttered surprised. “How about the coffee shop near the park?”he suggested. “Sounds great!”Ga Eun beamed. “When’s the nearest time you could meet me?”“Oh, you’re eager, are you?”Eun Hyuk frowned, struggling to understand what she meant by this. “Yes, It’s rather argent what I have to tell you…or rather ask you.”Ga Eun was smiling so much that was starting to ache. “How does 20 minutes sound?”She asked him. “Perfect.”“Great! See you there!”


~^^~ Ga Eun’s Point of View ~^^~


‘OH MY GOD! I knew he would come around eventually! I’ve got to tell Jia Lian!’She thought as she stared into her wardrobe. ‘But first…What am I going to wear?’She smiled to herself. Later on she rang up Jia Lian to inform her on the news. While passing the living room Ga Eun picked up her phone to ring her best friend. She excitedly punched in Jia Lian’s number –knowing it of by heart. Well, they were best friends. “Hello, Ga Eun Unnie”Jia Lian answered recognizing the number as her phone rang. “Jia Lian! You’ll never guess what has just happened!”“Well, from your voice it’s a good thing.”Jia Lian stated the obvious. “Your extremely cute room mate just phoned me up!”Jia Lian seemed confused. “And…?”“He wants us to meet up! I can’t believe it! I’ve always fancied him but I wasn’t sure he felt the same way. Then when he rang me up he was so keen to see me! He wanted to meet as soon as possible.”Ga Eun was almost hyperventilating from telling her wonderful story to her friend. However, Jia Lian did not see it in the same way. Her eyes became smaller as she frowned with anger. Her face had turned bitter. “Isn’t that great!?”Ga Eun continued. “Yeah!”Jia Lian said sarcastically her voice had now also turned bitter. “What’s wrong, Jia Lian?”Ga Eun asked realizing her mood had suddenly changed for the worst. “Nothing, I have to go.”Jia Lian ended the call and chucked her phone across the room. It smacked against one of the walls and fell to the floor. Jia Lian couldn’t care less. “No one else, huh?”She said standing up. “What has she got that I haven’t? I was right! All men are the same! Eun Hyuk IS a monster AND a cheater! He’s all hugging and happy with me talking to me with sweet words AND THEN! And then he goes of with my best friend!”Jia Lian knocked her glass of the table –Smashing it on the floor. "Well...I'm not going to let him of that easy!"


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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)