Chapter 4

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

Jia Lian sat watching T.V; she couldn’t help thinking about Ye Sung. When she and him used to snuggle together on the sofa and watch shows together. Those were her happiest moments. She fidgeted in her seat and took a deep sigh. Could she ever find that kind of happiness, that kind of comfort, that kind of love again? Was it possible? Suddenly somebody rang the door bell. She jumped and quickly rose and jogged over to the door to answer. “Ga Eun ah!”she chirped cheerfully when she met her friend’s face after opening the door. Ga Eun walked in and sat down with Jia Lian. Eun Hyuk, hearing the noise came out of his room to investigate. He pocked his head round the door to see the two girls chatting. Ga Eun noticed him standing there. “This must be Eun Hyuk.”She said looking towards him. Jia Lian span around not knowing he was there. “Yes, this is my new flat mate, Lee Hyuk Jae.”“Call me Eun Hyuk”he said fully entering the room and greeting Ga Eun. “Nice to meet you.”Ga Eun smiled. “You’re from Korea?”she asked. “Sure am!”Eun Hyuk replied proudly while hitting his chest with his fist twice and finishing with a peace sign. Ga Eun simply laughed at his immaturity; “Where abouts?”Ga Eun continued. “I’m from Goyang.”“Oh! Really? Me too!”Ga Eun said surprised. “Small world.”Jia Lian added. They all laughed.

“I’ll leave you two to talk then.”Eun Hyuk suggested politely. “Ummm, first may I ask do you have an envelope?”he asked Jia Lian. “Next to the paper.”She informed him. He smiled. “Thanks”As Eun Hyuk walked over to the other side of the room the girls continued to talk. “Have you heard form Ye Sung yet?”Jia Lian questioned hopefully. Ga Eun shook her head. “Sorry, no”. Jia Lian looked disappointed. “I’ve already told you! You need to forget him! He’s not worth it.”Ga Eun moaned again. But she was ignored.


Eun Hyuk left the room with his stationary. When he got back to his room he looked at the drawings by the light switch. ‘Y.S = Ye Sung?’he thought to himself. He shook his head. ‘It’s none of my business!’Time passed really quickly. Eun Hyuk had been living with Jia Lian now for about 4 months. Although she had become more friendly with Eun Hyuk, she still had her fierce attitude hanging over her. She had never been like this before. It was only since Ye Sing had left her that she started to act like this. Now, she treated Eun Hyuk as an old friend. They occasionally played games and shopped together, even ate together. “I’m home!”Eun Hyuk shouted happily as he walked through the door. Jia Lian showed no interest in talking to him whatsoever as she sat, watching television. Eun Hyuk was used to this by now. “You alright?”he asked her while hanging his jacket up. “Yeah, how was work?”she replied duly. “Same as always. Boring.”Jia Lian laughed slightly and shook her head. Eun Hyuk’s expression changed. He moved over to where Jia Lian was sitting and knelt down in front of her. “Jia Lian~”he started. She noticed his tone of voice straight away. “What do you want?”she sighed. Neither of them realized how much they sounded like mother and son. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He handed it to her. She unfolded it to find it was a poster. Advertising the circus. “It’s the last day today.”Eun Hyuk told her. “Can we go? I really love the circus!”Jia Lian didn’t look so excited by the fact. “Do I have to go with you?”she started. Eun Hyuk put his hands on her knees and gave her puppy dog eyes. She looked down at him. “Why do you need me?”“Because I don’t know this place!”he said in a whining voice. “I’m not feeling well.”She protested. “I have a stomach ache and I threw up twice this morning!”. “Oh!”Eun Hyuk interrupted. “Your not pregnant are you?”Jia Lian frowned at him. “Are you stupid? Who’s baby would it be?”she asked sarcastically. Eun Hyuk scratched his head as if he were deep in thought. “Well, I’m pretty sure it’s not mine…”He said.Jia Lian rolled her eyes. Eun Hyuk laughed. “I’m only joking. But please! Will you come with me?”“Fine”Jia Lian agreed.

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)