Chapter 15 -- Final

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

Time past really quickly as they were having so much fun. And before the realized it was dark. The sat on the beach by the fire keeping warm. Then Eun Hyuk noticed something he found adorable. Jia Lian was asleep, reasting on his arm. He kissed her forhead and went back to talking with Ye Sung. You two a really close. Ye Sung started. I guess so. Eun Hyuk replied smiling. Its just she makes me feel likeIve got a meaning, you know? Like I have to be there for her. Its so weird I cant explain! Ye Sung nodded, smiling slightly. I know what you mean. Eun Hyuk looked down at Jia Lian. He strocked the hair back from her face and looked back at Ye Sung. His smile was more than happiness, it was a sort of satisfaction too. He was happy to have found someone he loved and he very satisfied with her. I plan to stay by her side. Forever! Ye Sung looked down trying to hind the sadness inside but after he thought for a while he realised how goo this would be for Jia Lian. Congrats! he said lightly punching Eun Hyuks shoulder. Shes lovely. Eun Hyuk grinned admiring her. Dont I know it!


Its getting late, lets go home. Ye Sung suggested. Eun Hyuk removed the jacket he had put round Jia Lians sleeping body to keep warm and chucked it Ye Sung. You open the car door. Ye Sung nodded, understanding. Eun Hyuk was careful not to wake Jia Lian. He lifted her like a baby. And carried her to the car. When they got home he put her in bed. Ye Sung had already gone to bed himself in the other room and sounded as if he were asleep. Eun Hyuk laid next to Jia Lian. Their noses were almost touching. He ran his fingers along the outlines of her face. Just as she had done to him before. This is becoming a hibbit, you know. Me carrying you home. He whispered. Just then Eun Hyuk noticed Jia Lians mouth move up in the corners forming a smile. Is that a problem? she asked opening her eyes. Eun Hyuk smiled back. Of course not. Im going to bed now, sleep well. Just as Eun Hyuk was about to get up Jia Lian gabbed his arm. Dont leave! Stay with me tonight. Eun Hyuk relaxed again. Ok


The next morning was hectic. Everything had to be ready for Ye Sungs trip home. And they had to leave to drive to the airport soon. After going through the check list Eun Hyuk and Ye Sung decided they had everything. We stood at the airport and said our good byes. But, Hyung! Eun Hyuk said to his friend. What happened about the whole finding your lost love and stuff? Ye Sung smiled at him. Dont worry. I found her and she is well but we cant be the same again. Eun Hyuk nodded understandingly. Oh. Thats too bad. Oh! I really have to go now! Ye Sung said looking at his watch. I dont want to miss my flight. He gave Jia Lian and Eun Hyuk a hug before starting to walk towards one of the gates. As he was about to walk in the door he turned to wave to his friends once more and as he did so he saw Eun Hyuk tighten his grip on Jia Lians hand. Ye Sung sighed. Shes in good hands, now.

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)