Chapter 1

Return! (A Eunhyuk Love Story)

Jia Lian awoke from her dream land because a ear-splitting noise was poisoning her whole room. She Opened her eyes. Stretching her arms out wide she let a tired groan slip through her lips. As most people would, Jia Lian preferred to stay in her nice, warm bed. In the comfort of her own home. But reality is always causing problems!! Getting in the way of what you want! But there’s not a lot you can do about it, right? She slapped the top of her alarm clock, seizing the disturbing sound it was producing. Clenching her head with both hands she could feel a headache starting to build up. Which was the last thing she wanted early in the morning, as you can guess. No one is happy with a headache as soon as the wake. Tossing and turning in her bed, she had no intention of getting up and starting her day whatsoever.

As she did so her bedroom door was opened by a young, tall man around the same age as Jia Lian. He glanced at her and smiled. The young man chuckled sarcastically at what lay in front of him. Jia Lian, looking up with squinted eyes, still not accustomed to the lighting differences, raised her hand in defence. “Please! I have a headache. Let me sleep 10 more minutes!”The man simply laughed again. “So the alcohol finally got to you?”He , raising his eyebrows. “Oh! You’re so funny Ye Sung!”Jia Lian added before rolling over on to her stomach. “10 Minutes!”She requested again. She slowly reached to the side and grabbed one of her other pillows. Placing it over her head she attempted to block out all light and sound. The man known as Ye Sung sighed. “10 Minutes!”He told her. Her reply was no more then a muffled groan. Most likely meaning ‘Yes! Now please leave!’. And understanding this Ye Sing did so.



10 Minutes quickly passed and Ye Sung returned to get his ‘Sleeping Beauty’up and ready for her day ahead of her. He walked into her room and by her side he watched over her like a guardian angel. He brushed her silky hair away from her sleeping face. “Sweetheart! It’s time to get up now.”He reached down and kissed her on the forehead. Shortly after Jia Lian’s eyes suddenly flipped open. Smiling, she reached her arms out to Ye Sung. She rapped them round the back of his neck and pulled him closer. Their faces within inches, Ye Sung asked “Feeling better now?”He gave her a peck on the lips. She answered with a satisfying hum. “Yes, So much better!”. “Good!”Ye Sung replied before giving her another loving kiss and standing up straight. He happened to glance over at the clock the was opposite the bed. “Oh! Gotta go baby! Don’t be late for work. I’ll see you later, Don’t forget!”“I won’t”Jia Lian called as he rushed out the door.



Jia Lian through her duvet covers to one side and stepped out of bed. She stretched to the ceiling and then turned herself to look at the clock. “EH!? 9:00am!!? I have to be at work in 30 minutes!”Jia Lian ran into the bathroom. After 10 minutes she reappeared looking like a completely new person. She looked fresh and smart in her uniform she had hung neatly in the bathroom the previous night. Her face was pure and light and her skin was soft, which complemented her look well. Black skirt, Blue blouse, Black jacket, tights, black shoes. A basic uniform. Her shiny, dead straight hair reached just past her shoulders. She left it down always as she didn’t like to tie it up.

While walking into the living room she thought to herself that she wouldn’t need breakfast and could wait until her lunch break to eat. She did this everyday. No wonder she was so skinny. Jia Lian grabbed her keys and bag and made her way for the door. As she did a photo caught her eye. Jia Lian walked over to the window ceil and picked up the frame. In the picture there were two lovers having a fun time at the beach. The girl was there in her bikini while her boyfriend rubbed oil into her back. The two looked so happy together. The lovers in the picture were Ye Sung and herself.


She couldn’t help thinking how lucky she was to have a guy like him. She smiled at the photo, she did every time she saw it. So far they had only created good memories in their relationship. They had no fights, no disagreements, no hard times. It was a perfect match Jia Lian thought. It had lasted 4 years and she was sure it would continue for much longer. Suddenly Jia Lian noticed her watch, 9:20 ‘Oh! Gosh!’she thought. ‘I must go now!’. Jia Lian carefully placed the photo frame back down in it’s place and rushed out the door. Just as Ye Sung had done 20 minutes ago.

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leah412 #1
Chapter 15: Cool story
This is soooooo... heartbreaking for Yesung :""<
But, Im happy that Jia Lian found Hyuk :"">

~Thank you for making this, but please do a sequel! :)