tales of blueberry cakes & sweet kisses

The Seventeen Compound

Title: Tales of Blueberry Cakes & Sweet Kisses
Pairing:Kwon Soonyoung x Paek Saehyun
Supporting Characters: Lee Jihoon, Ahn Byul, Jeon Wonwoo, Baek Cheonsa, Choi Seungcheol, Park Songhee (Sierra), Kim Mingyu, Lee Daeyoung (Darcy)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Length: Oneshot
Word Count: 1621
Warning(s): -
Author's Note: a birthday fic for soonyoung last year because he replied to my tweet.
Description: Soonyoung's friends were planning to hold a surprise birthday party for him, could they accomplish their mission?


June 15th, the day that everyone looked forward to, it was the student body president's birthday.

"Good morning Soonyoung!"

"Hey there birthday boy!"

Almost everyone greeted him, trying to get his attention as he smiled and nodded, continued walking to his classroom. They knew that Soonyoung wasn't the type who held a big birthday bash or something, so maybe by being nice, he would invite them to his small party? Maybe?

"Soonyoung! Happy birthday!" Jihoon ran to him, literally jumped to his back as Soonyoung almost fell over. 

"Thanks man, but could you please get down?" He pleaded as he tried to balance both of their weight together, he was no Seungcheol for sure.

"Sorry!" Jihoon went down from his back, leaving Soonyoung to hold it as he groaned in pain. 

"What did you eat for breakfast? You're not usually this heavy." 

"Kimchi soup, stir fried pork and two bowls of rice." Jihoon grinned before he started to walk to his class. Oh, no wonder.

"Seriously? I hate you!" Soonyoung shouted as he laughed, his best friend is always the cheerful guy.

"I love you too." Jihoon replied as loud as his shout, saluted the older boy before finally entering his class.



Soonyoung was a bit upset that his girlfriend wasn't there, he tried to search for her but she was nowhere to be found. He texted her, called her a few times but there was no answer. During break time, he visitted the 1B classroom, in hoping that he could find her there.

"Byul! Do you know where's Saehyun?" Soonyoung approached the little girl, who was tidying up her desk. His arrival made some of the girls squealed, well... you can't deny his popularity (and good looks).

"Saehyun? She didn't came to school today, I don't know." She quickly answered before dashing out of the classroom.

"Eh? That's weird...." A frown came to his lips as his shoulder deflated, feeling upset because the person he cherish the most, wasn't there for his birthday. He walked to the student council room, expecting to see Jihoon but he wasn't there. Silence, it was empty and too quiet for his liking so he decided to go back to his classroom to prepare for the next subject.

Once school is over, Soonyoung was determined to do one thing, visit Saehyun in her house. To his dismay, Wonwoo stopped his tracks as he stood in front of the school gates. Soonyoung's close friends were planning to do a surprise birthday party at his house, but the preparations wasn't finished yet, thanks to Jihoon who accidentally bumped onto Mingyu when he arrived at Soonyoung's house, Mingyu's hands were holding the cake until it suddenly fell because of his force.

"What? Excuse me but I need to go somewhere." Soonyoung hissed, his mood definitely went down the drain as he got a B- during Physics. Soonyoung wasn't the type whose satisfied with a B-, he needs an A+ score on every subject.

"Can you.... teach me how to dance? Um... I want to give Cheonsa a surprise." Wonwoo asked Soonyoung as he dragged him away from the gates.


"Yes, right now." Wonwoo nodded as he lead Soonyoung to the dance room, didn't cared about Soonyoung's endless complaints as he tighten his grip on Soonyoung's wrist.

"Ouch! That hurts!" 



Inside Soonyoung's house, Byul and Saehyun were busy preparing the decorations, while the rest are busy with their own tasks. Especially Jihoon who was running as fast as he could to the nearest bakery. "Cheonsa! How's Wonwoo doing with Soonyoung?" Sierra shouted on top of her lungs to Cheonsa, who was blowing some balloons on the sofa.

"He's.... doing a great job to distract Soonyoung, although he seems a bit suspicious now." Cheonsa read the text message from Wonwoo before continuing to blow those balloons.

Both Sierra and Darcy were trying to put a big banner that says 'Happy Birthday Kwon Soonyoung' at the living room. Sierra was climbing a ladder with the help of Seungcheol, who held it tight just it case she might fall. Darcy hopped onto Mingyu's shoulder since there was only one ladder, and the taller boy had a hard time balancing her weight with his hands holding her legs. 

"Oh come on, Kim Mingyu! Stand still or I'll be the one who carry you instead!" Darcy snarled, definitely feeling anxious as she tried to stick the banner on the wall using a duck tape. As they watch those two bickering, Sierra and Seungcheol could only chuckle as Sierra stuck the banner on the wall. Once she was done, she stepped down from the ladder, her foot missed a step which resulted her to topple down the ladder. Being the one who has fast reflexes, Seungcheol's arms s around Sierra's waist as she fell right on top of him.

"Don't worry, I got you." Seungcheol assured Sierra, who was having a hard time to not blush. Out of the sudden, someone entered the house, carrying a huge chocolate cake as he grinned.

"Soonyoun--" Mingyu turned around (still with Darcy on his shoulders), expecting to see Soonyoung but he was greeted by Jihoon instead. 

"Kim Mingyu!" She yelped before falling hard onto the brown couch, instinctively pulling Mingyu along as he landed on top of her.

"It's just me!" Jihoon answered as he put the huge cake on the table. Byul and Saehyun, who were watching at the sidelines couldn't help but wonder, "Seriously? Can't you guys have better balance?" Both of them said at the same time.



"Wonwoo! That's not how you do a body wave. You have to do it like this!" Soonyoung's nag was loud, you could hear it from another room as he demonstrated how a body wave should be. Wonwoo, who had been doing about 100 body wave, collapsed to the ground as he let out an irritated sigh. "Tired already?" Soonyoung asked, he squatted next to Wonwoo who gave him a nod. Wonwoo's phone buzzed, he opened a new message that he recieved and that was his sign to leave.

"Come on, let's go home." Wonwoo slung an arm on Soonyoung's shoulder as they started to walk home.

When they arrived at the front door, Wonwoo silently prayed that the preparations was done and that Mingyu won't drop the cake again. Soonyoung opened the door lazily, expecting no one to be at his house. The moment he and Wonwoo stepped in, it was pitch black and quiet. Suddenly, the lights were on as all of them chorused together.

"Surprise! Happy birthday, Kwon Soonyoung!" And there she was, holding a cake as Saehyun smiled widely. Although Mingyu and Seungcheol had a hard time to pop the confetti, Jihoon had prepared some 'emergency confetti', it was shredded colored papers.

"I...." His mouth were open wide in shock, his eyes started to feel heavy as happy tears brimmed in it. "Thank you..." Flashing his pearly whites, a smile immediately came to his lips. He slowly approached Saehyun, his eyes were set on the cake as he noticed something. It was a blueberry cake, and he dislike it so much.

"I'm sorry, Soonyoung! But happy birthday!" Saehyun grinned, slammed the cake onto his face until his face was full of cake.

"You're so going to get it." A smirk came to his lips as he smeared some cake on Saehyun's cheeks, he laughed wholeheartedly when she pouted.

"It's supposed to be you who got caked, not me!"

"Alright, lovey dovey time's over! Here's the real cake!" Jihoon announced as he carried the cake with the help of Byul. All of them cheered and sang a birthday song to Soonyoung. "Now, make a wish and blow the candles."

Soonyoung smiled as he wished for something while closing his eyes, before he blew the candles in one go.

"What did you wished for?" With her eyes blinking in curiousity, Saehyun asked him while she cleaned up his face with a napkin.

"Do you really want to know?" Soonyoung set aside the napkin that she was holding, throwed it somewhere and it landed on Mingyu's face as the tall boy groaned.

"Y-yes." She stuttered, her heart began to beat rapidly as she could sense that something was going to happen. He hugged her small waist lightly, he leaned in to meet her eyes who was studying his face. His eyes looks a bit bigger up close and there were still some trails of cake that was smudged on his face. Soonyoung leaned in a little more, stopping right when their lips were just millimeters apart. It was silent for a moment as everyone held their breath, anticipating what would happen next. Even Darcy shut Mingyu's mouth when he wanted to talk, almost destroying the lovely moment.

"I..." Soonyoung kissed her lips lightly before pulling back, Saehyun's eyes grew wide as she realized what has just happened. "Love..." He kissed her again, leaving her with no option but to blush. "You." His lips touched hers once again, "I don't need any presents as long as I got you." He mumbled, with their lips still interlocking.

"Soonyoung is officially 17 and he's a ert now." Seungcheol commented, Sierra stepped onto his foot on purpose and he looked at her. "What?"

"He could hear you." Sierra shrugged, ducking before something flew over her and landed onto Seungcheol's face.

"Chocolate cake fight!" Jihoon shouted as he looked over to Soonyoung, who had thrown a piece of cake to Seungcheol's face. The girls ran away, watching the boys having their own childish fight.

"How's the kiss?" Byul poked Saehyun on the waist as Saehyun could only blush.

"Byul, don't make me join them and throw a piece of cake to you." 

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hyesong #1
your oneshots is awesome!^^