✑ Terrible Mistake

DeadRoses Master List
Story Status [Working]
Rating; PG/M

Jonghyun didn't understand. He didn't know what went wrong. One day he and Key were the happiest couple on earth, the next Key vanished. Jonghyun had no idea where he went, if he was okay. All he knew was that something must have gone wrong. He must have made some sort of Terrible Mistake.
Pairings; Jongkey, 2min

Other Things
This story only has one chapter currently posted.

Author Notes
This is one of my favourite story lines I have worked on in my writing. With many secrets and plot to be revealed, I can't wait to continue working on this story! You will not regret reading this fic!
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Chapter 144: Voodoo Doll sounds absolutely incredible!!!
Mazekeen #2
Chapter 144: I want you to update voodoo doll
Chapter 185: Ohh i'll check this out!!
Chapter 112: Is this fic abandoned? :<
CamiiAusterlitz #5
Chapter 43: Please update sequel to a lullaby
Chapter 149: I really want to see this story play out>~<
Chapter 154: ANSNQJSNWA I really want to READ this
shojinryori #8
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I’m sorry if I’ve missed something but what are the heart/cross/pen/etc symbols next to the titles? Thank you!
Chapter 139: would u update this?