✘ The leaves

DeadRoses Master List


Story Status [Unstarted]
Rating; PG

Taemin was a city kid till his umma dies from illness and as law is Taemin been under eighteen, had to live with his next in kin which was his appa. Taemin didn’t get along with his appa, who in his eyes was delusional. His appa believed that in the forest loved little creatures called the Leaves. His appa has never seen the leaves nor had any prof thus driving him to the brink of insanity. Taemin just wanted a normal appa and was still grieving from his umma’s passing that he ran out in the middle of the night stumbling to a lake unbeknownst to him that a ceremony was been commenced at the time and he had just become a part of it even if he wanted it or not.
Pairings; 2min, Jongkey

Other Things 
Currently there are no chapters released.

Author Notes
This story has quite a complicated story line so I haven't really paid much attention to it however I do look forward to writing it as it does have an interesting plot.
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Chapter 144: Voodoo Doll sounds absolutely incredible!!!
Mazekeen #2
Chapter 144: I want you to update voodoo doll
Chapter 185: Ohh i'll check this out!!
Chapter 112: Is this fic abandoned? :<
CamiiAusterlitz #5
Chapter 43: Please update sequel to a lullaby
Chapter 149: I really want to see this story play out>~<
Chapter 154: ANSNQJSNWA I really want to READ this
shojinryori #8
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I’m sorry if I’ve missed something but what are the heart/cross/pen/etc symbols next to the titles? Thank you!
Chapter 139: would u update this?