
DeadRoses Master List
Story Status [Unstarted]

Jungkook is in love with Taehyung, but he doesn't want to be. He doesn't want to be gay or dissappoint his friends or make things awkward in the group. But when Jungkook is hit by lightening everything changes. Suddenly there are four Jungkooks and each one has its own personality and free will. How will Jungkook be able to keep his love a secret when his personality is split and has its own free will?
Pairings; Vkook, Namjin, Yoonseok/sope

Other Things 
There are currently no chapters posted. Trigger warnings include; attempted .

Author Notes
This was meant to be a 2min story but I've changed it to a vkook. 
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Chapter 144: Voodoo Doll sounds absolutely incredible!!!
Mazekeen #2
Chapter 144: I want you to update voodoo doll
Chapter 185: Ohh i'll check this out!!
Chapter 112: Is this fic abandoned? :<
CamiiAusterlitz #5
Chapter 43: Please update sequel to a lullaby
Chapter 149: I really want to see this story play out>~<
Chapter 154: ANSNQJSNWA I really want to READ this
shojinryori #8
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I’m sorry if I’ve missed something but what are the heart/cross/pen/etc symbols next to the titles? Thank you!
Chapter 139: would u update this?