✘ These Bright Creatures

DeadRoses Master List


Story Status [Unstarted]
Rating; PG

Key has always been picked on because his looks and uality, called ugly and everyday even by his dream crush broke his heart sending him deep into the depths of depression, he turned to the darkness staying in the shadows wanting nothing more than to be left alone and invisible however the more he tried the more he out by his looks. Pale almost to a ghost, long black hair so long it was past his eyes so he could not see the world he was forced to live in every day. The only thing he loved was the things that scared people even more, blood and horror is what he loved. He has no friends except for a doll manikin, a skeleton manikin and half a manikin on a pedestal. Everyone else he kept far away from except his parents however things change for better or for worse when his parents die in an accident.
Pairings; 2min, Jongkey

Other Things 
There are no posted chapters as of yet. Trigger warnings include self-harm. Disclaimer Note# this is story line is inspired from wallflower!

Author Notes
This story is about Key hating his looks, he stays in the darkness and wants to disappear, however he was sent away to live with his aunt after his parents died in an accident. Little did Key know four boys where already living there, four dazzling boys who have been told by Key’s aunt to make Key love himself again or they will be kicked out.
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Chapter 144: Voodoo Doll sounds absolutely incredible!!!
Mazekeen #2
Chapter 144: I want you to update voodoo doll
Chapter 185: Ohh i'll check this out!!
Chapter 112: Is this fic abandoned? :<
CamiiAusterlitz #5
Chapter 43: Please update sequel to a lullaby
Chapter 149: I really want to see this story play out>~<
Chapter 154: ANSNQJSNWA I really want to READ this
shojinryori #8
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I’m sorry if I’ve missed something but what are the heart/cross/pen/etc symbols next to the titles? Thank you!
Chapter 139: would u update this?