✘Target of a Serial Killer

DeadRoses Master List
Story Status [Unstarted]
Rating; NC

Plot: Three years before BTS debuted, Jin witnessed a murder while on his way back to the dorm with Hoseok. It terrified him, but due to his eyewitness testimony, he was able to help police place a serial killer behind bars. Ten years have passed since that time, and Jin has moved on and become a global sensation with BTS by his side. Life was good, he was happy, however, little did he know his past was about to come after him and all he loved.
Pairings; Vkook, Namjin, Sope/Yoonseok

Other Things 
There are currently no chapters posted, co-author, poster by DeadRose. Trigger warnings include: Violence,  murder, minor deaths.

Author Notes
I am looking forward to writing this. It is about Jin witnessing a murder, helping to put the murder behind bars and now the man is seeking revenge after he is released from prison. <3 I can't wait >_<
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Chapter 144: Voodoo Doll sounds absolutely incredible!!!
Mazekeen #2
Chapter 144: I want you to update voodoo doll
Chapter 185: Ohh i'll check this out!!
Chapter 112: Is this fic abandoned? :<
CamiiAusterlitz #5
Chapter 43: Please update sequel to a lullaby
Chapter 149: I really want to see this story play out>~<
Chapter 154: ANSNQJSNWA I really want to READ this
shojinryori #8
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I’m sorry if I’ve missed something but what are the heart/cross/pen/etc symbols next to the titles? Thank you!
Chapter 139: would u update this?