chubbyfaceDiVa | Baby Let Me Stalk You

Tomboy Review Shop Batch 2
July 24, 2014

Story Title: Baby Let Me Stalk You
Reviewer: anthroalex12

Baby Let Me Stalk You! - main story image


How effective was the title?

It's a really funny title! Thumbs up for that! It really drew my attention, mostly because I needed something to laugh at. Which is good because that's what will get you readers.

Poster and BG layout? (Only if you have one. If you don't have one, you will not be assessed on it)

The poster matches the theme and genre perfectly. Nice job!

Foreword and description: Did it draw me into wanting to read more?

It is a bit long, but it did draw my attention. "Why is the girl like this? She sounds like a TV character who falls in love TOO easily. She is perfect for romcom!" Those were my first thoughts. But alas, I had to keep reading.


How was the plot laid out?

The plot is laid out pretty nicely, but I just feel like the POV of the character is a bt bunched up with thoughts. She seems to jump from one thought to the next in a way that may bore the reader. Just be mindful not to do that too much. I understand when she talks about Lyn in the beginning, but when she begins with summer and studying and boys, it seems kind of a strange type of reasoning. I understand her character is a bit strange, but too much of it makes it harder to follow. Just keep mindul to keep one subject per paragraph.

How was the pacing of the story? Was it draggy or was it rushed through? 

The pacing is totally fine. Not rushed not draggy, since it is still going.

Was the characterization consistent?

The chracterization was definitely consistent and interesting. The group of friends, "Fearsome Foursome," are definitely characters people can relate to and laugh at.

Was the story flow fluent? Was it choppy or was it smooth?

The story flow is very fluent and nice to read. It is smooth and easygoing, with no real need to concentrate, a light mood for a genre, too.

How did you organize your events? Was it in order or was it all over the place?

The events have been occurring in a nice and smooth order. No problem here.


How effective was the ending of each chapter? Did it leave me wanting to read more?

Each chapter kept me wondering what each character would do next. It was hilarious what happened in the following chapter, but still I had to know. Good job and good luck on future updates.


Grammar and Spelling?

For the most part everything was correct. I spotted a few errors in commas.

1. "...Yes you heard me right, umbrellas not swimsuits and cute hotpants..." Correction: "Yes, you heard me right; umbrellas, not swimsuits nor hotpants.."

Use of Transition Words? (It helps with the flow from paragraph to paragraph so it doesn't seem choppy)

Totally fine.

How did I like it overall? Further Comments?

I like it. Has a nice mystery to the opposing protagonists like Bang Yongguk. I also like the silliness and hilarity of the Fearsome Foursome. Hope you request for me next time! I also hope you dont mind that I did the review.

REMINDER: Do not forget to credit the shop with our banner and the reviewer in your foreword if you are using our review.



























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