Chapter 24



After a long and boring detention, filled with lectures and extra work, all three of them dragged themselves out of the door. Though Sungjong and Jinyoung had hated the detention, their negative thoughts were washed away when they noticed Mi Young’s drained expression. Her face showed no signs of happiness, and as she saw Sunggyu coming closer to them, her eyes began to brim with tears.

“Yah Lee Sungjong, we’re going to eat are you coming?” Sunggyu asked as he totally ignored Jinyoung and Mi Young’s presence. Sungjong looked back at Mi Young and Jinyoung. Jinyoung was waving his hand lightly, telling him that it was okay for him to go. Sungjong smiled at them both before putting his hand up and saying a quiet sorry. Mi Young nodded her head towards the group and attempted a smile at Sungjong.

Seeing her effort, he smiled back at her, before turning around and following the rest of Infinite. Mi Young made her way to her locker, opening it before the same picture slid out of one of her books. Mi Young sighed deeply before scrunching up the photo and putting it in the bin next to her locker.

Taking her bag, she opened it and noticed a pile of papers lying inside. Pulling them out, she noticed it was a whole pile of photocopies of the picture of Mi Young and Jinyoung. She finally got fed up, surprising Jinyoung as she ripped up all of the papers together. Chucking them in the bin harshly, she stormed off.

“Wait Mi Young ah!”Jinyoung half yelled as he ran after Mi Young, while struggling to keep his bag on his shoulder.

Back at the lockers, Myungsoo had just walked past, he had left his phone in his locker, so he was returning to get it. Hearing quiet murmurs from around the corner, he curiously hid behind the wall. Listening in to hear what they were about. He furrowed his eyebrows as he recognised the voice of the queenkas.

“Heh, Sunggyu will be mine for sure. She’s such a , she deserves all of this. Good job Ji Min for taking the photo, I owe you one.” Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows once again at Hyun Joo’s stupidity. *How could she be that stupid to say everything right in front of where their lockers are?* He smirked as he loudly walked past, interrupting Hyun Joo’s speech. They all gasped as he turned around and gave them a menacing glare. Without doing anything further, he walked off, leaving Hyun Joo and her followers shocked.

After collecting his phone from his locker, he then made his way back to the entrance, where all of infinite were waiting for him. Pulling Hoya aside as they were walking to the restaurant, he told him the whole story. Knowing Sunggyu for so long, it was quite obvious that Sunggyu would not believe Myungsoo if he just said it to him. Being the stubborn leader he was, he only believed things that we witnessed.

“We need to think of a way to get Sunggyu to believe Mi Young.” Myungsoo said to Hoya, as he nodded in response.

“But how?” Hoya asked as he his imaginary beard. Myungsoo shrugged before pouting slightly.

“AHA! I’ve got an idea.”


there, I put a bit of Hoya, sorry it's not much, but it's all I can do without making the story go off track >.< SORRY D': 

i think I might update another chapter soon, but depends xD



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deedee26 #1
Chapter 22: Both of them are my bias.. auch..
yooamie #2
Chapter 33: awh this was a lovely story c: the ending was very cute!
ur welcome ^^
@Smileandbehappy: oh jinjja? HAPPY EXTREMELY BELATED BIRTHDAY XD <3
@xforeverinspirit:my birthday is on the 26 after ur birthday,it is mine
@Misc_Lee: thankyou for reading (: i dunno but to me they look alike xD
i really like this fic !! daebakk ~~ LOL .. Taemin as Sungjong's son .. ahahaha ... look alike much !!
@Emilyly : haha of course i needed to add some 'yadong' couple-ness into it (: thankyou for reading ^^
LOL!! i love this bit 8D<br />
“Yah, our kids should get married.” Hoya just laughed and shrugged,<br />
“We’ll see.” Dongwoo and Hoya hi fived before walking over to their kids<br />
Mi young ended up with Gyugyu yay~ <br />
SO SWEEETTT !! [ dont mind the capsLock] xDD