Weird Acting Giant

Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

“Dang it! I think I broke my hand!”
“Why are you screaming like that? You just wrote one exam.”
“Yeah! I wrote one hell long exam!”



Baekhyun laughed at Kai who were kind of complaining about their exam they just have had. D.O sighed and shocked his head while scolding Kai for scream and being so loud all the time. And of course Kai begun to claim that D.O is louder than him when they're in bed, and it's about there D.O almost slapped Kai over the face.



“Don't say such things out here! You're such a jerk!”
“Who's screaming now?”



Baekhyun just laughed beside them, wondering how it would feel like if he had a boyfriend like Kai, or maybe like D.O? He don't know how that would be, because he has only had one, and that was... Someone he rather try to not think about. But just because he did think about that person, he felt how he slowly wanted to be swallowed by the floor.



“Hey Baek, is everything alright? You suddenly looked so-”
“I'm fine, I just happen to think about something that is totally irrelevant and not important at all. I don't know why that came to my mind, but lets just not think about it.”
“Okay, as you want. Hey, shall we celebrate that we have made our exams tonight?”
“I don't know if I actually passed...”



Kai mumbled with a tired looking face. D.O sighed and just patted his boyfriend on the shoulder, letting Baekhyun smile at them once again. Yeah, Baekhyun already knows that he has passed the exam without any trouble, since he has kind of already passed those exams for some years ago. When he studied like a fool in the castle.



“Hey Baek, wanna go for shopping then?”
“I don't know... I don't really feel for doing anything today.”
“Aw come on, are you both that tired?”
“Yes! I am! Can't we go home and just watch a movie and order pizza?”



Kai pouted at D.O who were thinking this over carefully, wondering if it was something he could do a whole afternoon. Baekhyun let Kai stand and try to convince D.O by himself as he turned his head away from them for a while, just looking around a little.


Oh yeah, they're sitting in a cafe, just drinking tea or coffee, taking it easy and kind of relaxing after the long exam. Urgh, Baekhyun admit, he's not a fan of exams. Even though he found it easy, he didn't like to sit and write for so long. It's so... boring.



“Baek, what do you think?”
“Uh? Oh, I don't know, maybe?”
“Oh come on! Just for tonight! It's going to rain and be all boring anyway! What else can we do?!”
“Stop screaming Kai, I told you before it's rude to scream like that.”
“O-Okay, s-sorry, but please.”
“Fine, lets do that then. But no complaining later, got it?”
“I promise, I won't complain for the rest of the day.”



Baekhyun kept look out through the window that he sat beside as he saw people pass by and look to be in a hurry. He then let his eyes, totally by mistake, meet someone's else eyes. He didn't quite react to the person staring back at him before he saw the person smile at him, and it was then he saw who it were.






Chanyeol stood smiling outside the window, walking fast in to the cafe as he found his way over to Baekhyun, Kai and D.O. Kai and D.O who hadn't seen him like Baekhyun did, got a little startled when Chanyeol sat down beside Baekhyun and smiled big.



“Hello! What are you doing here?”
“Oh, we're just relaxing a little after the exam.”
“It was pretty simple, wasn't it?”
“I think so as well.”
“What?! How can you think that?!”
“This time I'm going to agree with Kai, how can that be simple?”



Baekhyun laughed a little as Chanyeol were busy with looking surprised at Baekhyun. He probably wondered how Baekhyun could think the exam were simple and easy, since Baekhyun hasn't really “studied” the same way as others.



“What? Do I have something in my face?”



Baekhyun asked Chanyeol who woke up from his thoughts and smiled big. He seemed to be in a good mood today, which is a good sign. Chanyeol is almost always happy, but not this happy. This is a derps huge smile.



“Nope, your face is perfect.”
“Perfect? Wow, that was good then.”
“Chanyeol, we're going to have a movie night, wanna come?”
“Movie night? But aren't you going to do your homework for tomorrow?”
“Urgh, no! I'm not studying more for a day or two!”
“Wait, we have homework?”



D.O looked confused as Kai looked over at him with a funny look. Baekhyun laughed light at them, knowing that Chanyeol were joking with them, but they didn't know that yet.



“Haha, I was just joking! We don't have to study for a month now!”
“What?! Really?!”
“Wait, does that mean that you have nothing to do for a month from now and on?”



Chanyeol nodded at D.O who looked surprised at Chanyeol. Baekhyun felt a little surprised as well, he mean Chanyeol is a studying freak, he wouldn't stop studying even if he didn't have too. But now he just said... he would stop studying for a whole month. This was way to suspicious, the giant derp must be joking.



“Ha ha, very funny Chanyeol.”
“I'm serious Baek, I'm not going to study for a whole month. Except during classes that is.”
“But... it's not like you to... Are you sick?”



Kai looked at Chanyeol almost worried as Chanyeol laughed and shook his head. In case, just to be sure, Baekhyun put his hand on Chanyeol's forehead, taking his temperature as he chuckled, Chanyeol isn't the slightest warm. He's perfectly fine.



“He's not sick, I can tell.”
“I told you I wasn't sick.”
“Anyway, are you coming over for pizza and movie night?”
“Sure, Luhan and Sehun is going out on a date tonight anyway, so yeah.”



Baekhyun looked over at his friends, he could literally see how they both shined up, they had just come up with a plan here, and Baekhyun has no idea what they're planing to do.



“Oh honey! I just remember! I had booked a table for two on a restaurant today! I totally forgot about it thanks to the exams!”
“Oh, you're taking me out after some months with no dating?”
“Yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise after the exams, today that is, and I almost forgot about it.”
“Oh, it seems like we can't join you for the movie night, but you two can have fun for yourselves.”



Baekhyun knows what is going on here, Kai is pretending that he has planed to go out on a date with D.O today, and D.O just followed his act. Chanyeol just smiled and ruffled Baekhyun's hair teasingly as Baekhyun looked up at him with an almost annoyed look.



“Yah, it took more than an hour to fix my hair!”
“Haha, but you're cute no matter what you do silly.”
“Don't call me silly, silly.”



Kai and D.O just smiled at them as Baekhyun sighed annoyed, not wanting his friends to come up with plans for him. He promised them that he would catch Chanyeol, not that they would help him out like this. But he admit, he don't mind his friends helping him like this.



Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol watched Luhan and Sehun hold hands, hearing Luhan shout a goodbye before they left the apartment. He smiled a little at them before they left the dorm and now he was just going to lock the place up to go over to Baekhyun's place.


Yeah, he's happy that Kai and D.O had a date tonight as well, cause Chanyeol kind of like it better when he has Baekhyun's attention all for himself. Chanyeol usually don't mind sharing his things, but he don't want to share Baekhyun. No, Baekhyun is something he won't ever want to share with anyone.


Chanyeol got his phone, keys and wallet, just in case they would go out and buy candy or meat or just anything to be honest, before he got his shoes on. Chanyeol got his jacket on as well before he left the apartment and locked it. He then begun to walk towards Baekhyun's, Kai's and D.O's dorm, to have a movie night with Baekhyun, and Baekhyun only.


Chanyeol felt happy, happier than he usually feels. He think he knows why. He has three reasons. 1. The exams is done, and it felt easy. 2. He will have a long movie night with Baekhyun, and he will have Baekhyun all for himself. 3. He got good news from his best friends Luhan and Sehun, they confirmed that Victoria has officially stopped try to date him again. That woman is a creepy woman.


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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize