
Royal Love
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Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol gathered his books as Sehun and Luhan tried to keep up with him, but Chanyeol had already left the classroom when they had packed their things down. Chanyeol walked fast down the corridor, his glasses slowly slipping down his nose while he's walking as fast as he does.

Chanyeol ignored everyone around him, even Jessica who has tried to talk to him. She's nice and all, but right now he doesn't want her to throw questions at him about one certain person. That certain person is gone now, there is no point of thinking about that person.


“Chanyeol, hey please just let me ask you one thing!”
“B-But please, Chanyeol!”
“Please don't bother me, I got studies to take care of.”
“Goodbye Jessica.”


Jessica desperately tried to stop Chanyeol, but she failed big time and gave up after only some seconds. Chanyeol kept walking as he left the building and headed for his dorm. Luhan and Sehun struggled to catch up with him as they tried to stop him, but Chanyeol just kept walking.


“Chanyeol! Take it easy! You don't even got your key with you!”
“Ah, I forgot.”
“Hey, what's wrong with you? Can't you just take it easy?”
“Why should I?”
“Chanyeol, we know that you're upset and-”
“Upset? Me? For what?”
“I don't have anything to be upset about. I have to study though, so can you please hurry up or give me the key?”
“Yah! Can't you just give up and admit that you're actually hurt after he left?!”


Luhan looked really shocked and almost hurt as Sehun gasped. It didn't take long before Chanyeol begun to walk again as he ignored his friends who stood still.


“Come on, I got studies to take care of!”
“Chanyeol! You're acting like an !”
“Why do you say that? What have I done wrong? Tell me, what have I done wrong?”
“Y-You're acting like we're not friends anymore...”
“And you keep act like you don't remember him.”
“Remember who?”
“Baekhyun you damn idiot! Why won't you just admit that you like him?!”


Chanyeol stared at Sehun and Luhan who looked desperate. It's true that Chanyeol hasn't spoken about Baekhyun since he left. It's true that Chanyeol avoids the topic as much as possible and even to the point where he acts like he doesn't know who Baekhyun is. But to be honest, this is his way to get over those kind of things.


“I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going home with or without you.”
“Lulu, stop. There is no point in trying anymore.”
“But we should-”
“Lulu, let him be. Maybe he needs some time for himself.”


Chanyeol kept walking as he felt the pain inside his chest. It's all over him and is hurting him more and more the longer he lets it be there. Luhan and Sehun slowly begun to follow him again as they walked towards their dorm where they live. Chanyeol arrived to the door first and after a minute or two, Luhan came and unlocked the door for them.

Chanyeol got his shoes and jacket off before he hurried over to his room and closed the door after him. He sighed tired when he was alone as he dragged his feet over the floor and over to his desk. He sat down with a thud on the chair and just breathed out for a while. His eyes unfocused for a second and for a moment, he thought he saw Baekhyun's face in front of him.

As fast the face appeared in front of him, he sat up and picked up his bag to pull out his books. He was fast to find a book and scrolled through it to find the right page. He then picked up a notebook and begun to take notes of his reading. He took his time to read the text while taking notes.

Baekhyun's face disappeared for a while and Chanyeol could concentrate on his studies for an hour as most, but then it appeared again. Chanyeol swear, he heard Baekhyun's cheerful laughter echo in the room and Chanyeol could see the bright happy smile in front of him.

Chanyeol shook his head fast to get rid of the image while he tried to get back to his studying. He pushed all the unnecessary thoughts out of his head while he wrote down the important words on the notebook in front of him. The longer he kept writing, the less aware of his surrounding he got.

This is how he handles his heartbreaks. Not that he has ever fallen in love, but this is the only way to stop think about unnecessary things as love. Chanyeol knew it, love is just unnecessary that will only hurt you and mess you up. But the most annoying thing is that he knows how much he liked it and how he wants more of it.

The pain grows stronger and stronger inside of his chest the more he thinks about Baekhyun being gone. Baekhyun isn't dead, but after the truth came out, everything made sense. Now he understands why Baekhyun cried and said goodbye to him like they would never meet again. The sad truth is, Baekhyun is the royal prince.

The royal prince is a very famous young man who turned 20 years old and then only some few weeks or months after he had turned 20 years old, he disappeared for several months. That young man was gone for a long time and the police force and special agents searched for him, but they didn't know how to find him. It took months before the prince made a mistake and answered his phone without checking the caller ID and it was like that he got found out.

Chanyeol can't kept studying like this. Chanyeol put down his pen and took of his glasses before he massaged the sore spots where his glasses sits on his nose. Chanyeol then let his hand run through his hair as he stared up at the roof. He can't stop thinking about Baekhyun who is the royal prince. Baekhyun is... the royal prince.

It wouldn't have mattered if Baekhyun was the royal to Chanyeol if Baekhyun was still here. But since Baekhyun is the royal prince, he got duties to take care of. And among those duties is one thing that Chanyeol and pretty much everyone knows about. He has to marry a princess to become the country's future king.

Chanyeol hates this thought, he hates it so much. But on the other hand, Baekhyun was prepare to leave and he even apologized to everyone for leaving like this. He apologized to Chanyeol for making him fall in love with him righ

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize