
Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

“Who let in those wild young men into my palace?! Baekhyun! Was it you?!”
“I-I did nothing-”
“Then who did it?! Where are they?!”
“M-Mother took them to m-my room-”
“Guards! Bring me my woman!”
“Father! At least call her like you should do!”
“You have no right to speak to me young man! You ruined the whole marriage with the princess of-”
“I wouldn't marry her anyway! Don't blame Chanyeol and the others just because you can!”


Baekhyun struggles to not lose control as his father walks impatiently back and forth inside his office. Baekhyun sighs as he sits down on a chair and just waits for his mother to come. After a couple of minutes, she finally enters the office as Baekhyun hurries to stand up.


“Mother, father has gone insane! He doesn't listen to me!”
“I know dear, that's why I'm here.”
“Woman! What are those young men doing inside the palace?!”
“I have a name dear and I won't talk to you if you're screaming at me.”
“I'm your king! You shall listen to me and-”


Baekhyun jumps startled as his mother stares seriously at Baekhyun's father. Of course the king, Baekhyun's father, doesn't dare to say anything else as he slowly sits down on a chair. Baekhyun's mother gives him a long and quite daring stare before she kindly turns to the nearly trembling Baekhyun. He had no idea that his mother could be this scary!


“Baekhyun dear, can you do me a favor and take care of our new guests? They're your friends after all. They're in your room and the guards are keeping an eye on them at the moment.”
“H-He shouldn't leave, he's in big trouble-”


Baekhyun shivers as fast his mother growls towards Baekhyun's father. God, she really is a scary woman when she gets angry! Baekhyun definitely doesn't want to be the one who receives her anger. With other words, he really wants to leave the room.


“T-Then I will leave you two alone to discuss this.”
“Please listen to me, both of you! This matter is important for all of us! I won't scream at you, so please sit down and listen to me.”
“Father, I think you should listen to what mother says and-”
“It's really important that you both understand what you have done. I don't know who let in those men, but now our deal with-”
“The princess and her parents won't cut our country out just because we never married them. The princess herself is a very spoiled little kid who would drive Baekhyun insane. I talked with her mother, the queen, during the whole dinner and she's as spoiled as her daughter. I'm rather glad that Baekhyun doesn't have to marry that princess anymore.”
“But what now? He needs to marry someone royal-”
“He doesn't need too marry anyone you choose, especially not someone royal. When you married me, did you even think of me as someone royal? I came from a normal family and grew up as a normal teenage girl. Baekhyun has also found someone who is normal and treats him well.”
“But this is an important matter of his future and-”
“Enough dear, let's not talk about this anymore. You already know what I think about this matter and Baekhyun probably agrees with me.”
“Agrees on what? That he should decide who to marry?”
“Yes! I want to decide that on my own!”


Baekhyun stares seriously at his father who glances over at him with a pissed look in his eyes. But Baekhyun's mother only had to clear before Baekhyun's father, the king, looks nervously back at her.


“You had your chance to choose someone perfect for Baekhyun. I think the old ways doesn't work anymore, especially not in our society we live in today.”
“But it's traditional to-”
“Father... People hate me for being the royal prince. No on will listen to me if I become the king like this. If I marry a spoiled princess, people will think that I'm spoiled as well.”
“But you're not even near spoiled.”
“Exactly, but they don't know that. Also... even if you would hate me... I would never marry that diva girl. I would rather be thrown out from the royal family and out on the streets. I... I love someone else and I can't ignore that anymore.”
“And it's that tall man from earlier, isn't it?”


Baekhyun stares at his father in silence while searching for the right words. But he shouldn't try to hide the fact that he loves Chanyeol and that he only wants to be with him. Being the royal prince is a living hell for him and all he wishes for is a normal peaceful life. Of course he can't get that, but if he can get Chanyeol, he won't complain anymore.


“Father... I-If you let me decide who to marry on my own and be together with whoever I want, then I promise I will never ever think of not becoming the king. I swear that I will do anything in my power to secure the position as the future king and I will honor you and mother by doing so. I promise that I will follow all my other duties except marrying that diva girl. So please, will you give me a chance to prove to you that I can make you proud without you controlling my whole life?”


Baekhyun feels how he bites his lips while his father stares back at him. No one says anything, not even Baekhyun's mother has anything to say. They all just sit in the room and waits for someone to make the decision of what to do from now and on.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

“Oh ... W-What if I put Baekhyun in trouble? A-And what if he hates me after all this?”
“Calm down will you.”
“Omo... OMO! T-This is real gold! D-Don't touch anything guys, it's worth more than your lives!”


Sehun shouts as he holds his hands up in the air. Luhan sighs while he follows Kyungsoo around the room. The guards eyes them carefully and doesn't dare to look away for even a second. Kai stares back at them before he finally opens his mouth to say something to them.


“Is it hard to be a guard here? I thought that you would wear more armor looking clothes to be honest.”
“We're not from the middle age you know.”
“That's true, but still. Do you carry guns with you then?”
“Of course we do, we have to protect the royal family in case a burglar or five young men suddenly breaks in.”
“We're actually guests here, even the queen said so.”
“But you can never be too careful.”
“That's true.”


Sehun looks nervously around before he finally sits down on the floor and nods proudly to himself. Well, he's probably happy that he didn't break something expensive like a vase. Though Kyungsoo and Luhan doesn't seem to think the same way as Sehun does as they touch mostly everything they can find.


“Omo, isn't this statue cute? I had no idea that Baekhyun liked glass statues.”
“That's actually pure diamond.”


Both Luhan and Kyungsoo freeze at the spot before they carefully and very slowly puts the diamond statue down onto the table again. Then they take a couple of steps back and only looks at it from afar. Okay, so they might think a little like Sehun does after all.

Chanyeol stands in the middle of the room and thinks about all the things that might happen to Baekhyun by now. But then he suddenly realizes something: he's inside Baekhyun's real home. This is Baekhyun's real room! This is where Baekhyun grew up and has spent mostly of his days.

Chanyeol can't help but to take a look around the room. He's careful to not touch anything that looks too expensive, but he isn't scared to pick up books or boxes filled with jewelery. Omo, does Baekhyun even wear jewelery? Chanyeol can't remember if he has ever worn anything like this, but then again, Baekhyun hid the fact that he's the royal prince from them. Or Kyungsoo and Kai new about it, but they never seemed to care about it.


“You shouldn't touch too many things in here gentlemen. If something disappears, you're the first ones to be questioned.”
“I'm innocent! I haven't touched anything!”


Sehun shouts as he holds up his hands, but the guards totally ignores him. They're probably talking to Chanyeol or Kyungsoo or Luhan who has touched mostly of the stuff in the room already. Chanyeol puts down one of the books he checked out before he walks over to one of the guards and clears his throat gentle.


“U-Uhm, do you mind if I ask you something?”
“What do you want?”
“W-Where is Baekhyun right now? I'm actually quite worried about him and-”
“There is no need to worry, he's with his parents and they're be

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize