Messed Up

Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

~“Hey, what's wrong Baek?”


Baekhyun stared at the newspaper in front of him as he nervously held it up to Kai who took a look at what Baekhyun was reading. Kai chuckled as he ruffled Baekhyun's hair fast without even considering how Baekhyun felt at the moment.


“Yah, I'm worried as here!”
“Yah, don't curse in my house!”
“But D.O! Look at this!”


Baekhyun shouted as he held out the newspaper to D.O who came out of the kitchen. D.O read through what Baekhyun had read as his eyes went from pretty normal to O.O eyes.


“Omo! Is the police serious?! Are they going to start searching the schools for you?!”
“They will find me, I swear! I will be caught any day now!”
“Like they haven't said that before. Come on guys, you know this is a private school and they won't give the police any information about you without your permission.”
“But my information is all false! What if they actually have to give the police the information?! What will happen to me if they find out?!”
“They will come and fetch you of course.”
“Don't act so cold Kai!”


Both D.O and Baekhyun freaked out as Kai sighed and sat down by the breakfast table. Before any of them could say anything else, it knocked on the door. Baekhyun freaked out right away as he sprinted into his room and was fast to dive in under his blanket on his bed.


“I'm not here!”
“Oh for god's sake, it can't be-”


Baekhyun heard how Kai went silence by the door and before Baekhyun knew it, the blanket to his bed got frown away as a pair of hands grabbed him. Baekhyun got pulled of the bed as he stared terrified at the police officers who looked scary alike his mad father.


“You! We have been looking for you for months! Come back here right now!”
“Your father is really mad now!”
“He won't accept this at all!”
“Your wedding will start soon too!”
“Where is your costume?!”
“Wait, what wedding?!
“You know, the wedding between South Korea and Canada!”
“What?! No, I don't want to! Let me go!”
“And your friends will be punished too for hiding you! Arrest those two right away!”
“No, stop it! NO!”~




Baekhyun sat up fast as he stared nervously around him. Chanyeol and his friends sat totally frozen as they stared worried at Baekhyun. Baekhyun breathed relieved out as he smiled apologizing. When did he fall asleep?


“S-Sorry, it was a dream.”
“Yeah, we noticed. Are you feeling alright?”


Kai asked as D.O was about to get up of the floor to fetch something from the kitchen. They all are home at D.O's, Kai's and Baekhyun's place, since the others didn't want to go home after the long trip. They left their things at home though, but they wanted to hangout a little longer before school begins tomorrow.


“I will go and make some tea, is there someone else who wants some?”
“I would love some tea!”
“Me too!”
“Actually, I think everyone wants tea.”
“Okie dokie, then I will fix it.”
“Kyungsoo wait, I will help you.”


Baekhyun got up fast and hurried after Kyungsoo into the kitchen. Baekhyun begun to pick out some cups as Kyungsoo prepared the water and the herbs for the tea.


“So, what did you dream of? You seemed quite worried when you woke up.”
“I... I dreamed of something I don't want to happen.”
“Everyone has something they don't want to happen.”
“D.O... I dreamed of the police... finding me.”


Baekhyun almost whispered as D.O almost froze for a second or two before he put everything down on the bench and turned to Baekhyun quickly.


“Do you... think they're close?”
“There aren't many more places they can search after me before they assume that I'm dead...”
“Yeah... Isn't that kind of good if they think-”
“Are you crazy? I don't want to put my mother or father in depression because I was selfish enough to runaway. But... I don't want to go back... not yet...”
“Maybe... it's soon time for you to... go back?”
“I don't want too... But I have thought a lot about it lately.”
“Maybe if you go back and talk to your father and mother, maybe you can come back and-”
“As fast as I get back... I will be forced into a marriage anyway... My father said it himself that when I turn 20 I was going to meet my fiancee and that I would get married shortly after that... It's a tradition in our family and all...”
“Was that why you ran away?”


D.O asked as Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders, he doesn't feel like talking about it. He just wants to forget about it. But then again, one day he will either be found or will be forced to go back himself. With or without his liking.


“Oh the tea!”


D.O remembered the tea as Baekhyun smiled a little at him. D.O is probably putting up an act since he's making a lot of funny faces, but Baekhyun appreciates the thought. After all, it's not that funny to think about your painful future when you definitely doesn't want it to happen.

Baekhyun helped Kyungsoo to serve the tea before they joined the others. They all talked and ate sweets that Kyungsoo and Baekhyun made some days before the trip. It all still taste delicious.

After a while or rather after two or three hours, everyone felt tired and it was getting late. It is time for everyone to go home to their place since it's school tomorrow and they all have missed enough of work already.


“Well, it was nice to talk! Let's talk more tomorrow!”
“Goodnight everyone!”
“Sweet dreams everyone!”


Everyone said goodbye before Baekhyun and Kyungsoo yawned tired. Kai was already asleep though, he was sleeping on the floor as Kyungsoo sighed. Baekhyun only had to look at Kyungsoo to understand that they would have to drag Kai into their room and put him to bed.




“Oh man, I'm so tired of school already!”


Kai sighed as Kyungsoo tried to tell him to stop whining. Baekhyun didn't quite listen to them, he was busy with worrying about himself actually. Last night there was news about traces from the royal prince. Some people claim that the royal prince is dead, others claim that he's hiding with some hot chic and refuses to grow up. Others claims that the prince might actually have a reason why he disappeared, but they're pointing at kidnapping or something like that.


“Yah, Baekhyun, are you still there? Hello? Earth to Baekhyun?”
“Ah, sorry, I spaced out a little-”
“You have been doing that quite a lot lately. Is everything alright?”
“I'm fine, really. It's just that I have gotten a lot to think about.”
“Let me guess, it's about Chanyeol.”


Kai smirked as Kyungsoo sighed and Baekhyun shook his head fast. Kai looked surprised at them both as he understood that he missed out of something here.


“Wait, what have I missed? When did I miss it?”
“Haven't you noticed that Baekhyun has been acting weird for days?”
“What do you mean with that?”
“Oh come on Baek, you're all nervous all the time and you keep worrying about it.”
“About what?”


Kai looked confused as both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo gave him an annoyed glance. It didn't take long before Kai realized what they was talking about.

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize