Halloween Party

Royal Love
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Chanyeols P.O.V

Chanyeol sighed at Sehun and Luhan who was to busy with talking about the stupid Halloween party. There is always this ridiculous party where everyone dress up as a monster or someone famous, like Jack Sparrow or a zombie. Yeah, something like that.


Chanyeol stared at the whiteboard as the professor explained something with Halloween and old history about it. Like why we celebrate it and that kind of unnecessary information that Chanyeol will forget after only a day or two.


Lucky Chanyeol that the bell rang and the school day was finally over. But that doesn't mean that the studying is over, not yet. No, Chanyeol is going to the library to study extra since the Halloween party is the whole Friday night, and he won't have time for studying while he's at the party. And he won't be able to stay home since 1: Luhan and Sehun will drag him out or Baekhyun, 2: people will know he wasn't there and think he's some kind of loser. So yeah, Chanyeol has to go.



“Okay class, don't forget to bring a date to the party if you can, if not, well to bad for you.”



Everyone laughed a little as they left the room and Chanyeol headed right towards the library. He usually doesn't care about his surrounding, but he took a look around for once and stopped when a girl walked right out in front of him and smiled kind and big. She's cute, and Chanyeol admit that he kind of like her look.



“Hey, I'm Victoria, remember me? We went in the same class last year.”
“Aha, Kim Victoria, I remember you. I thought you looked familiar.”
“Haha, you're still very funny. So, I was thinking, do you want to be my date to the Halloween party?”
“Well, I don't have anyone else to ask nor go with, so yes. Why not.”
“Haha, then it's settled. You and me, lets meet at the park before the party, okay?”
“Okay, I will.”



Chanyeol smiled as he could continue to walk towards the library, but he suddenly saw someone that looked like Baekhyun, but when he looked around, he couldn't see him. He must have seen wrong or something, but if Baekhyun now did hear his conversation with Victoria, he wouldn't mind anyway. Because they're just friends, right?


Chanyeol assumed himself that it wasn't Baekhyun and that Baekhyun won't feel all mad or bad about it, since they're friends. Yes, they're just friends, very close friends who leaves pecks on each others lips and hold hand and acting all weird with each others. Yes, apparently that is how Chanyeol sees his and Baekhyuns friendship.






“So Chanyeol, the Halloween party is coming up this Friday, right?”
“Yes, and you didn't know that?”
“Of course I did, but I was just wondering, who is going to be your date? Are you planing to ask someone special to go with you?”
“Actually, I have already a date.”
“You have?! Great! Or wait, who is it?”
“Do you remember Kim Victoria from our old class?”
“Is she your date?!”
“B-But why not Baekhyun? I thought you two were very close and-”
“Yah, how many times must I tell you, we're just very close friends. Our friendship is just a little different from others.”



Chanyeol spoke out, thinking he sounded wise and all, in fact he just sounded more than stupid and dumb. Luhan literally just sat by the dinning table, gasping as Sehun face palmed himself. Kris and Tao who also was over exchanged some glances, they has a feeling that Chanyeol gonna have a hell of life in front of him from now and on.



“You're seriously going to take Victoria instead of Baekhyun to the party?!”
“Yes, didn't I just say that?”
“But what about Baekhyun? What happened to him?”
“What do you mean happened with him? We're friends, and he knows that. He has probably asked someone else to be his date already, don't worry about him. Now, lets eat and enjoy this delicious dinner instead.”



Chanyeol showed more meat in to his mouth, trying to avoid the others worried glances and instead tried to change the topic. But they kept look worried and nervous, like Chanyeol had done the biggest mistake he ever have done.



Baekhyuns P.O.V

The whole day have been all exited to try to find Chanyeol, but when Baekhyun finally found him, he felt how his heart broke. Baekhyun couldn't handle his feelings and had to get out from the school before someone saw him. So he rushed home, running up for all the stairs and in to his room as he hide inside the bathroom. Sure D.O had heard him come home, but when he tried to talk to him, he didn't find him.


Later that evening Baekhyun had come back to his poker face and acted like nothing was wrong. He laughed, helped D.O to cook food and they talked a little about the Halloween party, but Baekhyun avoided the date thing and just talked about costumes and that kind of things.






Baekhyun went in to his room later that evening, hearing D.O and Kai call each others cute things and then they went to bed, to sleep. Baekhyun sat on his bed, listening to the silent night, feeling how he slowly begun to cry.


Stupid Chanyeol, stupid life, stupid feelings, stupid royalty. Everything is against Baekhyun, and he mean it. He had a pretty good life in the palace when Mark was there, then he disappeared and Baekhyun kind of runaway and out to the normal life. Here he had it good, until he found out about Chanyeol and got a crush on him.


And now, when Chanyeol just want to be friends and have another date to the freaking Halloween party, Baekhyun just feel that no matter how hard he will try, something will always be against him.


Baekhyun crouched together on his bed, crying as quiet he could to not wake Kai nor D.O up. But they both had heard him, but none of them dared to go in and ask him what was wrong.






Baekhyun smiled the whole day, at the dorm, at his classes, in the corridors, all the time to be honest. People sometimes stopped him, asking if he wanted to go with them to the Halloween party, but Baekhyun always reply the same.



“Sorry, but I don't know if I'm gonna go or not. Maybe another time.”



Baekhyun doesn't like to hurt others feelings, but he just don't feel to go to the Halloween party anymore. He never really felt to go anyway, not without Chanyeol. Speaking about Chanyeol, Baekhyun has ignored the giant, refusing to talk to him. Chanyeol have tried to talk to Baekhyun, but every time he tried to talk to him, Baekhyun just walked away and ignored him totally. And Chanyeol is starting to feel bad about this, but that doesn't Baekhyun know about.


Baekhyun let the days pass by, D.O and Kai got more and more unsure if they should ask Baekhyun if he's gonna go or not. They found out through Luhan and Sehun that Chanyeol had a date, and that was not Baekhyun, which was a surprise for everyone.


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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize