The World of Magic, Part 1

Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Chanyeol held Baekhyun's hand gently as the giant suddenly stopped outside an old building that looked like it could collapse any second. Baekhyun glanced up at Chanyeol who smiled at the building before he looked down at Baekhyun with a huge derp smile.


“Let's get inside.”
“I-Is it really safe?”
“It doesn't look safe, doesn't it? Haha, it is safe, I promise.”
“But... what if we bump into someone else?”
“It's impossible.”
“Why is that impossible?”
“Because this is my grandma's old building. I'm the only one with the key to the door.”


Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol who smiled as he picked out a key of his pocket and smiled this even bigger derp smile. Baekhyun couldn't help but to laugh as Chanyeol unlocked the door and opened it to let Baekhyun inside.


“Please, do me the honor and enter the world of magic.”
“Haha, thank you.”


Baekhyun entered the building as he looked around a little. It's a pretty old building and it looks like it was some kind of shop once. Chanyeol closed the door behind them and locked the door before he smiled at Baekhyun.


“This is my favorite place in the whole world.”
“Was this a shop once?”
“Yes, an ice cream shop. But grandma got sick and we didn't have the money to take care of the shop and her. She died after a while and mom wanted to sell this place, but grandma didn't want to do that. She... actually gave it to me. I don't know why, she said I was smart and one day I could get the shop back together again. I don't know how to do it yet though, but I promised her to fix it...”
“If... you ever need help, just tell me... I know someone who can fix this within a second.”
“Haha, thank you Baekie. Hey, let's get up to the second floor.”


Baekhyun nodded as he looked around while he followed Chanyeol. Baekhyun had no idea that Chanyeol's grandma was dead or that she had owned a shop. Baekhyun stared at the old broken tables and the few chairs that looked broken. Baekhyun wonders why someone would ever leave this place like this.

Baekhyun followed Chanyeol to a room behind the shop itself as they found a stair. Chanyeol walked up for the stairs that cracked a little, but he doesn't even look scared. Baekhyun followed Chanyeol as they reached the second floor. The be honest, the second floor looked really amazing compared to the rest of the building.


“This is... the place I used to hide at when mom and dad fought or made me upset. Grandma always let me visit her during the summer and I sat up here and I always had a book with me. I... I haven't told anyone about this... You're... the first one I ever showed this place to.”


Baekhyun felt touched to be honest, he never thought Chanyeol would bring him to such an important place. Baekhyun walked over to a couch that looked really soft. In a corner stood a bed that looked pretty fresh and to be honest, some of the things looks really... new. The room looked really cozy though. It's well decorated and has a lot of candles and it smells really sweet.


“The old furniture had to get thrown out if I was going to keep the place, that is what mom said. So I bought new ones just to keep this place. You can say that when I get really upset, this is the place I stay at until I feel better. Sometimes it takes me more than just one day to go back home.”
“It's really nice here. I can understand why you like it here... I wish I had such a place...”


Baekhyun mostly spoke his mind out as he felt Chanyeol's hand grab his. Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol who smiled this really charming smile. The only light in the room comes from the lampposts from the street outside the building and it's kind of... y. Baekhyun finds the whole situation kind of y and alluring, yet it feels so serious and he can't think straight when Chanyeol gets too close to him.


“Baekhyun... We need to talk.”
“A-About what?”
“I'm not going to lie to you, I... I happened to eavesdrop on your and D.O the other day.”


Baekhyun felt his heart beat fast and how he begun to feel even more messed up. What if Chanyeol has found out about him being the royal prince?! What if he has called the police?! Maybe he will call the police?! Baekhyun tried to keep his poker face as he just nodded slowly.


“Aren't you... going to be mad at me?”
“I... What did you hear?”
“I... I heard you say that you had runaway and that you probably worried your parents. I... It's not up to me to send you home, but I think that you shouldn't worry your parents. It's soon Christmas and-”
“You heard the whole conversation, didn't you? I mean, you know that if I go back... I will get married away.”
“Yeah... I heard that too... But I believe that if you just talk to your parents-”
“They're not like that Chanyeol... Father never listens to me anymore... That's why... That's why I ran away from the very beginning. If there was another solution, then I would have stayed.”
“Like I said, it's not up to me to send you home or not. It's up to you to go home or not.”
“I just... I just want to go to college like everyone else... I just want to do what everyone else does... Is it really... that hard to accept?”


Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol who stared down at him for a long time. Chanyeol didn't know what to say, Baekhyun can tell by the way he stares at him. Baekhyun sighed as he sat down on the couch and just stared at the floor.


“I'm sorry, did I bring in a bad mode? After all, this place is supposed to be the only place where you can let all your troubles to go away for a while. No one knows about this place and it's up to you what you want to do here.”
“Don't you... have more questions to ask?”
“Do you want me to ask even more?”


Baekhyun let Chanyeol sit down beside him as Baekhyun slowly nodded. He wants Chanyeol to keep ask him questions, because then it feels like he cares. It feels like Chanyeol will understand him better if he does.


“Okay then, I will ask you something then. Who is that Mark? I mean; how did you meet him and what made you fall in love with him?”
“I... I met him through my family. You can say it was because of business and I just... liked his looks to be honest. And then he used that stupid fake charm on me and I... I was such a fool to believe that he truly liked me. He's just played around with me...”
“I see... How do you... feel about him now?”
“I... I still can't help to feel hurt... I hate it... I hate him...”
“Yet you like him.”
“I don't like him anymore, I don't want to like him.”
“He... talked with you like you had a huge secret... Was it about you running away?”
“Yeah, it was...”
“He knows your parents very well or what?”
“Mm... You can say it like that.”
“Baekhyun... Do you... want him back?”


Baekhyun stayed silent as he tried to not look at Chanyeol. To be honest he kind of wished that he had Mark with him, but he still doesn't care about Mark anymore. He has his friends now, he doesn't need Mark anymore.

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize