Where We Belong

Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun stops outside his parents room as he takes a deep breath. He gently knocks on the door before he enters it. His parents sits on a couch, his mother holding her arms around Baekhyun's father's neck. Woah, they're really close! Well, this is how Baekhyun would like to be with Chanyeol. Oh god, he really wants to be alone with Chanyeol for a while before he leaves, if he now has too leave that is.


“Mom, dad, I'm here.”
“What happened with the formal-”
“Oh stop it, this is a family matter and not a business meeting.”


Baekhyun's mother slaps Baekhyun's father's arm lightly, like she's joking with him, but she is rather serious with what she said. Baekhyun's father nods silently as he watches Baekhyun walk over to them. Baekhyun sits down on a couch beside his parents who are still cuddling with each other.


“So, you asked me to come here?”
“Yes, I asked you to come here.”


Baekhyun nods as Baekhyun's mother lets go of Baekhyun's father. They both sit straight up as Baekhyun watches them carefully. What did they actually talk about after he left his father's office? Baekhyun can't help but to wonder as his father clears his throat slowly.


“Well... After a long time of consideration... And discussing... I came to a conclusion.”
“And may I hear it?”


Baekhyun asks carefully as Baekhyun's father sighs, but Baekhyun's mother hurries to elbow him into the side. They exchange a long and quite intense gaze before Baekhyun's father looks back at Baekhyun and Baekhyun's mother smiles her warm smile besides him.


“Your father have finally made up his mind about the matter we discussed earlier, right darling?”
“Y-Yes... Well... I'm not going to lie to you Baekhyun, I'm not really happy about this decision.”
“B-But since it's your happiness that counts the most, then we both decided that...”


Baekhyun's mother tries to not sound too annoyed as she eyes Baekhyun's father. Wow, Baekhyun can't help but to stare amazed at them. They're so childish and Baekhyun's mother is really pushing Baekhyun's father to say what he needs to say. This is actually a very rare sight and it's a little hilarious too.


“You're free to marry whoever you want as long you keep our promise about securing your position as the king. Also... Your mother really, like really wants you to finish college before you become a king.”
“So we decided to talk to your teachers so you can go back to the college and finish what you started. And of course you're free to live at the dorm with your friends-”
“I never agree to the last-”
“Or am I wrong, DARLING?”


Baekhyun's father hurries to shut up as he nods slightly. Baekhyun stares at his parents as he tries to understand what is going on. Are they actually saying that... he can go back?


“W-Wait... A-Are you serious?!”


Baekhyun stares at his parents as his mother nods with a huge smile on her lips while his father nods with a smaller smile on his lips. They're actually serious about this! Wait... Is this some kind of trap? No, it can't be since even his mother is looking really happy.


“I love you so freaking much!”


Baekhyun literally throws himself over to his parents and hugs them tightly. Baekhyun's mother laughs happily while his father groans in the tight hug Baekhyun gives them. Of course he can't hold back the happiness he feels, after all he can be with his friends and Chanyeol again.


“Then can my friends stay over for the night here at he palace as well?”
“How much are you trying to take here?”
“Of course they can sweetheart! Right darling?”
“Geez, you two are going against everything I say.”
“Haha, don't worry dad, we still love you.”


Baekhyun smiles as he hurries to get up. He can't stay here and let the guards send his friends home now when he has such great news. He has to tell them everything right away!


“I-I got to go, like right now!”
“Go sweetheart and have fun. Tell a maid to prepare some rooms for your friends.”
“I will! I love you!”


Baekhyun runs out of the room as he can hear his father sigh, but he knows his mother is smiling happily at him. He truly feels happy, especially since he truly thought his father would never give into him and his mother. Baekhyun runs as fast as he can towards his room as he passes a couple of maids and guards who stares surprised at him. Baekhyun feels how he sprints over to his room and the guards hurries to open the door for him.

Baekhyun runs into the room as his friends look rather startled at him. Baekhyun smiles like a fool as he spots Chanyeol and in that moment, he can't hold himself back anymore. He sprints over to Chanyeol, who's sitting on the bed and is checking out a book. Baekhyun throws himself over Chanyeol who gets tackled down onto the bed and groans loudly, but he also laughs.


“Y-Yah, what suddenly flew into you like that?”
“I can't help it! Chanyeol, I love you! I love you so much!”


Baekhyun hugs Chanyeol tightly as Chanyeol hugs him back, but he still looks rather confused. The others look puzzled as well as Chanyeol manages to sit up on the bed with Baekhyun on his lap. Baekhyun pulls out of the hug as he tries to not cry out of happiness.


“Yah, what happened? D-Did something bad happen?”
“Are you kidding me?! The best thing that could ever happen just happened!”
“W-What happened?”


The others hurries over to Baekhyun who can't stop grinning as happy he feels.


“I can go to college with you guys again! And I can marry however I want! I'm nearly free!”


The others breaks out in huge smiles as they hurries to join the hugging. Baekhyun laughs as poor Chanyeol gets buried in the middle of it all. Baekhyun can't stop himself from hugging the others as well and tells them everything that has happened. The guards, who stands by the door, slowly close the door and leaves them alone while Baekhyun keeps babbling about what is going to happen from now and on. Oh, life can't get any better anymore!

After a lot of talking and laughing, Baekhyun finally remembers that he has forgotten to tell his friends something else that is quite important. He hurries to smile shyly as he clears his throat.


“Uhm guys, I forgot to mention that... Y-You can sleep over at the palace tonight if you would like to do that. Y-You don't have too, but it would be really fun to have you here. The maids and the guards will treat you better now when they know who you are.”
“I will definitely stay! I would love to see what kind of food you eat here.”
“And imagine how cool it actually is!”
“Lulu, we can finally pretend we're a royal couple! You can be my princess and-”
“O-Oh shut up Sehun-ah!”


Baekhyun laughs at his friends as he looks over at Chanyeol. He's staring right at Baekhyun with his warm brown eyes while a smile sneaks up on his lips. Baekhyun smiles back at him as he sneaks his hand over to one of Chanyeol's hands. He can't wait to be alone with Chanyeol and he has already decided that he's going to sleep right here beside Baekhyun on this bed, no matter what anyone else says.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Baekhyun called a maid or two and let them prepare two rooms for Kai, Kyungsoo, Luhan and Sehun. They all talks a little excited as Baekhyun assures them that it's nothing special about sleeping over, but that it's more like sleeping in a very fancy hotel room. Chanyeol tries to keep his body and hands in control while he waits for the maid to come and fetch the others. He loves his friends and he wants Baekhyun to be able to be with them as much as possible, but he wants Baekhyun for himself for a while as well.

Chanyeol's hands are itching to pull Baekhyun into a hug or to grab his waist and pull him closer to Chanyeol. Baekhyun is busy with talking to the others as he laughs and Chanyeol struggles to stay focused on the others and not on Baekhyun. But it's really hard to take his eyes of his beautiful Baekhyun who he thought he would never see again.

Finally it knocks on the door to the room as they all fall silent. The door gets open by a young maid who steps into the room and bows deeply towards Baekhyun. Of course Baekhyun smiles shyly, he truly doesn't seem to enjoy how formal everyone is towards him. Didn't he grow up with all this? Woah, it still bothers him after so many years.


“My prince, the rooms for your guests are prepared and ready. Do you wish me to show them to their room?”
“Yes please, it would be really nice of you. Are you ready to say goodnight guys?”
“Well, it's already this late and we don't want to bother your poor maid.”
“We're truly sorry for all this trouble this late into the night.”
“It's nothing to worry about, it's my job after all.”
“Goodnight Baekhyun, we see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, see you tomorrow. Oh and guys, a maid will come and wake you up tomorrow around 10 pm and tell you it's breakfast time. She will take you to the breakfast table and I will see you there. She has prepared clothes and a towel for you if you would like to take a sho

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize