The Winter Trip, Part 3

Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun stood and smiled like a fool as he waited for Chanyeol to come. They arrived to the inn for only some few minutes ago, but they all have already gotten their rooms. Baekhyun shares room with Chanyeol for once, since the rooms are really small and only has room for two persons.

Technically, Baekhyun was supposed to share room with D.O. But Kai looked so sad and disappointed, so Baekhyun switched room with Kai and ended up with sharing with Chanyeol instead.


“Oh come on! What's taking you so long?!”


Baekhyun shouted impatiently as Kai and D.O came out from their room. Chanyeol was still nowhere to be found yet.


“What are you waiting for? Don't you want to get into the hot water?”
“Chanyeol is taking so long time to come out.”


Baekhyun pouted a little at Kai and D.O who laughed light. Then, after around 10 minutes after Baekhyun left Chanyeol in their room, the giant came out. Chanyeol had his bathrobe on as he held his towel over his shoulder and smiled a little.


“There you are! Let's go! I'm starting to freeze here.”


Baekhyun begun to walk right away as Chanyeol followed him. Baekhyun wanted to hum a little as happy he felt, but he somewhat got a feeling that people would stare weirdly at him. But who cares? Haters gonna hate like they say.


“Baekhyun, how can you be this happy?”
“Because it's going to be hot water! Warm and cozy water that we can sit in and just enjoy until we have to get up so we won't faint.”
“Haha, you're to funny.”


D.O and Kai, who joined Baekhyun and Chanyeol, laughed at Baekhyun. Chanyeol just smiled a little as they walked down to the boys bathroom. Which isn't a room, rather a huge pool outside the small tree inn they're staying at.


“Kya, look how warm it looks like!”
“You sound like a child now.”
“Let's get in!”


Baekhyun happily grabbed Chanyeol's hand, scared that the giant would suddenly would change his mind. Baekhyun dragged Chanyeol with him over to the water as he smiled big at the giant.


“Let's get in.”
“Uhm... I don't know if I really-”
“Oh come on. Please~?”


Baekhyun used his aegyo on Chanyeol who stared down at the shorter one. Chanyeol looked like he hesitated before he nodded a little and slowly begun to remove his bathrobe. Baekhyun smiled big as he almost threw off his bathrobe and stepped into the warm water.


“Aegyo, this is so warm! I love it~”


Baekhyun breathed out happily as Chanyeol hurried to take his bathrobe off and got into the water as well. Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol who smiled back, this time it wasn't this weak smile without his usual derp smile.


“It's so warm, right?”
“Mm... I love it.”
“I know... I love this too.”


Baekhyun leaned back in the water as he closed his eyes while he smiled like a fool. Chanyeol who sat beside him didn't move that much, but Baekhyun swear that the giant is staring at him.


“So, how has school been lately Chanyeol-ah?”
“Why are you calling me Chanyeol-ah, Baekhyun-ah?”
“Haha, because it's cute.”
“But you're supposed to be called like that.”
“Okay then, hyung.”


Chanyeol laughed as Baekhyun opened his eyes again to look at him. Chanyeol's face looked really handsome, he always looks handsome. Baekhyun thinks Chanyeol looks more handsome with glasses than without, but to be honest Chanyeol looks really hot right now.


“So, how have your calm month been this far?”
“Well... It would have been more interesting if you wanted to spend more time with me.”
“Really? You want me to hangout with you?”
“Well yeah, why wouldn't I?”
“Because you want to try to date during your free time, but I didn't allow you.”
“I don't want to date any girls anymore.”


Baekhyun stared shocked at Chanyeol who stared with his serious eyes at him. Baekhyun wanted to begun to laugh, since he really thought Chanyeol was joking. But the giant didn't start to laugh, without he just leaned closer to Baekhyun.


“And you? Have you found anyone else to date since last time?”
“N-No. I-I'm not interested in dating right now anyway.”
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because... I just don't feel for it. And you? Why aren't you going to date any girls?”
“Because I'm not interested in them right now.”


Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol who smirked this ridiculous, yet very handsome smile. Baekhyun tried to not blush, but he did. Chanyeol laughed as he sat up straight again and gave Baekhyun a little more space. Baekhyun just smiled a little shy as he suddenly felt D.O sit down beside him and elbowed him.

Baekhyun looked at D.O who smiled this teasing smile and Kai looked confused beside him. It didn't take long before Baekhyun realized that they all, including himself, sat in a huge warm pool and just stared at each other. And it was about now Baekhyun blushed like a fool and wanted to sink through the water.


“What's wrong now Baekie?”
“N-Nothing... Nothing at all.”
“Chanyeol, don't you think Baekhyun's skin is so pale and soft? I mean he's like snow white.”


Kai spoke out of nowhere as he smirked big. Baekhyun saw how Chanyeol stared at him and begun to study Baekhyun's pale skin. Baekhyun wanted to die, like right there on the spot. But no, Kai didn't stop there.


“Yeah, it's really soft and untouched. Imagine if someone had se-”
“Shut up will you!”


Baekhyun felt how he blushed like a fool and how red he was. Chanyeol kept stare at Baekhyun with his weird eyes while Kai laughed. D.O realized how erted Kai just had been as he hit Kai on the arm.


“Yah! You're scaring your classmates away!”
“Haha, what?! It's the truth!”
“I-It's not!”


Baekhyun shouted shyly as Luhan and Sehun came into the pool. They both stared at Kai and D.O who argue, while Baekhyun blushed like a fool with a staring giant beside him. Sehun and Luhan tried to understand what was going on, while Xiumin and Chen, who had been there the whole time, entered the conversation.


“You know, Baekhyun looks more feminine than manly.”
“Don't be mean Chen.”
“But it's true. He got curves like a girl and his pale skin reminds everyone of snow white.”
“Woah, your back looks so girlish!”


Tao suddenly shouted behind Baekhyun as they all stared at Kris and Tao who joined them. And behind them Lay and Suho who smiled. Now everyone was gathered in the pool. Or all Baekhyun's and Chanyeol's friends that is.


“What are you guys talking

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize