The Winter Trip, Part 4

Royal Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

“Y-You know what, let's go back to our room. I suddenly begun to feel tired again.”


Baekhyun spoke fast as he got up from the water and grabbed his towel fast. Baekhyun then covered his body with the bathrobe as he glanced over at Chanyeol who sighed and got out of the water as well.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol walked under silence towards their room as they listened to the surrounding. The rooms must be sound isolated, cause Baekhyun knows that half of the people here are not sleeping without having fun with someone else. Some of them are his friends.


“Hey, are you really tired Baekhyun?”
“I don't know... Are you?”
“I want to fetch some tea, do you want to drink some tea with me?”
“Can we sit in the room?”
“Sure, I will go and fetch a pot of tea. What tea do you like?”
“Anything that is green tea.”
“Okay, then I will go and fix that.”


Baekhyun begun to walk towards the room again as Chanyeol disappeared for a while. Baekhyun entered the room alone as he put a hand on his chest, over his heart. It's beating crazily, was it because of Chanyeol's sudden move? Baekhyun took a deep breath and walked over to his nightstand where a glass stood.

Baekhyun filled the glass with water as he drank some to calm himself down. When he was done, he put away the glass and then Chanyeol came in with a smile on his face. He held a pot can in one hand and in the other one he had two small cups. The tea set looked to be a Japanese tea set, a very beautiful and matching set to an inn inspired from Japan.


“Where do you want to sit?”
“Let's just sit on the bed.”


Chanyeol nodded as Baekhyun grabbed a coffee table and pulled it over to on of the beds. Chanyeol put the things down on it as Baekhyun sat down on the bed. Chanyeol served Baekhyun as Baekhyun thanked him with a smile and then Chanyeol served himself before he sat down beside Baekhyun.


“Today has been a good day, right?”
“Yeah, I have seen a lot of nice boys.”
“What do you mean with that?”


Chanyeol asked with a almost jealous sounding voice. Baekhyun didn't pick up the jealousy in Chanyeol's voice at all as he just kept talking.


“I saw many hot guys, they had abs and I couldn't help but to compare them. We got many athletics in our school.”
“Why did you stare at them? Didn't I tell you that you were supposed to look at me if you had to stare.”
“Well you were gone all the time and- Wait a second, are you mad at me?”


Chanyeol was fast to look away a little as Baekhyun tried to read the signals Chanyeol gave him. Baekhyun cleared his throat as he tried to change the topic, he doesn't have the power to argue with Chanyeol here anyway.


“So, I have thought a little about something. I felt guilty after banning you to date girls and all-”
“You don't have too, I ruined a date for you. We're even this way.”
“No, we're already even. Listen, I have seen how you have looked at some girls here and it's a good opportunity for you to get to know them. So... I will let you date girls again.”
“You heard me, so go away and find some girls that are still awake. I don't want to burden you by letting this golden chance slip by.”


Baekhyun spoke honestly as he sipped on his tea and tried to not show his hurt feelings. Baekhyun glanced over at Chanyeol who sat silent beside him with his teacup in his hand. Chanyeol stared straight into Baekhyun's eyes as Baekhyun saw something that he didn't thought was possible. Lust.


“I don't want to go and find any girls... I told you before, I'm not interested in them.”
“Not? Not even a little?”
“I told you I'm not interested in them. I have my eyes on someone else.”
“S-Since when? Who is it? Is it a girl?”
“It's not a girl and I'm not sure about my feelings towards this person.”
“O-Oh... I-I guess this guy was the one you spent your time with earlier today then.”
“Wait what?”
“Sorry Chanyeol... I'm too tired to talk right now...”


Baekhyun felt hurt, like really hurt. Chanyeol must have talked with someone else earlier today, because when Baekhyun came here to fetch him, he heard Chanyeol's voice somewhere in the room. He talked to someone, Baekhyun is sure about it.


“Wait, I haven't been alone with anyone else except for you!”


Chanyeol shouted fast as Baekhyun stared up at the giant. Baekhyun can tell that Chanyeol isn't lying, but who did he talk to then? Baekhyun heard him, so there is no chance that Chanyeol can lie about it.


“Then... who did you talk to when I came to fetch you? It wasn't with your mother, because you said something with .”
“Y-You heard that?”


Chanyeol asked while he blushed slightly. Baekhyun nodded as he suddenly felt more and more curious, did Chanyeol talk to himself? Chanyeol sighed as he scratch the back of his head with this sheepishly smile on his lips.


“I actually talked with myself, I admit. I... I'm not going to lie to you Baek, I think something's wrong with me.”
“What do you think is wrong with you? I admit that you have begun to act a little differently lately, but I... I like it. You're... kind of better in a good way. Though, you have always been perfect if you ask me.”


'What am I doing?! Stop talk like that to him! It sounds so weird! Like seriously, he will think you're crazy or something! Geez, why did I even say that? “You have always been perfect if you ask me”, in my that's not true. I thought he was an annoying idiot for a while, because I kissed him and he totally rejected me... I need a better life'


“But I don't think I'm perfect. I think something's wrong with me.”
“Then tell me, what is so wrong with you?”
“Well... It's.... Uhm...”


Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol who struggled with his expressions, it seems that Chanyeol isn't sure if he's supposed to be nervous or happy. Baekhyun sighed as Chanyeol did the same, they won't get any further with this conversation like this. Not if Chanyeol is going to be the weirdo he is right now.


“Maybe you have to think a little longer about that I guess. Well then, I think I will go to bed since-”
“W-Wait, I-I... I will tell you, really.”
“You don't have to feel forced Chanyeol, really. Sometimes... Sometimes I also thought that there were something wrong with me, but the only way I could find out was to do what I wanted too. My family is a little special and they didn't want me to go to an ordinary college, but I admit that I went against their will and look at me now. I'm more happy than I was before and I always thought that there were something wrong with me because I wanted to say against my parents. To be honest, I think the only way to find out what's wrong with yourself is to do what you think is wrong. As long you don't kill or hurt anyone that is.”
“S-So... Y-You're saying that... I should try what I think is wrong with me?”
“Yeah, exactly. Or I think it all depends on what you think is wrong with you. Is it a feeling towards someone, just let it out instead of close it in. But don't kill anyone or hurt anyone, that is against the law and it's really wrong to hurt others.”
“S-So... Y-You want me to just let me feelings out?”
“Is that what you think is wrong?”
“Yes, actually it is. I think something's wrong with my feelings.”
“Then let it all out. That is what I usually tries to do. I hate to hide my feelings because then I start to feel bad and I always end up hurting myself more than helping.”
“Then, is it okay if I just let out my feelings right here and now?”
“Just let it all out whenever you want too Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun smiled kind at Chanyeol who stared at him for a while. Chanyeol's deep eyes looked like he tried to think something through and Baekhyun couldn't help to wonder what he was thinking about. But he would get to know that pretty soon.

Baekhyun suddenly felt Chanyeol's hand grab his hand as the giant stared straight into Baekhyun's eyes. Baekhyun swear, he could died in that very moment. Chanyeol leaned closer as he didn't let go of Baekhyun's gaze and slowly he opened his mouth to talk with his deep manly voice with a low voice.


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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize