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Royal Love
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Baekhyuns P.O.V

Baekhyun walked down the corridor, feeling pretty down. Chanyeol has begun to ignore him again, and it's like Baekhyun is invisible for him again. And the worst is that Chanyeol confronted him for some days ago, telling him that he didn't want anything with him to do.


So Baekhyuns plan failed, but he doesn't want to give up. He want Chanyeol, at least go out on a date with him. Just once, one little date before someone might find him. He just wanna see how it feels, but maybe he should try to be Chanyeols friends instead?


Baekhyun suddenly got stopped, someone was blocking his way as he stared up at the giant. Baekhyun felt how he almost looked more depressed than he already felt, what does he want to say this time? That Baekhyun should cheer up and find someone else?



“Excuse me, I think you're a little in the way.”
“Sorry, I didn't mean to block your way, I just thought I saw someone familiar.”
“Who? Your friend?”
“No, I was looking for a smiling boy named Baekhyun, not a depressed boy.”



Baekhyun sighed, it felt like Chanyeol literally told him that he should be ashamed for trying to like him. Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol collar and pulled him down to his level, so he wouldn't have to talk to loud.



“Listen, just because someone like you and you don't like that person back, you don't have to make that person feel even more bad.”
“Why would I make you feel even more bad? I just told you that you looked a little down.”



Baekhyun sighed as he smirked at Chanyeol, well just because he blocked his way, he going to do this one more time. Baekhyun left a peck on Chanyeols lips as he smiled.



“There, back to normal. What about you and me go and grab a coffee after school, without buying meat until after the coffee?”
“As friends or what?”
“I only gonna say this once, but I'm going to follow you until you try to like me. At least give me a chance will you.”
“We will see what I think about you then-”
“I will buy you meat on our way home, if you're really kind I will buy you two sticks of meat.”
“Well, I don't know-”
“Okay fine, three sticks with meat.”
“I don't like it when people treat me to much. What I was trying to say that I wanted to study and-”
“You study to much, your eyes is looking tired, your skin is sore and you don't want to admit it, but you having a headache after all the coffee you have been drinking lately to stay up late and study almost the whole night.”
“H-How did you-?”
“I can see that on you by just one glance. Lets take a rest, I think you have studied enough. If not, I can help you.”
“How can you help me when I study more than you?”
“Well, I had 6 years with only hard tough raw studying, no free days, not even during Christmas. From 8 am to 10 pm with only 1 hours break during the whole day. Do that if you can.”



Chanyeols jaw dropped as Baekhyun let his collar do and smirked before grabbing his hand and dragged him with him through the corridor, not caring if everyone stared at them. No one has ever seen Chanyeol let anyone drag him with him while holding hands. And people have tried that for months already.



“W-Where we going?”
“Well, you refused to move and I have to go to my class. So I drag you along with me. So, tea after this? Meet me up by my locker later, please.”



Baekhyun glanced up at Chanyeol with his puppy face and almost sad looking face. Chanyeol felt how he nodded without he knew it and Baekhyun pulled him down and left a peck on his lips that last a little longer for some few seconds before he let go and hurried away.



“See you later!”



Baekhyun smiled as he hurried to his class before he would be late, but he couldn't help but to smile. He finally understood something, Chanyeol almost seem to like it when Baekhyun chase for him, and Baekhyun think Chanyeol doesn't even know it himself.



Chanyeols P.O.V

Chanyeol hesitated a lot, not knowing if he should just go home to his dorm and pretend that he had forgot about Baekhyun asking him to meet him up by his locker after school. It took probably ten to 20 minutes before Chanyeol finally stood by Baekhyuns locker, waiting for the boy.


When Baekhyun never seemed to show up, and it only had gotten 2 minutes, he was almost on his way out, when Baekhyun came running and smiling.



“Sorry that I'm late! Gosh, I dropped all my books and it took so long time to pick them up again! Just give me one more minute!”



Baekhyun threw his books in to the locker, Chanyeol watch him grab what he needed before he closed the locker and grabbed his hand, like before. Chanyeol was about to pull out from his grip, but he was scared to make Baekhyun sad and hurt his feelings to much.



“Sorry for I was late, again. I shouldn't have let you wait for so long.”
“It's okay, I guess.”
“So, tell me, why are you studying so much?”
“Well, like I always say, if you want to be something or have a good life, you must work hard to get it. No one will be able to give you what you want.”
“But what about love and friends? They must mean much, right?”
“I don't believe something so simple as love can make you happy and satisfied with your life. Happiness comes with satisfaction, you must be satisfied with your life.”



Baekhyun shook his head at Chanyeol as they was walking outside in the cold weather, it's already October and now when Chanyeol happen to see a newspaper lay on the ground, he begun to think about the royal prince. Seriously, where is that prince? He can't just have had disappeared in to thin air, right?


The boys hurried over to a cafe as Baekhyun ordered their things, since he wanted to treat Chanyeol. They both got a cup of warm tea as Baekhyun showed Chanyeol to a table in the corner, near the warm part in the cafe. They sat down as Baekhyun sighed out tired, why is he tired? Does he also stay up late and study?



“So, why are you tired?”
“I can't sleep in my bed, it's to hard and I go crazy every time I just move an inch it sounds like it will break.”
“Yeah, the beds are a little old, but you will get used to it. It's not that much difference between a normal bed and those, just a little harder and sounds a little more.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right. But tell me, why do you think love is useless?”
“It's just a simple feeling that won't help you get happier.”
“You're wrong, love might be simple, but sometimes the most simple things are the greatest things.”



Chanyeol blinked a little stupid, how can the simple things be the most greatest things? It makes no sense at all if you ask Chanyeol, but he kept quiet about that and smiled a little kind instead.



“So, why did you wanna take me to this cafe?”
“I promised the girl who works here to come by again, but I don't wanna go alone. So I brought you with me.”
“And that is much better because?”
“I like you, you seem very funny and I would love to get to know you better.”
“Is that why you have been acting so weird towards me?”
“You can say that yes.”
“Then why didn't you just say so? We could had hanged out one day or studied together or grabbed a cup of coffee or tea.”
“You didn't even see me for over three weeks Chanyeol, how was I'm supposed to tell you that I wanted to get to know you when you barely knew that I existed?”



Chanyeol felt stupid, Baekhyun do make a good point here. Damn it, he need to be more careful with what he's saying or else Baekhyun will get him sound stupid. Chanyeol smiled but he must make it clear to Baekhyun that they're just friends, weird friends.



“But we're just friends, I don't know what you had in mind, but I just want to be friends with you. So you know.”



Baekhyun just nodded at Chanyeol who felt a little relieved, finally things starting to return to his normally daily life. Chanyeol took a sip of his tea as he tried to not look to surprised, this tea tasted actually better than his coffee right now. Maybe he should try to drink more tea than coffee? Yeah, he should do that.

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize