Royal Life And Meat

Royal Love
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Baekhyuns P.O.V

Baekhyun sighed out loud, letting the servants run around him, choose his clothes and serve him breakfast while his father was talking. Baekhyun had stopped listening by now, he had stopped care and he had totally stopped being the loyal prince he's supposed to be.



“Baekhyun are you listening?”
“Yes father, just continue.”
“Like I said, we need to be as polite and smile all the time. I'm expecting you to look as cute and kind like always, if not even more.”
“I know, you have already said that father.”
“So you were listening?”
“Yes, I told you father I was listening.”
“Don't use that annoyed and bored tone at me young man.”
“Sorry father, I didn't mean to sound like that.”
“Now, I have to go and get ready myself. You better be done, and let the servants do their job this time.”
“Yes father.”



Baekhyun held in a sigh until his father left and then he finally sighed out loud. Everyone in the room stared at him as he sat down on his bed, not caring if he wasn't allowed to sit down. He's so sick and tired of this life right now.



“Master Baekhyun, sir, you have to stand up for some few more seconds, until the breakfast arrives.”
“I sit down now, you know my size on clothes, it can't be that hard to find the clothes.”
“Please sir, stand up so we can-”



Baekhyun shook his head as he refused to be nice, he doesn't feel to get any stupid special royal clothes on, he just want to sleep the whole day instead. He want to go out, outside the palace walls and take a look around like a normal boy. He want to go to a school, to have friends, to have a life!



“Sir, with all respect, we just want to do our job. Please, we beg you.”
“Fine, just because I don't wanna be mean anymore.”



Baekhyun got up from the bed, holding his arms out as the servants begun to check if the clothes were to short or to long or perfect. Baekhyun held in all his sighs, frustrated groans and humming. He just stood there, like a doll, letting them do their job before they disappeared out through the door and another servant came in with a tray with breakfast.



“Master Baekhyun, my prince, here is your breakfast.”



The woman bowed deep as she held out the tray. Baekhyun forced a smile upon his lips as he grabbed the tray. He hate to force his smiles up, but he can't really blame the servants for doing their job.



“Thank your Maria.”



The woman walked fast out through the door and Baekhyun walked over to his bed, not caring if his father gonna scold him for eating in his bed. He's tired of his father to be honest. I doesn't matter how powerful and royal his father is, Baekhyun still goes against him. He still dare to argue with him and to be honest, he doesn't care if his father is a king or not.


Everything with being royal , especially when you're young. Sure, you have money, food, clothes, phones, servants, soft giant beds and pretty much everything, except friends. Real friends. Though, there is one thing in here that Baekhyun really like, and it's a special servant. He's young, only some few years older than Baekhyun, and he's handsome, kind, and he likes, no love Baekhyun.


Baekhyun know that if his father founds out about them, what they have done and is doing, he will either kill Baekhyun or the servant. The servants name is Mark, he's very cute and he's the only one who does what Baekhyun want. If Baekhyun say he doesn't want him to dress him, he doesn't do that. If Baekhyun say he wants to play a game, they play a game. He do as Baekhyun say, without feeling forced to be honest.



“Knock knock, someone there?”



Baekhyun flew up from the bed happily as Mark closed the door fast, not wanting anyone to see them. Baekhyun rushed over, hugging his lovely Mark as he smiled and embraced Baekhyun back.



“I have missed you so much. Have you died here without me?”
“You kidding? It's so boring and polite all the time.”
“Haha, I can imagine that.”
“You owe me a kiss, if you want.”
“I would love too.”



Mark kissed Baekhyun passionate before the pulled out and hurried to let go of each others. Someone will come in any second and Baekhyun doesn't want to get in trouble, and even more not get Mark in to trouble.



“Sir, are you done to get dressed?”
“No, I'm still eating. I will send Mark to get you when I'm done.”
“Don't take to long sir, remember what your father said.”
“Its' three hours until the dinner, so you can go and take a break. I want to be alone for a while, and Mark is going to clean my room.”



Baekhyun smiled at Mark who smirked back, he knew what Baekhyun meant by that and they did have time for some fun. The other servant went back to her other tasks while the others stayed away from the room. Last time Baekhyun said he wanted to be alone and someone came in, he threw a lamp towards them and screamed to them to get out. It wasn't for Mark was there, but he just wanted to be alone.



“So, you wanna have me for yourself huh?”
“You're mine for the moment.”
“As you want, sir.”



Baekhyun smirked as Mark kissed him, slowly beginning to undress him for their fun.






Baekhyun smiled like a fool, his cheeks even hurt after sitting and just smiling for two hours without a break. Baekhyun is an expert when it comes to fake smiling, to not look bored nor annoyed. Baekhyun always look nice, cute and charming. But today, he swear that he almost looked a little too happy to be honest.


His father and mother was sitting beside him, talking while Baekhyun nodded then and then, pretending that he was listening and stopped smile when it came to more sad and serious matters. He did half listen to them, but he mostly tried to not look bored.


After this they will finally be able to go back to their rooms, finally go to his own precious room. No more eating dinner with the prime minister, no more sitting and smile in front of every little camera in here. Finally not having to pretend that he love his life as the royal prince that one day will be king, if Baekhyun now doesn't kill himself before that. Joking, just joking.



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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize