See Me!

Royal Love
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Baekhyuns P.O.V

Baekhyun groaned tired as he got up from his bed, forcing himself out to the kitchen as he sat down at the breakfast table. He's so not used to go up this early, nor to study into late night. Though, Baekhyun is so glad that he already knows a little about what he's studying about.



“Good morning Baekhyun, do you want some tea?”
“Mm, thank you.”



Baekhyun tried to smile, but it faded away when he yawned and tried to hold his eyes opened. Kai looked smirking over at him, well Baekhyun did tell him that he looked tired all the time, but now it's Baekhyun who looks tired.



“So, today it's Friday, so keep fighting and do your best. If you two are good boys, I will bake cookies for you!”



D.O smiled and almost giggled, thinking that he just gave Kai and Baekhyun a motivation to go to school and study hard. Baekhyun laughed a little as Kai tried to not laugh, but D.O didn't understand why they were laughing.



“What's so funny?”
“Nothing darling, nothing. Just do your best too, okay?”
“Of course I will do my best! I always do my best!”



Baekhyun smiled at D.O who smiled big, but then Kai eyed D.O who froze and nodded a little before he walked over to his room and Baekhyun tried to not pretend that he had just seen the weird couples act. D.O came back soon again, with some things in his hands as he sat down beside Baekhyun and looked almost a little scared at Baekhyun who smiled tired.



“Baekhyun, can you please sit still for a moment and just smile a little light?”
“Wae? Why are you looking like I should be suspicious?”
“Just do as he say, or are you a chicken?”



Kai smirked teasing at Baekhyun who stuck his tongue out at his new friends as he did as D.O asked. Baekhyun smiled light as D.O gasped and Kai nodded a little as Baekhyun stop smile and looked confused at them. It was then D.O slammed his hand at the table, making Baekhyun almost fall of his chair as startled he got.



“Y-Yah! Baekhyun! What the hell are you doing here?!”
“W-What do you mean? I-I live here-”
“You really thought I wouldn't notice, do you?!”
“N-Notice what?”



Baekhyun felt the panic grab him, he swear, he thought he would die. And that was what he would had done, if this situation wasn't a little more different from what Baekhyun thought it would be.



“You're the royal prince! And you thought I wouldn't notice?!”
“Baekhyun, you're face without makeup is really looking like the royal prince. And we're not as stupid as you think. No one is.”
“Gosh, if you don't watch out, someone might recognize you, and I mean not us.”
“Wait, hold a second! Are you literally saying-?”
“Yes, we're going to help you and not send you back to the palace since you must be out here, going to a college, for a really good reason.”
“Well... I actually just sneaked out from the palace because I was tired of my father.”
“Wait what?! Y-You're not hiding from someone?”
“I'm hiding from my father, because he wants me to be the real royal prince. I don't want to be him, I want to be me. I want to be normal. Is that so hard for everyone to understand? That I have feelings too?”



D.O and Kai stared shocked at Baekhyun who sighed, he better hurry to pack his things, or else the police and the guards from the palace will be here any second. Baekhyun almost got up as D.O grabbed his wrist and made him sit down again.



“Wait, w-we know you're a human too... It just feels... so unreal.”
“Who thought that behind all those money draining parties, meetings and unnecessary things to the royal prince, there was a normal boy who was hiding behind it all.”
“Listen, I know you don't really believe me, and I'm not expecting you to feel bad for me. But when I have had enough of trying to convince my father to at least let me be normal, and he has rejected it all, I leave. I'm not going to be that spoiled prince, and I have made up my mind. I will find a better life, I want real friends, I want to study hard and earn my rights in this country as everyone else. I want to find love, not be forced together with some random girl that my father has picked out for me. But if you can't understand me and planing to send me back, than I'm sorry for thinking I had found real friends.”



Baekhyun almost got up again as Kai begun to laugh and D.O just smiled kind. What's wrong with them? Are they seriously making his life to a joke?



“What's so funny?! I just told you about my ridiculous sad life, and you're laughing?!”
“Sorry, but we're not planing to send you back stupid! Nor use you for money!”
“No, we planed to help you out. I mean, you do look a lot alike the royal prince and not the normal boy you want to be. So we got you those.”



D.O held out a pair of glasses, making Baekhyun chuckle as he grabbed them. His eyes sight is actually very good! And he doesn't need freaking glasses to read! Why did he get him those?!



“I know what you think, but those are not real glasses silly, those are fake.”
“It's just normal glass, nothing else. No lenses, nothing that will change your eye sight.”
“Aha! You want me to wear them because I look different with them!”
“Exactly, now put them on and let us see.”



Baekhyun put the glasses on as he glanced up at D.O and Kai who smiled and nodded happily. Baekhyun smiled a little ashamed back as he got up and tried to get used to the weird feeling of wearing glasses. But to be honest, he felt a little stupid because he thought they got him the glasses because he saw bad, which he doesn't.



“Now, I'm going to get dressed. Okay?”
“Do see, but hurry up, okay?”



Baekhyun nodded as he went in to his room and in to his bathroom. He put on his makeup and fixed his hair, putting on deodorant and perfume. When Baekhyun was done with his makeup and fixing his hair, he got his clothes on and grabbed his bag before walking out to the door, yawing once again before he left with Kai and D.O. They walk together almost every morning, since they have the same classes anyway.


It didn't take long before they had arrived to the school building and they split up to go to their lockers. Baekhyun has begun to get used to this routine, go to school, go to his locker, go to his classroom, go back to his locker, go to next classroom, go back to his locker, go home and so on. It's not hard to get used to it to be honest.


Though something Baekhyun hasn't got used to this big school. It's so many people and he has been ignoring like the whole school to be honest. He just wanted to get used to the classes and so, but now when he's finally used to it, he has begun to look around a little more.


He has noticed that there are many hot boys here, really hot boys. But that's not all he looks at, oh no, he also watch the girls and the teachers who walks by. He likes this feeling he get while going to school, that he's not the only one who's struggling with homework and studying. When he was in the palace, it felt like he was the only one who was studying so hard in the whole world. Here, it's kind of the opposite.


Baekhyun begun to walk towards his class, smiling at everyone who passed him until he saw someone he thought he couldn't had missed. He stared at a tall boy, curly brown hair that was dancing around his head when he was walking. He wore glasses and his ears stood out a little. His smile was bright and white, his eyes was deep brown and almost hypnotizing.


Baekhyun almost stopped as the boy who passed him, but the funny was, he totally missed Baekhyun. He didn't see him at all, it was like Baekhyun was invisible and that he was just thin air he could just walk through. Baekhyun turned around, staring after the tall boy who still was walking like normal.


Baekhyun mumbled a little to himself as he continued to walk, he can't help but feel totally disturbed about this. No one has ever ignored him like that before, no one. Sure, he's the royal prince and no one would dare to ignore him, but this was just ridiculous.


Baekhyun entered his classroom as he sat down beside Kyungsoo, or D.O like everyone calls him, as he hurried to turn to him. D.O smiled at Baekhyun who looked almost desperate for an answer.



“I saw a boy with curly brown hair, glasses, brown eyes, tall like damn, you know him?”
“Did he have a huge white smile and a little out pointing ears like Yoda?”
“Yes, you know him?”
“You mean Chanyeol? Yeah, I know him, he's a friend of mine.
“Oh, I see. But just one little questions.”
“Sure, just ask.”
“Why was he ignoring me totally when I passed him? I mean he literally didn't see me at all. Like I was a ghost or something.”
“He did? That's weird, he never ignores people. Maybe he didn't see you?”
“Didn't see me? What do you mean? He wear freaking glasses, like me. Or are they fake?”
“No, his glasses is not fake. But Chanyeol is a little special. He has taught himself to noticed important things, mostly facts and information, the rest he can't help but to ignore. If you pass him by, he will probably just see you as one of the hundred students we have here.”
“Oh, now I understand why... So, does he have any girlfriend or boyfriend?”



Baekhyun was fast to ask, smiling at D.O who blinked at Baekhyun for a while and almost burst out in laughter. Kai who just entered the classroom sat down beside them and D.O told him what Baekhyun had just asked him before they both laughed. Baekhyun felt stupid, why are they laughing at him?! He didn't say something funny! He was serious with his question!



“Yah, I wasn't joking! I was death serious!”
“Sorry, but it's just that Chanyeol when it comes to relationships and love.”
“Haha yeah, he doesn't even know how it is to be in love. He just ignores that and keep say that love won't take him anywhere, just studying and hard work.”
“Well he do speak wisely in a way, but what kind of idiot doesn't know that love is mo

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RizumuLove #1
ooh interesting~~
Chapter 23: This was soooo adoorrabllleeeee I'm melting... I loved it!!!!
Chapter 21: Holyy
Chapter 20: Go for itttt
Chapter 18: I'm crying
Chapter 17: Poor yeol and baek
Chapter 16: Oh my gossshhh they actually did it... FINALLLYYYY
Chapter 15: I think I'm gonna cry
Chapter 14: What now!!!
Chapter 13: Finally yoda has started to realize