Almost kissed?

You Are My Oppa Teen Top.


~ChangSoo's POV~

 I woke up at around 8:30am and the oppas werent there. I asked some of the staffs where they were and they said that they went practicing.


"Yup. They went at around 6. They didnt wake you up cause you looked so peaceful." said one of the writer unnies.

 Since the oppas werent around, they decided to film what i do when they werent around. So after doing my daily routine i decided to cook breakfast for myself. In the middle of eating i got a phone call.


"Chang Bunny!!! How are you??!!" yelled Irene.

 Irene is my dad's girlfriend. My mom died when i was little and i dont remember her much. They started dating when i was ten so she was my mother figure for almost 6 years. Irene and my dad are in Philippines right now for vacation.

"Wah! Umma! Im fine fine!!! Hows Boracay?" i asked her.

"The water is soooo blue, bunny!!! You should have come along!" she said in a happy tone.

"I wanted tooo, umma!! But i cant! I have to film You are my oppa!"

"Grrrr! Why'd you get in a show??!"

"Aright! Its my turn to talk to my daughter, Hun." i heard my dad in the back.

"Fine, hun!"



"Okay! Tone down a bit!"

"Aish! Fine, Appa! Hows Boracay??"

"Its just wonderful, bunny! Tonight my plan will take place!"

"Aish! Appa! You and umma have been there for a week already!! Why havent you proposed yet??"

"Sorry, Bunny! Even appa gets scared!!"

"Appa! Just remember! Be yourself and.."

"Dont push her in the water! I get it!"

"What are you father and daughter talking about??" asked Irene in the back.

"Her schooling, hun!"

"Appa! I have to go! I think viewers will get tired of watching me on the phone. Dont cha think??"

"AIsh! Fine! Bye Bye Bunny!!" he said.

"BYE BUNNNYYY!! I'M GONNA SHOP FOR YOU!!!!!" yelled Irene.

"Bye Bunny! We love you!"

"Bye! I love you guys too!"

 After i put down the phone, i just laid on the floor looking for cold spots to stay on. They were filming me the whole time. I watched tv while one the floor and when i flipped the channel on a music channel J.Lo’s On The Floor started playing. (A/n: i discovered how much ii loved the floor after riding a boat. =P)

“Unnie~! Dont you think that viewers will get tired of watching me roll around??” i asked one of the unnies.

“Dont worry. We’ll cut alot of this.”

“Oh. What time are the oppas co-“ i started but got cut off by my phone.


“AAh! Changgie.ah! Come to (insert random park name here) in two hours. Araso?” said a familiar voice.

“Uncle Andy! A Hi would be nice! I would love to but-“


 After he yelled at me, I yelled back. Me and Uncle always have a love hate relationship with each other. He bullied me when I was little, so its my turn to bully him. So, the yelling went on for minutes and when I got tired I finally gave up and said that I would come.

 I cleaned the house for a little while and in 30 minutes it was really clean. Dude? Im that bored???! I took a bath because I felt sticky from the sweat. I put on shorts, a black tank top and a yellow cardigan. I played with ChiChi for a while then I got a text.

From: Appa Wappa.

 Bunny!!! I propsed to her earlier than expected!! Irene also wants to get married early! XD! Two months from now!!! So will you come here before your birthday? And join us? I don’t want to get married without my bunny there. What do you say?”

To:Appa Wappa.


From: Appa Wappa.

I’ll arrange your tickets soon. I miss you Bunny! See you sooooooon! Irene says she loves you.

 Omo . . . . . My Appa is getting married and I have to leave before my birthday . . Which is . . . Shizz. . . a week from now. . HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA TELL THE OPPAS THIS?? Im sure the director wont mind and Uncle Andy can help me make something up. Aigo . . .


 I sat next to Ricky-oppa since I was tired from running around so much. I started puffing up my cheeks and played with my fingers. I could see from the corner of my eye that Ricky-oppa was looking at me. Im scared to tell them that I have to leave for two months. I don’t know what to do.

“Ya. Are you alright?” he asked me.

“Hmm? Waeyo?”

“Well, usually when you’re alone with me you hit me or bully me, but no! You’re there quiet and playing with your fingers! Not minding the fact that I let my guard down. So whats wrong?”

Hmm. . . .Ohh! I have a good way of answering this.

~Ricky’s POV~

 I was getting really quiet and im really worried about Changsoo here! Shes never quiet shes the most talkative bunny ever! Atleast, if bunnys could talk. I was staring at her because I had no idea how to start a conversation with her. She was just there playing with her fingers with her cheeks all puffed up. So cute . .

“Ya. Are you alright?” I asked her.

“Hmm? Waeyo??” she replied after blowing out air.

“Well, usually when you’re alone with me you hit me or bully me, but no! You’re there quiet and playing with your fingers! Not minding the fact that I let my guard down. So whats wrong?”

 After I asked that she went closer to me and held my arm while looking in to my eyes.

“Ricky.oppa  . . “

“W-What?” I asked gulping.

“You know . . .” she replied getting closer to me.


“I’ve always wanted to . . “ she continued with her face only centimeters from ine.

“Ughh. . . . “

 I closed my eyes and I didn’t know why. My heart was beating like . . . drums being used by a crazy drummer. I could feel her breath on my face. Then . . .

“OWWWWWWWW!!!!!” I yelled.

 I opened my eyes and saw ChangSoo laughing like hell. I rubbed by arm because she just freaking gave me a very painful Indian Burn! (a/n: What was that? You don’t know what and Indian Burn is??? Oh. I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR YOU! GOOGLE IT!)

“Why’d you close your eyes oppa??? What did you think I was gonna do????”

“Aish! Shut up!!” I yelled at her.

“HEY!!!” yelled Neil-hyung.

“Oh lala! Our dongsaengs kissed!!” yelled L.Joe-hyung.

“What??!” me and Changsoo asked the same time.

“Oh come on! Hyung! We could see you guys from back there! It was soooo clear you two kissed!!” said Changjo.

“NO WE WERENT!!!” we yelled.

“Why so defensive??” asked CAP-hyung.

“Because we didn’t!!!” I yelled.

“Then why was my budny sooooo close to your face???” asked Chunji-hyung.


“True! I was tricking him so I can give him one.”

“Oooh!!! Nice!!” yelled Neil-hyung. “Using your looks to fool him! High five!!!”

 I pouted at them because of it. We were going back to the car to go home. The seating order was CAP-hyung, Chunji-hyung and Changjo in front. ChangSoo, Me, L.joe-hyung and Neil-hyung in the back. The hyungs and Changjo were asleep, I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking of how close ChangSoo was to me earlier. ChangSoo wasn’t sleeping either.

 There is seriously something wrong, usually she’d force me to help her with a prank because most of the members were asleep, but NO! She’s just staring out the window without that eye smile that she always has. Changsoo wasn’t her usual self and its bugging me! UGHHH! I’ll just pretend to sleep for now.

~At the dorm~
~L.Joe’s POV~

“OMO!!!!! THE SHOES ARE ARRANGED!!!!!” I yelled when I saw the dorm.

 I cant believe that ChangSoo did this. What made her do this??

“WAIT! I don’t trust that this dorm is so clean!” yelled Niel.

“Why??” yelled ChangSoo going in the dorm.


“Maybe I did! Maybe I didn’t! Its for you guys to find out” she said to us sticking her tongue out at us.

 I better watch for any of her tricks. Sometimes I get really scared of this innocent looking girl. I went to the kitchen and got a coke bottle. I went out and found the others resting on the couch and some on ther floor. Changgie is in her room I guess.

“You guys wan-“ I got cut of because when I opened the bottle the fizz went exploding on my face.

“KIM CHANGSOO!!!!!!!!!” I yelled.


















Okay! I know! The last part was random! XD. Im hyper right now! How do you like the update? Fried? Or Roasted?

Hey! Check this out!!

My shorts!


Gongchan's Shorts!

Chunji's Pants!!!

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 23: Pls finsh your story
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 7: My birthday is dec. 14 too :)
Chapter 23: omg i loved this sooo much can you please finish it i would love that thank you for writing it.
Chapter 23: Please if you can finish the story~ This is one if my absolute favorites and I would be so glad if you would continue~<3
Lollipopbearzrawr #5
Chapter 22: Updateeeeee I wanna know what happen
M6lluT #6
i knooow. she is going to be fourth member of harmony... but end her with l.joe before ending the story lol
My unsername's up O.o X)!!! I love your story! And by the way your infinite drawings are awesome!
they hire her xD