Education From Shinwa! Part 1.

You Are My Oppa Teen Top.

~Niel’s  POV~

 Its been exactly two weeks since Changgie lived with us and the both of us managed to prank all the members! She is a good prankster for a girl! I would have never thought of putting plastic wrap on the toilet.

 We left home early to practice and since Changsoo was still asleep we just let her sleep for a while. Our manager made us dance Lets Dance, Clap, Supa Luv and No more perfume on you at the end of our practice. Everyone was wiped and when we got to the car everyone fell asleep!

 I was looking out the window and straightened up when I saw the turn we have to make to get home but manager-hyung just passed by it. I looked at his back then looked back to the turn that was getting further and further away.

“Ugh . . . Hyung??” I asked him.

“Neh??” he asked back.

“Wasn’t that?” I asked him while pointing back at the turn.

“What? I cant see what you are pointing at.” He replied.

“You passed the turn we usually take to get home” I replied.

“Oh~! You guys worked hard to day and seemed so tired so ill just drive around for a while. Sleep for a while Niel.” He said.

“Oh. For a second there I thought you forgot where we lived.” I said putting my head back near the window.

 Strange, when we ask him if he could take us out some where he always goes ‘Gas is so expensive nowadays’ or ‘Fangirls might mob you guys!’. Oh, well, atleast we get a small break from *yawn* work . .

~Ricky’s POV~

“Ricky.Ah! Wake up!!” yelled a familiar voice. “YOO CHANGHYUN WAKE UP NOW!!”

“Umma~! Five more minutes. . .” I muttered.

“Don’t umma me! Get up!” he yelled.

“ Andy-hyung? What are you doing in our dorm??” I asked him while rubbing my right eye.

“Does this car look like a dorm to you?” he asked me. “Anyways, go with the others over there.”

I got out of the car and joined the rest of Teen Top. We were sitting on a mat in a park. When did we get here? Why is Andy-hyung here? And why isnt Changsoo here? Hyung said we had no schedule after practice! Ah! Jinja!!! Its so tiring!!

 I was lying down on the mat, Changjo had his head on his knees, CAP-hyung was resting his head on Neil-hyungs lap, L.Joe-hyung was wide awake and staring and Chunji-hyung was laying on his right side and staring at the kids playing in the park. Andy-hyung and our manager were talking to each other while the crew gets ready to shoot You Are My Oppa. Without Changsoo? How the heck are we doing that?

"Yah. CAP-hyung. How are we gonna shoot the show without ChangSoo?" i said poking his side.

"I dont know, Maybe we're separated to let us get Ed or somthing." he replied sarcasticly.

~Andy's POV~

 When Teen Top's car arrived, all of the boys were sleeping. Must have been though in practice today. I woke each and everyone of them one by one, starting with the leader. I shook him and he didnt wake up. It took a long time to wake up this sleepy head. I poked Neil and he instantly woke up. Chunji took little shakes and L.Joe was halfawake when the car was pulling to a stop.  Changjo didnt take long to wake up, but Ricky said that i was umma.

"Ahh. Jinja! These boys!" i complained to their manager.

"Atleast, they're up!" he replied. "Can't wait to see their faces when they find out about what we're doing here, especially Rickys and Changjos."

"True! True!" i replied laughing. "How are they doing? And are they getting along with their dongsaeng?"

"So far they are. Just yesterday, i scolded Neil and ChangSoo.ah for a prank they did to the members." he replied.

"Prank??" i asked.

"Trust me! You do not want to know!!" he yelled back.

"Ah. Fine! Fine!" i replied waving my hands.

"Ugh. . Excuse me. We can start now." said the director.

"Sure!" i replied walking to where the boys were.


 Andy-hyung went in front of us and stared at us while the crew put a white board behind him. Instantly, I got up and the maknae line started complaining because we were suddenly having a picnic without ChangSoo and she will obviously get mad at us again! Ah! Jinja!!!

“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!!! ILL CALL HER!!!” yelled Andy-hyung.

 He dialed some numbers and called someone. How does he have her number??

“Ah! Changgie.ah! Come to (insert random park name here) in two hours. Araso? “ he said on the phone. “No buts young lady! Come here into hours!!”

 He started arguing with her on the phone. Wait? How can she argue with hyung?? We don’t do that to him. Its seem that our shooting was delayed because of their long long conversation with each other. Most of it was hyung yelling, we could hear ChangSoo.ah screaming on the other end too.

“Excuse me for that boys, my niece is always a hard headed brat when it comes to talking to idols.” He excuse himself to us.

“MWOHHH??!!!!!!!” we all yelled.

“Shes your –“ started Neil.

“Niece??!!!!!” we all said together.

“Since when??!!!” Ricky asked.

“Since my hyung got a baby 16 years ago! Now sush!” he yelled back.

~Interview Flash~
~Teen Top Interview~

“How do you feel now that you know ChangSoo.ah is related to your Andy-hyung?”

“At first I was like, ‘SHIZZ!! All I’ve been doing was mean things to her ever since she started living with us’. I was scared of what she told hyung.” Said ChangJo.

“I was just surprised really, but now I know that hyungs family has very good looking people.” Said Ricky.

“AH! JINJA!!! Im scared of what she’ll tell hyung now!!” yelled Neil.

“Just surprised. I don’t really do bad things to Changgie” said L.Joe.

“Same with L.Joe. Im kind to her. Im like her umma!” said Chunji.

“Hyung was right, ChangSoo.ah is hard headed towards idols!” said CAP.

~End of Interview Flash~

“But hyung! We want to ask questions!” yelled Changjo.

“SHUSSHH!!! “ he said putting his finger on his lips. “Now. Do you boys know why you’re here??”

“Ani~!!” we chorused.

“Anyone want to guess?”

“To play!!” yelled Niel and hyung shook his head.

“To have quality time with our favorite hyung?” said L.Joe.

“Closed, but not entirely correct.” He replied. “Flattering wont lessen your practice time L.Joe.”

“Wait!!! I THINK I KNOW!!! I WATCHED INFINITE –HYUNGS YOU ARE MY OPPA!!” yelled Changjo which gained attention from everyone.

“We are gonna have ED!!!” he yelled again.







OMG! ED FOR TEEN TOP! XD! What was i thinking??!!








Anyways! Poll is officially closed!!! XD! The guy Changsoo falls for will be kept a secret until the end. If your bias doesnt get picked stay tuned for the sequel of this story! XD hehe!

Oh! And BTW!!!!! i will be hiatus for two weeks! XD! Next week i will be busy with practices and 3 performance nights! Ill take videos and show you guys! Then the week after that i will be in a National Student Convention and i will take vlogs of it! If you want. hahaha!

Plus my glasses broke! Look at my ugly face!!


I made the main pic btw! XD!

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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 23: Pls finsh your story
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 7: My birthday is dec. 14 too :)
Chapter 23: omg i loved this sooo much can you please finish it i would love that thank you for writing it.
Chapter 23: Please if you can finish the story~ This is one if my absolute favorites and I would be so glad if you would continue~<3
Lollipopbearzrawr #5
Chapter 22: Updateeeeee I wanna know what happen
M6lluT #6
i knooow. she is going to be fourth member of harmony... but end her with l.joe before ending the story lol
My unsername's up O.o X)!!! I love your story! And by the way your infinite drawings are awesome!
they hire her xD