
Love Always There

"Hyung! Can you walk faster?! At this rate, we are going to be late for school!" Myungsoo groaned as he turned back to look at his brother who still looked half-sleep. 

"Just go first if you're that scared of being late." Sunggyu said casually, a hand moving to scratch his head, messing up his hair slightly. 

"Oh come on! Who knows, you might just bump into Woohyun if you walk a little faster." At the mention of Woohyun's name, the man was fully awake now. He thought over Myungsoo's word for a moment and agreed with the younger man, and started walking faster, pulling his brother along the way. 

"Now, Myungsoo, you got to walk a little more faster because if I don't see Woohyun, I'm going to blame you for that." 

"Hyung, that's not fair. If he is trying to avoid you, no matter how you try, you still won't see him." 

"Yah what's that suppose to mean? Are you saying he's avoiding me?" Sunggyu stopped in his pace, turning to look at his brother with a frown on his face. 

However, Myungsoo shrugged his shoulders and continued walking, with his brother following him closely behind. "Maybe? Since the both of us haven't seen him around lately." 

"I did though..." Sunggyu mumbled to himself, smiling as he thought of the incident from last Friday.

"Hyung, stop thinking about Woohyun and walk faster already!" Myungsoo groaned, pulling on Sunggyu's arm yet again when he saw how lose the older man seemed, in his own thoughts. Probably thinking about Woohyun again, Myungsoo guessed. 


Sunggyu groaned as he slumped into his seat. "I hate Myungsoo. He totally cheated my feeling." He whined. 

So... The two brothers reached school about ten minutes before lesson started and Sunggyu dragged Myungsoo along with him to walk through the hallway filled with lockers - that's where Sunggyu usually saw Woohyun at, in the morning before lesson started - but he wasn't there today, just like last week. Sunggyu even decided to walk past Woohyun's class, in hope that Woohyun would be there but he wasn't. 

Where on earth are you, Nam Woohyun?! Damn it! 

"Okay hyung, I'm out of this. Class is starting in two minutes and I don't want to be late. Bye!" Myungsoo bid his brother goodbye outside of Woohyun's class before he started running, in hope of reaching his classroom before the teacher does. 

And Sunggyu gave up too. Dragging his feet to class, which he was fortunately on time for. Well, maybe not. The teacher was late, fortunately. 

His finger came in contact with something that felt cold against his skin as he laid his head on the table, using his arms as his pillow. Something was on his table? Sunggyu lifted his head and saw a small jar filled with chocolates and candies, placed on his table, and started to look around his classroom, in hope that he would be able to find the sender of this small gift. 

Then he saw some writing on the cover of the jar. 

Don't skip your meals again and bring this with you everywhere =____= 

It's Woohyun. 

That emoticon that he knew all too well, the emoticon that only Woohyun would use. 

That was all it took to put a smile on Sunggyu's face that was previously extremely dejected. He hugged the jar close to himself, the idiot grin still on his face as he let out a quiet but happy 'oh my god'. 


Keep a lookout for Woohyun and let me know immediately if you see him.
Thank you, rascal ^^ 

Myungsoo groaned as he stared at the message sent by his brother a few minutes ago. "Damn it, hyung. I don't have time for Woohyun." He muttered to himself and put his phone back in his pocket. 

He was walking along the hallway, on his way to the canteen when he spotted someone he's been wanting to see by the vending machine. 

Nope, it's not Woohyun. It's Sungyeol. 

Myungsoo quickly made his way to Sungyeol's side, hands in his pockets, trying to look cool before he said 'Hi' to the man. Sungyeol turned his head slightly and glanced at Myungsoo before turning back to the vending machine in front of him. 

"Getting coffee?" Myungsoo asked as he watched Sungyeol insert the coins but the man ignored him, inserting more coins. 

"Mocha? Or black coffee? Or coffee with milk?" Myungsoo asked. "Since you stated on your blog that you like americano, I guess you're getting black coffee?" 

Sungyeol rolled his eyes, silently wishing that Myungsoo would stop talking to him and just get away from him. 

"Ohh~ mocha." Myungsoo said in amusement when Sungyeol pushed the button for mocha. 

"Just shut up, will you." Sungyeol groaned. It was starting to annoy Sungyeol when Myungsoo just wouldn't shut that mouth of his up.  

"Oh you're finally talking to me." Myungsoo said with a satisfied smile. "So when are you free to go on a date?" 

"Never." Sungyeol bluntly replied as he squatted down to get his coffee. "And please just stay away from me." 

"Yah! I'm your senior after all okay. Talk to me with some respect." 

Sungyeol rolled his eyes yet again, then he poured the hot cup of mocha onto the sleeve of Myungsoo's uniform. "Respect? Learn to respect my privacy first before you even ask for me to talk to you with respect." And walked away. 

Myungsoo stared at the retreating figure in disbelief. "Then don't write everything on your blog, you ! YAH!" He shouted in anger, fingers curling into a fist. 


Sunggyu excitedly made his way to the canteen, in hope that he would get to see Woohyun today too, especially after knowing that Woohyun actually did care about him. He looked around the crowded canteen, hoping to find the man or at least Dongwoo. To his delight, he spotted Dongwoo and quickly made his way to where the man was. 

"Hey Dongwoo." Sunggyu greeted casually. 
"Oh hi hyung!" Dongwoo greeted, slightly surprised that Sunggyu would even come up to talk to him first. 

"Erm, so.... Where's Woohyun?" Sunggyu asked, trying to look as indifferent as possible. However, Dongwoo saw through the man right away, the expression on his face told him everything and Dongwoo couldn't help the small cheeky smile. 

"At the rooftop." 

"Rooftop?! What is he doing there?" 

Dongwoo shrugged his shoulders, now that he thought about it, his best friend has yet to tell him anything. "I'm not really sure too, he said he wanted a change in scenery." 

Sunggyu's jaw slacked after he heard the younger man's words. "Really? A change in scenery? That's so him. Alright, thank you, Dongwoo." Sunggyu gave the man a smile as he ruffled his hair. 

"Do you guys perhaps need some time alone? I mean you seem like you need to talk to him and I wouldn't want us to disturb you guys while you talk." 

Sunggyu thought over Dongwoo's words before nodding his head. "That would be great. Thanks a lot, Domgwoo!" 

Dongwoo chuckled as he watched Sunggyu walking away from the canteen and towards the direction of the rooftop. 

"Get together already, you guys are so obvious." Dongwoo said to no one in particular, grinning. 


"Do you know that you are not allowed to be on the rooftop?" Woohyun jumped at the voice, cursing slightly at being caught. Was he finally going to get punished? He turned around with his head down, ready to apologize to the teacher who has caught him. 

"I'm sorry..." He looked up and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that it was just Sunggyu. "I thought it was a teacher." 

Sunggyu chuckled, making his way to Woohyun's side. "What are you doing here?" 

Woohyun glanced at Sunggyu briefly before focusing his gaze on the clear blue sky again. "Just feel like it." 

"Oh? I heard you wanted a change in scenery though?" 

"Yea, that too actually." Woohyun said, glancing at Sunggyu yet again. "What are you doing here though?" 

"I was looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Woohyun asked in surprise. 

"Yea, thank you for the candies and chocolates. I will make sure to bring it everywhere with me." Sunggyu smiled, eyes turning into crescents and Woohyun smiled too. "That wasn't much, you didn't have to come here just to thank me." 

"There's actually something else I need to tell you too." Sunggyu said, playing with his fingers out of nervousness. 

What if Woohyun gets mad at him for lying about his relationship with Myungsoo? What was he going to do or say to pacify him? He couldn't think that much anymore. If he continues to keep Woohyun in the dark about the truth, he is sure it will be even harder to pacify the younger man in the future.

"Actually... Myungsoo and I..." Woohyun frowned at the mention of Myungsoo, oh how he hated that name now. But he kept quiet, listening to what Sunggyu had to say. Maybe, Sunggyu finally found out that Myungsoo was just playing with him and needed someone to talk to? Yes, that must be it! Woohyun though to himself.

"He's actually my brother. My biological brother." Sunggyu confessed, observing every change in Woohyun's expression. 

"Huh?" Woohyun simply let out. 

"I-I really didn't know he told you we were a couple until that day at the library. Really!" Sunggyu explained, fearing how Woohyun would react. "I don't know why he did that but I really didn't mean to lie to you with him. You got to believe in me." 

"What are you saying?" Woohyun asked in disbelief, almost laughing at his own stupidity, and how stupid the situation now was. "You mean, all along I was being fooled?" 

"No, Woohyun. That's not it."  

"What do you mean that's not it?! What about that kiss? Why did you kiss Myungsoo at the canteen then?" 

"What kiss?" Sunggyu frowned, completely forgotten about the kiss he gave his younger brother at the canteen in front of Woohyun. 

"That kiss at the canteen!" Woohyun shouted, feeling his anger boiled. All along, he was worried for Sunggyu over nothing. He felt stupid. Why did he even bother himself with Sunggyu and Myungsoo's relationship. They treated him like a fool. 

"I-I... That was nothing, really. It was just a kiss from an elder brother to his younger brother." Sunggyu tried explaining. What he least wanted to happen has now finally happened. "I was just fooling around with him, Woohyun." 

"And I was being fooled!" Woohyun shouted, the tears slowly making it to his eyes. Stupid. You're plain stupid, Nam Woohyun. 


"Shut up! Get away from me! I hate you and your brother!" Woohyun stood up and ran out of the rooftop.  

"Woohyun!" Sunggyu shouted, trying to catch up with the younger man but lost him almost immediately since Woohyun was really fast. 

"Wow Kim Myungsoo, thank you so much." Sunggyu groaned, messing his hair up. 


Let me know if you see Dongwoo too. 

Myungsoo rolled his eyes at the new message from Sunggyu. "So he's targeting Dongwoo now too?" He muttered to himself as he made his way to the canteen once again after cleaning up his uniform. 

When he made it to the canteen, he saw the two people that Sunggyu was looking for. 

Dongwoo and Woohyun were sitting at a table with Woohyun in Dongwoo's arms. Seemingly to be crying while Dongwoo tries to comfort his friend. 

He dialed Sunggyu's number in which the other man answered almost immediately. "Found them?" 

"Yea but it seems like something happened." 

"Where are they?" He heard his brother sighing from the other line. 

"The canteen." 

"Alright, keep an eye on them before I make it to the canteen." 

"Hyung, I need to eat." Myungsoo groaned, messing his hair up in frustration. 

"This is the least you can do for creating all this mess." Sunggyu scolded and Myungsoo was quiet all at once. 

"Fine." Myungsoo agreed in defeat. 


"There they are. Now, I'm done." Myungsoo said, pointing at the table where Dongwoo and Woohyun were still at. 

"No, you're coming with me." Sunggyu said and pulled Myungsoo alongside him to the table. 

"Dongwoo, Woohyun." Sunggyu sighed as they reached the table. 

"Erm hyung... Woohyun, he-" 

"I know. So I'm here to make things clear." Sunggyu said, taking a seat at one of the empty seats, followed by Myungsoo. 


"Go away! I don't want to see you right now!" Woohyun shouted, still hiding his face in Dongwoo's shoulder. 

"What happened?" Myungsoo whispered, receiving a glare from Sunggyu. 

"Let us explain, Woohyun. I know you're mad but I'm going to clear things up now."

"No! Just go away! I don't need an explanation. I don't care!" Woohyun cried, and ran away from the canteen. 

"Woohyun!" Dongwoo shouted for as he ran after his friend, leaving the two brothers at the table. 

"Okay, what exactly happened?" Myungsoo asked, confused with the current situation. 

"God damn it! Kim Myungsoo, good job man. Thanks a lot!" Sunggyu groaned, messing his hair up as he leave the table. 

"Seriously, what did I do?" Myungsoo asked himself as he stared at his brother's retreating figure dumbly.


That night as soon as Myungsoo stepped into the house, he received a deadly glare from his brother and knew he was in deep trouble. 

He timidly took a peek into Sunggyu's room and saw his brother sitting at his study table with a can of beer in hand, staring at something on his table. 

"Hyung, can I come in?" He quietly asked. 

Sunggyu turned to the door with a scowl, muttering a 'get out' but Myungsoo went in anyway, taking a seat at his brother's bed. 

"Can you at least fill me in on what happened so that I wouldn't feel as clueless?" 

"Just get out, Myungsoo." Sunggyu sighed, taking another sip of beer. 

"Hyung, you rarely drink, and when you drink that must mean you're really troubled. What happened? Tell me, I will help you." 

"You can't help me... Woohyun... He said he hates me when I told him about us." 

"You mean you told him that we are brothers?" Myungsoo's eyes widened. 

Sunggyu just nodded, banging his head against his study table. "He hates me, Myungsoo. Woohyun hates me." 

"Come on, hyung. I'm sure he only said that because he's angry at you." 

"No, Myungsoo. You don't get it. Woohyun has never said he hates me no matter how mad he is at me." 


"Just leave me alone for tonight, please? I'm begging you, Myungsoo." 

"Alright. I'm sorry, hyung. For everything." 

Myungsoo took one last look at Sunggyu before he leave the room, and made a beeline for the kitchen. He took all the beers from the fridge and hide them in his room. The last thing he would want to see was his brother drinking till he got drunk to forget all of this. He disliked seeing his brother behaving in this way. 



Oh man, just when things seem to be brighter for Woohyun and Sunggyu :(

HAHAHAHAH. Okay, I hope this chapter was alright >< I will try to upload again soon (I hope). In the meantime, please leave me some comments ^^ 

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Hello there! It’s been a really long time and I’m not sure if any of the old readers are still coming to asianfanfic and I’m not sure if anyone still remember this story. But nevertheless, I will try to update this story again soon!! :)


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Ivettie25 #1
Chapter 17: Welcome back!!! Looking forward to your updates!
Chapter 17: I am skipping homework to read this, that’s just how amazing this story is! Thank you for updating and I hope you are okay. uwu
Chapter 14: I’m still in the dark about what did Nam hear Gyu say about him... I am giving the chance of doubt to Gyu though
Veteran Inspirit here! I’m glad you decided to keep updating this story. Welcome back ^^
Veteran Inspirit here! I’m glad you decided to keep updating this story. Welcome back ^^
Charu_19 #6
Chapter 17: Wow ,nice story ,you will continue it ? I am new here, I don't know.
woobygyu #7
Chapter 17: Ooh I was just rereading this story and I just realized that u said u will update ? I'm so happy
Chapter 17: Thanks for your update*~*
Chapter 17: Hiiiii . you’re back and i’m happy and thankful ??..
Gonna reread it again ?.. looking forward to it ?
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update. Wonder how long would it take for them to finally confess to each other. I mean it will probably clear out most of the misunderstandings. If they will at least come clean as to who like who and if its mutual. Gyu seems to be so confident in the beginning so i wonder why the shift into somewhat shy and being a cry baby. Hoping for their relationship to develop into something more. Kudos.