
Our Little Angel


I finally manage to ask Krystal on a dinner date on my own. I was nervous as hell and I hope she didn’t notice it. But who am I kidding, right? Thinking how I might have looked in front of her earlier, made me bang my head on the door frame. I never felt this embarrass in my whole life but I needed to cheer up. She said yes despite that anyway. So I quickly took a shower and put on my best clothes.

“Oh Amber Joseph Liu, you look so handsome right now man!” I talked to my own reflection in front of the mirror. “Get your Krystal tonight, okay?”

I laughed at my craziness. I am not really like this but the mix of excitement, happiness and nervousness is making me crazy. Well crazy enough to talk to my own reflection that way. I glanced on my wrist watch and it’s already quarter to 7. I hurried out but I saw Taemin standing outside my unit.

“What brings you here?” I asked him.

“I’ll take Sooyun with me.” he told me.

“I told you that I won’t agree on that.” I answered him.

“I know and I am not here to ask your permission. I’m here to inform you that.” He replied and he disappeared.


The thought of Sooyun taken away from me made me panic. I quickly grab my phone and I kept hitting the down button of the elevator. I was calling Mom but she’s not answering. It finally open and I quickly entered inside. I kept on calling her and Mom finally pick.

“Mom, where is Sooyun?” I asked her frantically.

“She’s here with me, why? Is everything okay?” Mom asked sounding worried.

“Y-Yeah, everything is okay. I’ll go there Mom.”

“Okay. I’ll text you the address. We’ll wait for you.”

I hurriedly get on my car and drove as fast as I could going there. But unfortunately, I got stuck in the traffic. I can’t even turn back. And that’s when I remembered Krystal.

“Oh !”

I dialed Krystal’s number and her phone is off. I checked my wrist watch and it’s already 30 minutes past 7. I knew that Krystal must be mad or angry right now. I kept honking on the cars ahead of me but they are not moving.


I stepped out of my car and ran away going back to the hotel. It was 3 kilometers away and I know it will take me more than 20 minutes to get there.  I’m already sweating like a pig and catching up my breath when I finally arrive in the hotel. I stepped on the elevator and took a deep breath when I’m finally standing in front of her door. I hesitated to knock but do so because I needed to see her. It was already 8:15.

“Krystal? Are you there?” I kept on knocking but nobody is answering.

I kept on knocking and knocking. I tried to call her again and I heard it ringing from the inside.

“Krystal! I’m sorry, please open the door.”I pleaded to her.

A smile was drawn to my face when she finally opened the door. She looked gorgeously stunning. She’s very beautiful. I was lost at words but then her sharp cold eyes are darting at me.

“I’m very sorry!” I bowed at her deeply.

“I should have told you that I’ll kill you once you’ll get late.” She said to me coldly. “Where have you been?”

I don’t know if I should tell her but I doubt if she would believe.

“I just had something I needed to take care of.” I answered her and she raised her brows.

“You look like a mess and you stink. Let’s cancel our date.” She said monotonously.

She was about to close the door but I blocked my foot to prevent her to do so. It kinda hurt when my foot got sandwiched between the door and the door frame. Krystal furrowed her brows while looking at me. I’m not that naïve not to sense that she’s angry and possibly hurt of what I did.

“I know I messed up but can you give me another chance?” I asked her.


Amber has done it again! He stood me up! The pain that I felt years ago came back to me. How could he do this to me? What a stupid girl I am for me to think that I am special to him. That aside from Sooyun, I am the second most important in his life. If there’s an emergency, he could always text me. Not made me wait for him to show up on my door. So I was really furious when he came. He’s already super late and I’m already hungry. I had no choice but to ask for food to be delivered in my room. This shameless guy even asked me to give him another chance.

“I had enough of you already! This is not the first time you’ve done this to me!” I raised my voice, pointing at him furiously. “You always keep me waiting and I’m so tired of doing it. I had enough of it!”

I can see the shock on Amber’s face when I snapped out. I really want to strangle him right now. What was that that is more important than me? That he needed to ‘take care of’? He stared at me with widened eyes and then he walked closer to me, cupped my chin and he kissed me. I was so surprised of what he did and I was about to push him away because I’m still mad at him but he wrapped his other hand around my waist, locking me closer to him. He moved his lips against mine and I ended up kissing him back.


Me calling his name between our kiss ended up sounding like a moan. I have never seen Amber this aggressive. His kiss is sweet and I can feel his love in it. We both heated up and he pushed me inside not breaking our kiss before he closed the door behind and locked it. I was kissing him back as the same intensity as him.  When we were inside, one thing leads to another and the next thing I knew, were already lying under the sheets on the bed.

“I can’t believe I’ve done this with you.” I said to him and he chuckled softly.

“You are my child’s mother and I am not planning to find another bearer for the others.” He spoke.

I pinched him on his side and he jolted in pain.

“That serves you right.” I laughed at his wincing face.

I stared at his face, looked deeply into his eyes and he looked back at me. He curved a loving smile and then lean closer to kiss me lovingly.

“I love you Krystal Jung Soojung.” He spoke.

“I love you too Amber Liu.” I answered and snuggled closer to him. “If I’m not Sooyun’s mother, will you still fall in love with me?” I asked as I was listening to his heartbeat.

“Of course!Besides, I do not love you because I knew that you are Sooyun’s mother.” He answered me.

“Then why do you love me?”

“Don’t ask me. Ask the one you’re listening to.”he answered and I hit him on his chest.

“Violence runs in your side of family huh?”

“Stupidity is in you only in your family. Thinking about it makes me worried about my kids.”

“Our kids.”he corrected me and pecked me on my forehead. “Are you hungry?”

“For some reason, I’m not.”

“Coz you’re full of my love.”

His corniness made me look at him and he grinned widely. I snorted and pinched his cheek.


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GEoRuth #1
Chapter 51: Woohoo. Still👍
amhar03 #2
Chapter 51: Still comeback and rereading it in 2021
amhar03 #3
Chapter 51: Still comeback and rereading it in 2021
GEoRuth #4
Chapter 51: ????
GEoRuth #5
Chapter 51: ????
Harryturtlee #6
Chapter 51: Re-reading author-nim!
Chapter 51: The best kryber ever!!!❤
AUTHOR-NIM!!!!! SOMEONE STOLE YOU'RE STORY!!!! REPORT IT!!!! GO TO WATTPAD AND SEARCH IT!!!! EXACT NAME!!! OR JUST CLICK THIS https://www.wattpad.com/user/getyourcrayon00
Loved it <3<3
bluecinds #10
Chapter 51: I hope you can write a part 2 for this ^^ this ff is super great :)