Our Little Angel



I don’t know whose child is she but she is really giving me a hard time. I don’t know how she got inside our company. Kids are not allowed to enter in here.  I let her sat in the sofa as I was pacing back and forth while thinking of what I have to do to her. I called the receptionist of my condominium but the kid kept on telling them that her parent is me and there is no report of any missing kid.


“Bill.”I called my secretary.


“Sir?”he answered quickly.


“Check for the possible missing report in the nearby police stations.” I instructed him.


“I told you, I am not a missing kid!” the little kid yelled.


“That’s what all the kids who run away say.”I retorted. “Go now, Bill.”I said as I turn to my secretary.


“Before I leave Sir, may I know her name and how old she is?”Bill questioned me.


“I’m Sooyun  Liu and I’m  five years old.” She answered which got me more confuse as well as frustrated. I look at her with furrowed brows and she met my eyes. “I’m not lying.” she continued as she rolled her eyes.


How can it be that we have the same last name? Could it be that someone had ask her to do all these stuff? I massaged my temples in frustration. I’m having a headache just because of this nonsense.


“Sir?”Bill called me.


“J-Just look for the pictures of the missing children in the police station.”I told him.


“Right away, Sir!”Bill answered and quickly left my office.


My attention was caught to the sound of the kid’s stomach. I notice a pink shade on her face and I bet she is embarrassed of the grumbling sound it made. I let out a sigh and walk to my desk. I ask for food to be delivered in my office.


“Food is on its way. Just wait for a little while.”I told her.


She didn’t respond to me but I saw her curving a smile. She just sit still and I start working on some documents. I think she got bored because she jump off the sofa and starts to roam around my office. Looking thoroughly on all the things she sees inside. I keep on glancing on her, observing her movements.


“What is this?”she questioned me curiously pointing on the  item inside the shelf.


“Music box.”I replied shortly and she furrowed her brows.


“Music box?”she questioned sounding confused. “What is that?”


I blew a short sigh and got up from my seat. I know that kids turn your answers into questions. I open the shelf and take out the music box. This reminds me of my late grandmother. She gave it to me when I was a kid. I opened it and then music played. There is a ballerina that spinning round and round in the middle of the box.


“Wow.” Sooyun said, looked fascinated on the box that I’m holding.


Seeing her happy made me somehow happy too. Our attention was transferred to someone who knocks on my door and I know it is the food delivery.


“You’re food is here.”I told her as I close the music box and put it back to where it belongs.


I head to the door and get her food. I let her eat on the coffee table. I went back to my seat and continued what I was doing. I am just hoping that this kid’s parents will not accused me of kidnapping their daughter otherwise, I will be dead.


“Appa, I’m done.” She told me. “The food is so delicious!” she continued happily.


“Good.” I answered briefly without leaving my eyes on the papers that I’m reading.


My attention was shifted to the sound of chair being dragged and I saw her pushing one stool towards the front of my desk. She then sat down on it, rest her left arm on my desk and looked on the files that I was working.


“Appa, you are not yet done?” she asked me curiously.


“Hey, I told you to stay on the sofa.” I said to her suppressing the annoyance that I’m feeling.


“But I want to know what you are doing.”she retorted with a raised brows.


“You’re disturbing me.” I remarked.


“I am not doing anything to you. I am just watching.” She answered back and rolled her eyes.


“You’re disturbing me by doing that so, go back there!” I said to her with stern voice as I pointed the sofa.


She puffed her cheeked to me. I can see the wave of annoyance in her eyes. She got down from the chair and marched her way back to the sofa and sit down. She crossed her arms and glared when she turn to me. I flinched when I saw her glaring at me. Those little sharp cold looking eyes of hers is surely intimidating.


“Finally, I’m done.” I stated and let out a sigh.


I lean back on my chair to relax myself. The little brat didn’t bother me the whole afternoon. I close my eyes for a moment to rest them and opened it again to check on the kid. I saw her lying over on the sofa. She is sleeping comfortably on it. My attention was shifted to the sound of my phone and I saw Bill’s contact name flashing on my screen.




“Sir, there is no report about her being missing in all nearby police stations.” He informed me.


“Try looking on the closest towns’ police stations.”I said to him.


“S-Seriously, Sir?” He asked me with disbelief in his voice.


“Yes! Do it ASAP!” I demanded to him.




I hang up on him. I want him to start moving than waste any minute starting an argument with me. I want to get rid of this kid as soon as possible. I am not good in handling kids. I am a hundred percent sure that she is not my daughter. She doesn’t even look Chinese to me.


“I wonder why among all the people in this state, she chose to bother me.” I mumbled to myself.

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GEoRuth #1
Chapter 51: Woohoo. Still👍
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Chapter 51: Still comeback and rereading it in 2021
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Chapter 51: Still comeback and rereading it in 2021
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Chapter 51: ????
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Chapter 51: Re-reading author-nim!
Chapter 51: The best kryber ever!!!❤
AUTHOR-NIM!!!!! SOMEONE STOLE YOU'RE STORY!!!! REPORT IT!!!! GO TO WATTPAD AND SEARCH IT!!!! EXACT NAME!!! OR JUST CLICK THIS https://www.wattpad.com/user/getyourcrayon00
Loved it <3<3
bluecinds #10
Chapter 51: I hope you can write a part 2 for this ^^ this ff is super great :)