And When The World Is Only Between Them....

...And When A Legend Is True

The group took the evening flight back to Seoul.

Mr. Manchester and Mi Nam were busy in their own seats, playing chess. They did not mind the sleeping passenger seated near the window. He Yi and Tae Kyung were probably talking or whatever, perhaps arguing a bit with that corny way of theirs. Eversince they became the couple again, Tae Kyung softened a bit, though he still had his sarcastic ways. Mi Nyu and Shin Woo were probably sleeping, for she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Amy looked at their friends being cozy with each other. She felt especially contented that her bodyguard had found a new friend in Mi Nam. Mi Nam could be very childish like Jeremy, but he was the type to get along easily with people though he can be cocky and aloof. What is? She did not know that Mi Nam just wanted to perfect his English, that's all. Then, she looked at the passenger beside her--Jeremy, who was totally dozing off. It was a good thing that both of them were in the two-seat lane. She reached out for his hand and held it. Jeremy awoke when he felt the warmth of her hand.

"Yes?" he sleepily asked.

Amy leaned close to him and kissed him on his cheeks.

"Thanks, for saving my life," she said with a smile. She knew that Mr. Manchester was paid to do it, but Jeremy saved her.

Jeremy smiled and leaned his head on her shoulder. The princess smiled and whispered, "Please don't tug my wig that much."

He suddenly awakened and brushed her hair away from her face. He looked back at her again with his cute smile, and leaned his head on her shoulder. It was good that no one still recognized her.

Jeremy was looking at their intertwined hands, and pulled her hand up to his lips for a kiss. Amy felt blood rushing to her cheeks and felt the heat all over her body. Electric sparks flew out of her heart, making her feel very giddy indeed. She could feel her knees getting weak, her mind losing all reason. Here was her ex-fiance, trying to woo her again. Of course, if given the right incentive (courting her properly), she would definitely say yes.

"Jeremy..." she whispered, unable to hold her breath.

The flight attendants were pushing food carts for passengers, and as two of them passed by their seat, the two women could not help but smile and comment to each other.

"Isn't it Jeremy-ssi?" asked the first attendant to her colleague.

"It is him," the other said. "Oh, that American girl is so lucky!"

The two sighed, and Amy looked at them, feeling awkward with the blushes on her face.

"Oh! Hello," Amy said. Of course, she did not understand what the two had been whispering, so she thought that the smoothest way to get out of that predicament was to be courteous and say hi.


Anyhow, the attendants served dinner to all passengers. When all of the passengers were satisfied, Jeremy leaned on her shoulder again. This time, Amy chuckled a bit.

"Should I be leaning on your shoulders instead?" she asked.

Without looking up, Jeremy answered. "Just let me be. I like it."

Silence filled their place. The other passengers had other business to do. Some were chatting, some were busy with whatever preoccupied them. Only the two of them were silent.

And without warning, she confessed.

"I still like you, Jeremy."

Jeremy looked up to her, his eyes locking with her gaze.

"Mwo?" he asked in disbelief.

Amy felt embarrassed having to confess first, but her embarrassment turned upside down when Jeremy smiled. It was not the childish smile that he usually throw at his peers. It was a smile full of want, happiness, anticipation, and the dream-come-true feeling.

"You only like me?" he asked. "Because I still love you."

And the world stopped. The other attendants might be bustling and hustling, and the other passengers preoccupied, but the two of them seemed deaf to the world. At this moment, in this single setting called airplane, the whole world was theirs.

"Yes, I still love you," Jeremy confessed.

Amy's face blushed to many shades of red. She could not contain her feelings, yet she kept them in check; otherwise, the other passengers might make a fuss, and some of them--God forbid, might even recognize her.

"I love you too, Jeremy. I do! I really do!" she squealed in a whisper.

Jeremy smiled a heartwarming smile at her, and stole a soft kiss from her lips. She blushed and did not insist for an intimate kiss.

"I don't want to ruin your secret," Jeremy said. For once, he was not being the clumsy snail that his bandmates knew him to be. He was not the annoying and noisy Jeremy that Mi Nam usually hated. He was no longer a boy. He was no longer the maknae. He was a man. He was a real man.

"Thank you, Jeremy," she said.

Holding her hand, Jeremy asked her. "Do you remember what I had said to you years ago? Do you still remember what it means?"

Amy thought for a while. All she knew that Jeremy had taught him a little bit of Korean.

"Michidorok saranghae (I love you like crazy)..." he said. "Yeongwonhi geudaereul saranghae (I love you forever)."

Amy smiled when he said that. It had been years since they broke up, but she did not forget those words. If Amy did not return to his life, he would have spent some lonely times pining for Mi Nyu. And he would have forgotten those promises to his princess.

Jeremy held her hand close to his chest and looked at her eyes, begging. It was not the puppy beg he usually annoys Mi Nam with. It was a lover's look, begging for another chance.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend...again?" he asked.

Amy nodded happily. She just could not contain her feelings, but she controlled it for her own security.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she rushed in saying. She was too glad indeed!

She placed her arms around him tight and thanked him profusely, with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Jeremy-oppa."

Jeremy felt great being called "oppa" not by fans, but by a girlfriend. Wait! Where did she learned that?

"Oh, He Yi taught me that," she sheepishly explained before hugging him again.

"Ya, are you crying?" he asked.

She nodded. "I am just so happy to get back with you. I never got over you, even if many princes were introduced to me."

Jeremy pushed her away slowly. "You someone else?" He could not hide the jealousy in his voice.

"No," she said.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Many princes and dukes were introduced to me, party after party, cotillion after cotillion," she confessed. "I became friends with them, but I stayed distant, because I was hoping that we could see each other again."

Jeremy smiled. "They say, if two people really are meant to meet, even if time and space will not allow, they will eventually meet."

The princess smiled. "Soulmates. Even if you were not a Korean idol, I know and I believe that we will still meet."

Jeremy nodded. It was true. He had thought that Mi Nyu was his soulmate. It turned out that, with all the events, even if she ended up with Tae Kyung, she eventually ended up with her soulmate, Shin Woo. And Tae Kyung ended up with an unlikely soulmate, He Yi. Damn! Just look at how love works! As a song goes, love moves in mysterious ways. He smiled in thought.

"Yeah, we are soulmates, destined to be together."

Amy smiled at Jeremy's comment. How could he be so cute? Then, she remembered something.

"You have an agreement with your grandfather, right?" she asked.

"Yes, but it is still a long way to go," he lamely replied. "Besides, we agreed that I would tell him what I want to be when that time comes."

"And what is it that you want?" she asked.

"Dunno, I am not sure. Maybe I'd give up being a royalty and stay in Korea for good, or I might give up being a celebrity and take my place in the royal court."

"There is still a long way to go, is it?" the princess asked.

"Yes. Meanwhile, I'd enjoy being an idol. But it doesn't mean that I will forsake you," he promised.

How sweet! Amy blushed. She realized that she became a part of his plan.

"Eventually, I will ask again for your hand in marriage," he told her. It was a long way to go. Both of them were still young, you know. But it will lead to that road--again.

"Yes, you are right," she smiled. "And when I will be back in the royal court, I will stay faithful to you even if we are worlds apart. I will try my best to even improve myself so I can be your pride."

"Huh?" the dense Jeremy came back with this answer.

"Yes, you heard it right. I want you to be proud of me," she said.

"But, I am already proud of you. What else do you need to prove to me?" Jeremy asked.

Amy smiled and related about the A.N Jell legends that Yu Ri had told her. She could not believe that Shin Woo had a fighter hidden inside him. She was amazed about Mi Nam and Tae Kyung's birth legends, thinking that those might be true, considering the cold personalities that they have. She even mused at his princess legend which was actually true.

"I want to make a name for myself, and not only for being a princess, or for being your girlfriend," she explained. "I want to be like you. I am proud to have a singer for a boyfriend. But I want to be a useful somebody whom you can be proud of."

"Like?" he asked.

Amy was grateful to Shin Woo, for teaching her how to cook barbecue. She resolved to learn how to cook.

"I want to be England's famous chef and entrepreneur," she said.

Jeremy beamed. The princess was taking up business courses, and was making her way to the top of her class. She, however, was not yet decided on what business to go for. With her short experience in Korea, she decided to take up culinary arts too. She wanted to create palatable dishes for everyone, and most especially, for her future family.

"Yes, I will totally support your endeavor. I am so proud of you, even if you are yet to fulfill it," he told her.

Amy smiled and thank her official boyfriend and leaned on his shoulder. They continued holding hands until the plane landed in Seoul.

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Enjoyed the fic! Thanks.
Shin Woo pulled a 'Go Mi Nam'! Hee. Too bad Mi Nyu found him out. That would have been interesting if she'd thought she had feelings for Yong Hwa.
(Nandiferd sniggers) Everyone is getting nosebleeds because of the cuteness of SW/MN!!!!!
that was jus amazing!!!!!!!!!1<br />
thank u . n_n
n they r together...*happy dance*
OMG!! i almost stopped breathing when they fell
shizukasenshi #7
amaw2 mani oi! hahaha!!! ngapahalata na scrpted kay naay director!!!!
aawwwwwww Shin wooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sakura_ryuu: thank you sooooooooooo much! i am finding more scenes to make the story nice ^_^
n v get to meet princess Amy too...