Heal Me: When the alpha meets the rogue




I heard different voice yelling at the back ground. My hand was being held by someone, massaging the back part, as if looking for something. When I opened my eyes, I saw a white clad man pointing needle at my vein.

I quickly snapped out of my disorientation and kicked him hard at the stomach, making him fly far ahead.

“She’s alive” I heard a female voice exclaim from behind the curtain.

Yeah im alive. Too bad huh ?

My eyes glanced around, examining my sorroundings. I was underneath the thin blanket so i pushed it in further up to my neck to cover my body. Im in a hospital and humans are around me so i cant shift to run away, plus I don’t know if my wolf can handle shifting right now. She’s exhausted, drained out of energy.

And then the curtain was pushed aside by a man in white coat and white mask.

I growled at him but then felt something weird when my eyes met his gaze. What is this gravity emanating from this man? Then his scent came dancing around my nose. He’s a shifter too but aside from that he really smell damn good.

Like chocolates, the ones that just came out from the fridge, utterly delicious, absolute heaven.

I felt my wolf jump up in excitement. What the hell’s wrong with her now ? When the white coat guy took a step forward. I used my wolf’s new found energy and growled at him as loud as i can.

No,  no, Don’t do that. My wolf whimpered as if hurt for the guy’s stake.

What are you talking about ? look at him. He clearly wants us dead!

He rosed up his palms  feigning surrender  and i hissed at him in return.

Stop that!  She yelled at me and i was left shocked. She never do that. 

No! Why don’t you shut up like you normally do ?

“Miss , calm down. Were just trying to help you. “ he said.

Yeah right. I tried to snarl at him again but seomething ached from my right. ! I just realised i broke my right shoulder .   im the luckiest girl in the world. ! I can do nothing now with a broken shoulder, so i just glared at him waiting for his next move. Blood were now flowing down on my face. Isn’t that nice, the impact of the car. Just great!

I was still glaring back at him when he removed his face mask. There i was able to see the real structures of his face. He was handsome, ike a Greek god actually. He has a perfect nose, lips so supple, so soft.

Coupled with every awesome blue eyes, a set of even and y eyebrows and top of that,  a brown hair with a few tousles wandering just above of his brows.

He’s ot a face of a heartbreaker. Yum. He has this aura around him that emanates both danger and security at the same time. A warm aura that seems like the thing that my wolf had been searching and longing for all these years because now, she’s in an absolute high.

I saw his gaze first display astonishment and then it became suddenly soft and loving. What’s wrong with him now?

Can’t you feel it Dara? He’s our mate. My wolf purred.

Mate? I felt a shiver went through my body. Fate’s must be ting with me right now. NO!  It cant  be. NO! Absolutely not! NO!!  

He took a step forward and all of a sudden 3 male nurses attcked me and pushed me down the bed, one of which was holding me harshly on my injured shoulder.

My control came crushing down as I felt pain and a shriek came out from the top of my throat. I have broken my bones many times before but I never gave myself the honor to shriek or scream aboout it up until now.  What the hell is happening to me? I crush my eyes closed, panting hard, wishing pain would go away soon.

I thought I heard growling and yelling but i can’t really give a damn now. I’m currently dealing with this piercing pain. Oh god... help me. I can feel my body limping moment after moment. I can’t really defend myself anymore. If the Demon’s close now I’ll be like a roasted meat in a silver platter waiting for him to gobble me up. Im sorry Mom and Dad I can’t protect Thunder anymore.

I heard the white coated man again, he was shouting at everyone. But, why?

“all guys get the out” I heard him say and I felt my body shivering after hearing him curse. Distress creeping me as I felt his anger. I just wanted to touch him and calm him down but i quickly shook away the thought. I just mentally slapped myself, what the hell! He is not concerned about you, nobody does and nobody will.

Then I felt my hand being touched, my defenses came back up.

“Don’t touch me!” I jerked my hand away.

“Don’t be afraid, Love. We are only trying to help you. What is your name?” the man in white coat asked.

Don’t fight it anymore Dara. Let him help us. My wolf begged

No, I have no time for this. I have to go on continue running. I can’t stay any longer in this place. You above all should know that!

I remembered the situation back home and horrible images flashed through my eyes. My little brother Thunder, laying down on the ground, looking all skin and boned from the little nourishment and heavy beatings he was receiving from The Demon’s minions. Calling out my name asking for help...I have to continue running. If The Demon discovered that I’m breaking the agreement right now, God knows what a single phone call can do to my little brother.

“Please tell me. I will never hurt you.” He brought me back to reality when he spoke. I hesitated. I know he doesn’t mean it! He’s going to hurt me like everybody else. I need to run away , NOW!

I am tired of running, Dara. Let me be in control for a while.

Before I could say anything, my wolf shove me back to the darkest part of my  head and took all control over my body.

How dare you do this to me! I snarled. Panic closing around me as i look around this dark place. Is this where my wolf has been staying all this time? No wonder we don’t have a good relationship. I had forced her to dwell in a dreadful state. But while the situation I am living right now, i dont really have any choice.

“Dara” My wolf croaked out softly, obviously not used to speaking in my voice.

When he repeated my name, I had to admit it felt so good. I felt safe and secured, things that I haven’t felt for years since my parents dies. So i let myself fall silent and watch as my wolf take the lead.

“What a beautiful name, my name is Jiyong. Im your doctor”

Jiyong. I repeated in my mind. It sounded so masculine. I like it. My wolf giggled a little and I just shrugged.

He proceeded to introduce the other two she-wolfs that were clearly looking at me in wary eyes but i only took a little sideway glances at them. I was too fixated with Jiyong for the moment, loving the way he looks at me.

I think he said something about injecting a dextrose in my hand. Im not really sure so I just nodded.

My eyes were still focused on him as he took a glance at my broken shoulder and gestured if he can touch it. I, of course, nodded.

When he touched me, its as if my whole body went to flame. I froze;a little shocked of what i just felt. Is this what it feels like touching yor mate for the first time? Wondering at what I just thought, am I really starting to believe that ‘Mates’ are true?

I watched him as he closed his eyes and inaled deeply, completely distracted by something. When he opened those gorgeous eyes back on, i noticed his glance become serious as he studied my injury.

“Dara, your right shoulder is out of place.” He began, “i have to snap it back correctly to where it belongs. It will hurt a little bit though but it need to be done.”

“ok” I said in reply as if trance by this very concerened gaze.

He curled his fingers around my arm. He was very careful, handling me softly as if I ws a very delicate thing. I saw him hesitate for a while but in a split of second, his gaze turned strong.

“in three, Ok?”

I nodded preparing myself for another surge of pain to appear. Then his grips tightened.


I felt a crack as i let out another scream with my eyes closed tight. A few moments later, i opened my eyes only to be greeted by his smile. If killer smile were real, i may have been dead by now.

“this will heal in a couple of days.” He turned around, instructed something to the nurse and returned to look down at me. “Dara...”  My wolf purred in delight. Then it caught it me, i have been in control of my body for a while now.

You have been in control all this time back when you first heard his name. Look at his effect on you, you should follow what your instincts are telling you to do, you know. My wolf chuckled.

Shut up. Was all I could reply.

“Minah is going to inject something on your dextrose. It will help on your pain. You need some rest, so please don’t be afraid to close your eyes.”

“You’ll make me sleep?” I began to panic but then my head started spinning.

“only for a few hours Love” He grinned. Curse this beautiful man for doing this! I cant afford to stay any longer. The demon! He might be close now and, Thunder...oh god...NO!

“but i shouldn’t go to....”

I haven’t even finished my sentence yet when my eyelids became heavier and I out.

Cursed this beautiful man.




















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Chapter 2: update juseyo
Chapter 18: Omg THUNDER
Chapter 12: Jeez dont force her alpha
Chapter 11: But hes dead already so we thought?
Chapter 10: Aigoo cant be apart jiyongie you miss her already
Chapter 6: He will avenge her
Update juseyo
Chapter 18: Mooooooore pleaaaaaaseu ㅜ_ㅜ
Chapter 9: Update juseyo
Chapter 18: Hope you can update.. ❤❤❤